Ah Hua is now being held at the temple by Ye Xiao!

As soon as ye Xiao shoots, ah Hua is finished. http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d

He can't dare to talk, can only carefully answer Ye Xiao's question, worried that ye Xiao a not happy, shot to his life.

He just saw Ye Xiao shoot, and knew that ye Xiao was a cruel master.

"You said Wang Sanyuan was behind you?" Ye Xiao asked.

"Yes A Hua said cautiously, "the boss asked me to bring people here first!"

Ye Xiao's brow slightly a wrinkly, "how do you chase here?"

"Third uncle has a position!" Ah Hua said.


When ye Xiao heard this, his heart suddenly moved. Before that, ye Xiao had already felt strange. It's reasonable to say that under such circumstances as now, Wang Sanyuan certainly didn't have the confidence to send people to chase him, because he might not catch up with others.

But Wang Sanyuan still brings people here, which is enough to show that online Sanyuan really has tracking and positioning!

That's what he worries about the most!

Maybe someone is really helping Wang Sanyuan.

Ye Xiao thought of the previous thing, he suspected that someone around Fang Jiayi wanted to do it.

Of course, ye Xiao did not have full evidence and did not know who the man was.

Fang Jiayi has to deal with this matter in the end!

Now what ye Xiao has to do is how to get rid of Wang Sanyuan.

Wang Sanyuan is the mastermind of all this. As long as Wang Sanyuan is solved, it will be over.

When ye Xiao hesitated a little, he suddenly heard a voice coming from the side. Although the voice was very light, ye Xiao heard it.

"Someone!" Ye Xiao suddenly turned the muzzle of the gun to the direction of the sound.

I saw a man with a knife in his hand and was quietly touching it. This guy was hiding nearby. Ye Xiao just looked at ah Hua at that time! As a result, this guy thinks that the opportunity has come. He wants to sneak out and attack Ye Xiao from behind.

However, when he just moved, ye Xiao had already heard the sound, and the muzzle of the gun turned around!


Ye Xiao shot without hesitation.

At this critical time, a little hesitation will kill you.

Ye Xiao is not like those so-called good people in TV dramas. What kind of law should he pay attention to at this time! Law is not used here. The ultimate purpose of law is to maintain fairness and social stability.

But now, ye Xiao just wants to live. If he can live, no matter how much he kills.

Ye Xiao shot without hesitation!

After one shot, the man fell to the ground.

At such a distance, ye Xiao can be killed with one shot.

However, this is a homemade pistol, not a normal bullet. Even so, ye Xiao still killed this guy with one shot.

But at this moment, ah Hua has already started

Although a Hua seems to cooperate with Ye Xiao, a Hua also knows that his life can only be controlled in his own hands. It's wishful thinking to expect Ye Xiao to let him go!

He just showed the appearance just to make ye Xiao careless, now, he found the opportunity.

Suddenly raised his hand, a hit in Ye Xiao's hand!

Ye Xiao's gun fell to the ground.

At the moment, ah Hua has rushed to Ye Xiao. At the same time, he shouts, "kill this guy quickly!"

"You want to die..." Ye Xiao was furious at that time.

Just when ah Hua pounced on him, ye Xiao's right hand had already grasped the dagger he was carrying. Just for a moment, the dagger had penetrated into ah Hua's heart!

Ah Hua thought that he was very powerful. He had expected to attack Ye Xiao after he knocked him down. As a result, he did not expect that ye Xiao would be so fierce. Although he was knocked down, ye Xiao had already pulled out a dagger when he fell down, which was a dagger into ah Hua's heart!

Ah Hua's eyes suddenly widened!

He couldn't believe it. Looking at all this, ah Hua didn't believe he died like this.


Ye Xiao and a Hua fell to the ground.

At the moment, those people have guns and knives in their hands!


The gun rang, and those who got it didn't care. They didn't care that ah Hua and ye Xiao were together, just shooting.

After the gunshot, suddenly quiet down!

Everything became quiet.

Ye Xiao doesn't move!

The remaining five people slowly lean towards Ye Xiao and a Hua. They want to make sure they have killed Ye Xiao.

When they just got here, they saw a Hua's body lying on the ground, covered with bullet holes! The blood is flowing out from those bullet holes. It looks bloody. It's not scary.

But ah Hua is the only one here, ye Xiao is not here!

"He's not dead...!" A man with a gun just cried out, he felt a cold throat!

He can't speak any more.

This guy's throat has been cut open by Ye Xiao with a dagger!

Ye Xiao didn't care whether the guy was alive or dead. After he cut the guy's throat, he grabbed the guy's gun!


The gun went off!

The screams continued to ring.

In this silent night, it is particularly clear and far away.

At the moment, Wang Sanyuan and others have come to the front of the cabin.

This small wooden house is the place displayed on the GPS positioning, and it is also the last place where Fang Jiayi disappeared.

Wang Sanyuan is sure that Fang Jiayi is here!

He is standing here with people. Wang Sanyuan doesn't care what happened to ah Hua. Now he just wants to kill Fang Jiayi.

"Fang Jiayi, come out, I know you are here!" Wang Sanyuan had a cigarette in his mouth. He stood in front of the cabin and said in a loud voice.

There is no sound in the cabin!

Wang Sanyuan said with a smile, "Fang Jiayi, you really don't have to hide anymore. I know you are here!"

When Wang Sanyuan finished his sentence, he finally heard Fang Jiayi's voice.

"Third uncle, what are you doing?" Fang Jiayi didn't show up. Her voice just came over.

Wang Sanyuan heard Fang Jiayi's voice, he laughed, "I knew you would not die so easily, but it doesn't matter, I will kill you soon!"

"I don't seem to have a grudge with you. Why do you want to do that?" Fang Jiayi said.

"You asked me why I did it? Fang Jiayi, I should ask you all this! " Wang Sanyuan said coldly, "you asked your younger brother to help the boy named Ye De, the purpose is to want me to go in. Unfortunately, I'm not easy to get in. This time, you didn't kill me, so I have to kill you first!"

"I don't know about my brother." Fang Jiayi said.

"Come on." Wang Sanyuan said coldly, "don't think I don't know you want to kill me long ago. In fact, as soon as the old ghost Fang died, I thought I could stand out, but I didn't expect you to stand up again. Fang Jiayi, as long as you die, your industry is mine!"

"Don't dream!" As soon as the door of the cabin opened, she saw Fang Jiayi with the help of Fang Yuwen!

Now Fang Jiayi doesn't look very good, but she has had an operation!

Originally Ye Xiao asked Fang Jiayi to hide in the cabin, but now Wang Sanyuan has arrived here, Fang Jiayi will not stay in the cabin to die! She knew that Wang Sanyuan would not spare their Fang family. No matter she or Fang Yuwen, Wang Sanyuan would not let them go!

But Zhang Xueyao is different. Zhang Xueyao is not a member of their Fang family.

Wang Sanyuan is not sure that there are people in the cabin, so Fang Jiayi asks Fang Yuwen to help her out. In this way, once she and Fang Yuwen are dead, Wang Sanyuan will stop!

As long as Zhang Xueyao doesn't show up, Wang Sanyuan will not think that there are still people in the cabin, and Zhang Xueyao may still live!

This is Fang Jiayi's plan!

She finally showed up!

When Wang Sanyuan saw Fang Jiayi's face, he laughed, "Fang Jiayi, I didn't expect that you would die in my hands one day!"

"Do you really think you can kill me?" Fang Jiayi faces Wang Sanyuan without any fear!

Her eyes are firm!

At the moment, Fang Jiayi is full of domineering spirit, which fully shows the temperament of the helmsman of her Fang family!

"What's the matter? Do you think I can't kill you with so many people? " Wang Sanyuan laughed triumphantly.

There are at least eighteen people behind him!

But Fang Jiayi only has two people, moreover Fang Jiayi has also been injured, looks like in Wang Sanyuan, oneself may kill Fang Jiayi easily.

"Not necessarily!" Fang Jiayi said lightly, "I dare to come out because I believe you can't kill me!"

"What a joke Wang Sanyuan sneered, "Fang Jiayi, I'm so conceited. It's a pity to kill your sisters like this, but there's no way. If you escape, I'll be in danger. I'll have to start first!"

Wang Sanyuan said, as soon as he reached out, he had already taken out the gun.

"I'll do it myself, Fang Jiayi. You should be very glad to die at my gunpoint!" Wang Sanyuan spoke and took a step in front of Fang Jiayi. However, as soon as he took a step, he heard a clear shot!

A man standing beside Wang Sanyuan was shot!


The man's body fell to the ground!


Another shot!

Wang Sanyuan flashed to the side in a hurry. As a result, another man standing beside him was shot!

"Someone...!" Wang Sanyuan yelled. He quickly dodged aside and hid.

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