Ye Xiao should strike first!

He can't wait for those people to kill here. In that case, there will be only one way to die!

"How do we do it?" Fang Tianyu asked.

Fang Jiayi is now injured and has no fighting capacity.

As for Zhang Xueyao, she only knows some self-defense skills. If she really starts, Zhang Xueyao's combat effectiveness is average. As long as Zhang Xueyao doesn't take off her hind legs, ye Xiao will thank Zhang Xueyao very much.

As for Fang Yuwen, although she has some skills, she is a girl after all. Now it's a critical time. We can't let Fang Yuwen take risks.

In case of negligence, Fang Yuwen may die.

In fact, ye Xiao doesn't want Fang Yuwen to have an accident. He doesn't want Fang Yuwen to participate in such a dangerous thing!

Only Fang Tianyu and ye Xiao have combat power here.

"This needs planning!" Ye Xiao took a cigarette and looked at Fang Tianyu, "you need to listen to my command. By the way, turn off all your mobile phones now!"

"What for?" Fang Yuwen asked!

"Nonsense, of course, to prevent problems!" Ye Xiao said, "it's night now, and those guys are chasing here. I don't rule out what positioning system they have. Maybe some of us have mobile phone problems!"

"Ye Xiao, what do you mean?" As soon as Fang Yuwen heard Ye Xiao's words, her eyes looked directly at Ye Xiao, "you mean some of us deliberately told those people the location!"

When ye Xiao heard Fang Yuwen's words, he just took a puff.

He didn't affirm it, but he didn't deny it either.

In fact, ye Xiao's attitude itself is tacit.


Fang Yuwen's hands suddenly hit a row of tables.

"Ye Xiao, don't go too far. Among these people, none of our brothers and sisters can have any problems. Those people want to kill our brothers and sisters. How can we tell them our whereabouts?" Fang Yuwen said, her eyes looking directly at Ye Xiao, "it's you. You are an outsider. How can I guarantee that you don't want to tell those people our whereabouts? How can I be sure that you are not with them!"

As soon as Fang Yuwen said this, Zhang Xueyao was already angry.

"Fang Yuwen, what do you say? My husband saved your life. Now you doubt my husband! " Zhang Xueyao is very angry.

She can bully Ye Xiao, but never allow others to bully Ye Xiao.

When Zhang Xueyao said this, ye Xiao began to laugh.

"Xueyao, don't be angry. Anyone will talk nonsense at this time!" After hearing Fang Yuwen's words, ye Xiao is not angry, because ye Xiao knows Fang Yuwen's mood at the moment.

Fang Yuwen had never met such a dangerous time before, although she had also met danger, but that time could not be compared with now! But the trap, the other side is to want their lives, Fang Yuwen nervous is normal.

"Yuwen, don't talk nonsense." Fang Jiayi's weak voice came!

"Sister...!" Fang Yuwen quickly helps Fang Jiayi.

Fang Jiayi came over and sat on the chair.

"This time thanks to Ye Xiao. If it wasn't for ye Xiao, we would have died long ago." Fang Jiayi said, "in fact, if we really want to live, we will all listen to his arrangement in the future."

"Sister, but she suspects us..."

Before Fang Yuwen finished her sentence, Fang Jiayi had interrupted her, "he didn't doubt us, but for us to survive. Now, take off your and Tianyu's mobile phone batteries, and then drop my mobile phone."

As soon as Fang Jiayi said this, ye Xiao couldn't help saying, "don't do this, just turn off the mobile phone!"

"It must be done. Since you suspect that someone has done something wrong on the mobile phone, we should do it more thoroughly!" Fang Jiayi's eyes flashed a very firm light, "any mistake we make now can lead to death, I can die, but they can't die. Ye Xiao, you promise me that no matter when, you must let Yuwen and Tianyu live, I can die for them!"

"Sister, you can't say that." Fang Tianyu and Fang Yuwen suddenly began to talk.

"Shut up Fang Jiayi said, "do you forget what I said to you? As long as I live one day, you must listen to me, don't talk to me

Fang Yuwen and Fang Tianyu are really afraid of Fang Jiayi. When Fang Jiayi's words come out, they are both honest and dare not speak!

Ye Xiao sighed, "Fang Jiayi, you are just too strong to do this... Forget it, it's your Fang family's housework, and it has nothing to do with me, I still don't worry about you!"

Ye Xiao talks and takes out his mobile phone.

He took the battery off!

"I really don't understand. Just take down the battery. Why waste it? Throw away the mobile phone too..." Ye Xiao said with a smile.

Zhang Xueyao also according to Ye Xiao said, the mobile phone battery off!

After all these things were done, ye Xiao continued, "Tianyu, we two go out and ambush outside. The rest of us stay here!"

"No way!" Fang Yuwen said, "I...!"

Before Fang Yuwen finished, he heard Ye Xiao say, "OK, you can stay. Tianyu, come with me. We will study tactics!"

"Hello, I...!"

Fang Yuwen shouts, but ye Xiao and Fang Tianyu have already gone to one side. They don't want to waste time at all.

Third uncle, you can't lose this time!

Now that he has started, he must win!

Once Fang Jiayi does not die, Fang Jiayi will not let him go. At that time, the person who may die is him!

Third uncle knows this very well.

Fang Jiayi is a woman who is not easy to provoke. Over the years, the reason why Fang Jiayi can take charge of the Fang family and let the Fang Group become bigger and bigger is that Fang Jiayi is a woman who does things without hesitation!

He is bold and intelligent.

In fact, such a woman is very terrible. In fact, the third uncle has been dissatisfied with Jiayi for a long time, but has not found a suitable opportunity.

This time, he thought it was an opportunity!

The chance to kill Fang Jiayi completely. If you miss it, there will be no next time.

Because this time is particularly important, absolutely can not fail, so, three uncle just made two hand preparation!

Ah Hua is his strongest man. So far, at least, ah Hua has never failed. Last time, ah Hua cleanly killed the black tiger, leaving no clues to the police!

This makes the third uncle particularly satisfied!

This time, he let a Hua take people to the past, is hoping that a Hua can simply do Fang Jiayi!

Although the third uncle thinks that ah Hua has a great chance of success, he can't make any mistakes, so he has a second plan!

This plan is that he personally takes all the people in the past. Once a Hua fails, they can block Fang Jiayi and directly kill her!

Ah Hua really failed!

Although the third uncle is very disappointed, he has a second plan after all!

He has GPS!

You can locate Fang Yuwen's mobile phone.

The heavy rain successfully prevented the third uncle from pursuing. If it wasn't for this heavy rain, it's very likely that he would have killed Fang Jiayi long ago!

But it doesn't matter.

Just after the rain stopped, the third uncle came with people.

Third uncle locates Fang Jiayi's whereabouts through GPS, and finds that Fang Jiayi has not moved all the time. That is to say, Fang Jiayi always stays in the same place when it rains.

However, when the third uncle was almost there, the GPS signal disappeared!

"Boss, what shall we do? Ah Hua went back to the third uncle from the front. Just now, a man accidentally rolled down the hillside. As a result, he rolled into the gully and was soon carried away by the fast current.

Along the way, at least three people were injured because the mountain road was too difficult to walk.

Two of them were swept away by the water, and their lives were uncertain!

The third uncle doesn't care about these. His goal is only Fang Jiayi. As long as he can kill Fang Jiayi, no matter how much he will pay!

"I think Fang Jiayi is hiding around here!" Third uncle sneered, "Fang Jiayi never thought that her people would kill her. Li Ziyang is a very insidious man. After I kill Fang Jiayi, I will kill him when I go back. I don't want anyone to do this to me!"

At the moment, in a seaside high-rise residential building in Zhonghai city!

Holding red wine in his hand, Li Ziyang sat by the bed in his comfortable pajamas. His eyes were looking at the sea view outside.

A mobile phone rang!

Li Ziyang answers the phone.

A slightly old voice came, "Ziyang, at present Fang Jiayi has no news, I think Wang Sanyuan has killed her!"

"Don't jump to conclusions like this!" Li Ziyang said faintly, "Fang Jiayi is not so easy to die. This time, although I have been prepared for a long time, I did something in Fang Yuwen's stupid mobile phone, but I'm worried that even if Wang Sanyuan can know Fang Jiayi's position, it may not be able to kill Fang Jiayi. So, we still need to wait... Prepare, I'll start later!"


"Yes Li Ziyang said lightly, "if Fang Jiayi dies, then I will take the opportunity to kill Wang Sanyuan. But if Fang Jiayi doesn't die, if I have the chance, I will kill Fang Jiayi... She asked for all this."

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