The dagger in Ye Xiao's hand goes to Fang Jiayi's flesh. As soon as ye Xiao cuts Fang Jiayi's flesh, Fang Yuwen can't stand it.

She had hoped to fight, but when she saw her sister's meat being cut, she had turned her head!

"Asshole, take it easy!" Fang Yuwen said.

"I want to be light, but I can't find the bullet!" Ye Xiao said, "you stand behind me honestly. You can do whatever I want you to do!"

Fang Yuwen is silent!

At the moment, Fang Jiayi's teeth are biting a piece of cloth. She is trying to endure the pain!

Ye Xiao's eyes fell on Fang Jiayi's face and saw the sweat beads on Fang Jiayi's face, which showed that Fang Jiayi was suffering from great pain.

"Fang Jiayi, you are very lucky. The bullet doesn't go too deep... You should thank me. If I hadn't pushed that guy away just now, you would be dead...!" Ye Xiao is operating here, and his mouth is still wordy. "In fact, you should have thought of this kind of thing for a long time. There must be someone who wants to kill you, but why don't you bring someone here, in this case..."

"Can you shut up!" Fang Yuwen couldn't listen any more, and suddenly said, "now you're operating. Can you concentrate?"

"That's what I said for the sake of concentration." Ye Xiao Zhenzhen said with words, "this is my first operation. Do you think I can do well if I don't speak?"

"Your first operation?" Fang Yuwen said.

"Of course, I'm not a doctor. I have nothing to do with the operation." Ye Xiao said, "in fact, the operation is also very simple, that is to take things out, I don't feel much trouble...!"

"You son of a bitch, I will never spare you!" Fang Yuwen said.

"Come on, don't stand beside me and talk about it." Ye Xiao said suddenly, "give me the hot water!"

"Give me the hot water!" Ye Xiao said.

"What for?"

"Nonsense, disinfection of course!"

"Disinfection?" Fang Yuwen is the first time to hear about the use of hot water disinfection, she ran out, on the outside stove, has burned a small pot of hot water.

Fang Tianyu and Zhang Xueyao are waiting for news outside. When they see Fang Yuwen coming out, Fang Tianyu asks in a hurry, "how about it?"

"I don't know!" Fang Yuwen said, "I'll take hot water first!"

Fang Yuwen took the hot water in!

When she came in, she saw Ye Xiao holding a bullet in his hand and throwing it in the box next to him!

Fang Yuwen took the hot water and asked Fang Yuwen to clean up Fang Jiayi's wound. He went outside with a dagger. After a while, ye Xiao came back! See ye Xiao's dagger tip has been baked red!

"Get out of the way!" Ye Xiao pushes Fang Yuwen aside and presses the red dagger burning in her hand directly on Fang Jiayi's wound!

"Ah...!" Fang Jiayi suddenly gave out a cry!

Follow closely, head a slant, have no intuition!

"I... what happened to my sister?" Fang Yuwen asked in a hurry.

"Dizzy!" Ye Xiao said, "your sister is still very good, until now just fainted."

"You bastard, you..." Before Fang Yuwen finished her sentence, she heard Ye Xiao say, "OK, don't be so wordy. What are you shouting about? It's really boring!"

Ye Xiao put the dagger in the water again!

He looked at Fang Jiayi, "at least your sister can survive. Don't be wordy. Tie up the wound. As for what happens next, it depends on your sister's luck... OK, Fang Tianyu, come in!"

After ye Xiao's words, Fang Tianyu, who had been waiting for news outside, came in.

Ye Xiao comes out. Zhang Xueyao is waiting for ye Xiao outside.

Seeing ye Xiao coming out, Zhang Xueyao asked in a hurry, "what's the matter?"

"Fang Jiayi is not a simple woman!" Ye Xiao chuckled. "To my surprise, she is a cruel character. She can keep silent all the time, even if few men do it!"


There was another thunder outside!

Zhang Xueyao hugged Ye Xiao tightly, "husband, we... What will we do?"

"We'll have nothing to do!" Ye Xiao's lips kiss Zhang Xueyao's ruddy lips, "don't worry. After the rain stops, we'll go back. Now, you take off your clothes and I'll help you dry them!"

"I... how can I take it off?" Zhang Xueyao said.

"You go to the attic and give me the clothes. After I dry them, I'll send them to you." Ye Xiao said.

Zhang Xueyao nodded!

There is an attic. Zhang Xueyao goes to the attic and takes off all her clothes. She wears underwear!

She called Ye Xiao up!

"Wife, do you want to take off your underwear?" Ye Xiao asked.

Zhang Xueyao's cheek turned red, her dark eyes looked at Ye Xiao, her ruddy lips pursed, "you villain, give me my clothes..." Zhang Xueyao held out her hand to get the clothes!

Ye Xiao laughed, "it's just a joke. Don't take it seriously!"

He took Zhang Xueyao's clothes to the stove and baked them!

"Husband...!" Zhang Xueyao's voice came from the attic.

"What's the matter?"

"When can we go back?" Zhang Xueyao asked.

"I don't know. At least wait until the rain stops!" Ye Xiao said, "but don't worry. As long as I'm here, there will be no problem."

"I know..." Zhang Xueyao said.

Just when ye Xiao bakes Zhang Xueyao's clothes, Fang Yuwen comes out.

"How's Fang Jiayi?" Ye Xiao asked.

"I haven't woken up yet. Tianyu is looking after her sister!" Fang Yuwen sits beside Ye Xiao.


Just then, she sneezed.

"Take off your clothes and dry them!" Ye Xiao said.

Fang Yuwen's eyes looked at Ye Xiao, "don't you care, I know how to do it myself!"

"Fang Yuwen, I'm kind enough to remind you, don't be ignorant of good people!" Ye Xiao said, "after all, this is my second time to save your family. Won't you thank me?"

"Thank you?" When Fang Yuwen heard Ye Xiao's words, she put her lips to Ye Xiao's ear and said in a low voice, "do you want to tell Zhang Xueyao what you have done to me? I'm not afraid. I'll say you and me... "

Fang Yuwen's words have not finished, ye Xiao's hand has stretched out, covered Fang Yuwen's ruddy mouth!

"Well, I'm afraid of you." Ye Xiao surrendered.

"Just know!" Fang Yuwen's eyes looked at Ye Xiao. Suddenly, she put her lips on Ye Xiao's lips and gave her a kiss!

Ye xiaoyizheng!

He didn't prepare. He didn't expect Fang Yuwen to kiss him suddenly.

Zhang Xueyao is in the attic. If Zhang Xueyao sees this scene, she will be angry! What ye Xiao is most worried about is that when Zhang Xueyao sees Fang Yuwen kissing him, his eyes look at Fang Yuwen!

Fang Yuwen has already finished kissing Ye Xiao at the moment. Seeing ye Xiao's appearance, Fang Yuwen whispered in Ye Xiao's ear, "don't worry, I won't make it public!"

"You...!" Ye Xiao didn't know what to say, so he said, "take good care of your sister."

"I know!"

Ye Xiao dries Zhang Xueyao's clothes, and then goes back to the attic.

At the moment, Zhang Xueyao is just wearing underwear, holding her chest in both hands. When ye Xiao comes up, Zhang Xueyao's cheek turns red slightly and says in a low voice, "don't look, turn your face!"

Ye Xiao handed the clothes to Zhang Xueyao, but he didn't follow what Zhang Xueyao said, but went directly to Zhang Xueyao's side!

"I haven't seen..." Ye Xiao said.

"You...!" Zhang Xueyao glared at Ye Xiao, but she had no choice but to ignore Ye Xiao and put on her clothes.

The clothes are dry and comfortable to wear.

Ye Xiao lights a cigarette, and Zhang Xueyao sticks her body to Ye Xiao!

"Husband, we all wait like this?" Zhang Xueyao asked.

"Of course Ye Xiao said, "let's wait for the rain to stop. I think it will rain for a while. We'll think about it then."

"Husband, who are those people?"

"I guess they are all people who want to kill Fang Jiayi!" Ye Xiao said, "fortunately, there is a rain, otherwise, I don't know what will happen!"

Outside the rain is still falling, ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao they can only wait here!

Zhang Xueyao is tired, directly lying in Ye Xiao's arms fell asleep!

It's completely dark!

It rained all day, and it didn't stop until evening!

Ye Xiao also fell asleep!

When he woke up, the rain had stopped, but it was dark outside. It was more than two o'clock in the morning.

Ye Xiao looked at Zhang Xueyao beside him!

I saw Zhang Xueyao's ruddy mouth closed, and she was sleeping.

Ye Xiao gently down the attic!

The fire outside has gone out. Fang Tianyu is lying on the table. Even if ye Xiao came down, Fang Tianyu didn't wake up!

Fang Tianyu is also very tired!

Ye Xiao went to Fang Jiayi and found that Fang Yuwen was sleeping beside Fang Jiayi.

Ye Xiao took a look at Fang Jiayi. When he was about to turn and leave, Fang Jiayi suddenly opened her eyes and said in a low voice, "thank you!"

Fang Jiayi has woken up!

Just because Fang Yuwen fell asleep beside her, Fang Jiayi didn't wake Fang Yuwen up.

"Awake?" Ye Xiao asked softly.

"Yes, can you pick me up? I... I want to go to the bathroom! " Fang Jiayi said softly.

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