With a cigarette in his mouth, ye Xiao comes to Zhou Xinming.

"What did you say?" Zhou Xinming's eyes looked at Ye Xiao.

"I said I didn't expect you to save people!" Ye Xiao took the cigarette out of his mouth. He held the cigarette in his right hand and looked at the man standing at the edge of the building. A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. "Isn't it just to save someone? It's up to me! "

As ye Xiao just stepped forward, Zhou Xinming reached out and grabbed Ye Xiao's arm, "what are you doing?"

"Help Ye Xiao said lightly, "aren't you here to save people?"

"Don't make a fool of yourself. If you have something to say, go back and say it!" Zhou Xinming doesn't believe Ye Xiao's words. In Zhou Xinming's eyes, ye Xiao has never done anything to save people except hurting people at ordinary times!

She was really worried that ye Xiao would push the man downstairs!

"Xinming, you have to believe me, I am a man with lofty ideals, my lifelong goal is to save people!" A serious expression appeared on Ye Xiao's face, as if he were such a person.

Fortunately, Zhou Xinming knows Ye Xiao, and she doesn't believe Ye Xiao's words!

"Get out of the way. You're not allowed to fool around here."

As soon as Zhou Xinming said this, he heard Ye Xiao humming coldly, "I'm not joking. Xinming, if you delay like this again, I think that guy will really fall down the stairs!"

"How could it be?" Zhou Xinming said coldly, "we have informed his wife to come. When his wife comes, he will come down!"

"You are so naive." Ye Xiao lips slightly a pie, "if his wife is willing to appear, can still wait until now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you understand me? Obviously, the man's wife didn't want to show up. I guess either the man beat his wife or his wife ran away with the man. In any case, his wife won't appear! " Ye Xiao lips slightly a curl, "if make like this again words, make this man mood a excitement, really will jump down!"

When Zhou Xinming heard Ye Xiao's words, her lips slightly pursed. What ye Xiao said is not unreasonable.

"What about that?" Zhou Xinming asked.

"That's a good question." Ye Xiao said with a light smile, "you finally asked the right person."

"Don't talk to me. What are you going to do?" Zhou Xinming stares at Ye Xiao.

"Simple, I'll go and save him and it's over!" Ye Xiao put it lightly. He put his cigarette in his mouth, took a puff, took it down, and spat a puff in front of Zhou Xinming!

Zhou Xinming stepped back two steps and glared, "you bastard, do you want to die..."

When Zhou Xinming said this, ye Xiao had already walked towards the man.

"You stop and don't go any further, otherwise, I'll jump down..." When the man saw Ye Xiao walking towards him, he quickly pointed to Ye Xiao and yelled, hoping to stop him!

But ye Xiao didn't pay any attention to the man. He walked in front of the man.

"Friend, if you really jump down, then your wife will sleep with other men. Do you really want to see such things happen?" Ye Xiao said faintly, "if you want to, of course I won't stop you. You can jump directly...!"

When the man heard Ye Xiao's words, his eyes widened. He pointed to Ye Xiao and said, "don't tell me this. I know you policemen want me to come down, so I won't be fooled! In a word, I can't see my wife today. I will never come down. If you come here again, I will jump down immediately. "

The man here is more emotional!

When Zhou Xinming heard the man's words, her heart became nervous!

Seeing ye Xiao walking towards the man, Zhou Xinming scolds Ye Xiao many times in her heart.

In Zhou Xinming's opinion, ye Xiao's purpose is to stimulate the man to jump!

However, even if Zhou Xinming is worried, she has no way to stop Ye Xiao!

"I like your saying..." Ye Xiao heard the man's words, he chuckled, "if you want to jump, I can help you..."

"To help me?" This man is stunned!

He didn't understand what ye Xiao meant.

In this man a Leng of time, leaf Xiao's body suddenly moved up, suddenly rushed to that man!


The man let out a sad cry!

Obviously, he never thought that ye Xiao would come.

You know, he's standing on the side of the building. If he's not careful, he'll fall downstairs!

He has always been very careful. In fact, he doesn't want to die. He just hopes to find his wife in this way.

As a result, ye Xiao pounced on him.

At this time, even if he wants to come down, it's too late.

Ye Xiao has jumped in front of the man!

Ye Xiao's hands open, hugged the man, his face with a mysterious smile!

"Don't you want to die? I'll satisfy you... " Ye Xiao sneers and pours down the man!

Two people fell off the stairs!

"Ye Xiao...!"

Zhou Xinming suddenly called out.

Zhou Xinming never thought that ye Xiao should do such a thing,.

Zhou Xinming's head is blank. She is watching Ye Xiao fall from the upstairs. At this moment, Zhou Xinming felt her heart fell down with Ye Xiao.

It's a seven story roof!

Once people fall from the roof, the chance of survival is very small.

Zhou Xinming yelled, and the first one rushed over.

She went to the floor and looked downstairs!

On the air cushion downstairs, ye Xiao and the man rolled several times on the air cushion and finally stopped.

The man had been scared silly, lying on the air cushion motionless, like a pool of mud.

But ye Xiao has already stood up at the moment, is raising his hand, waving his arm at Zhou Xinming upstairs, "Xinming, I said, this thing is left to me, this guy has nothing, at least it is safe at present!"

"You son of a bitch, I can't spare you!" Zhou Xinming was relieved when she saw that there was nothing wrong with Ye Xiao downstairs! Just now, because I was worried about ye Xiao, I was thinking about ye Xiao, and my head was blank.

Now that ye Xiao has nothing to do with her, Zhou Xinming's heart is filled with anger.

This nameless fire let her two hands tightly hold together, lips clench, hurried downstairs!

Just downstairs, ye Xiao is talking and laughing with Wang Yang with a newly lit cigarette in his mouth.

Zhou Xinming comes to Ye Xiao in a hurry.

"Xinming...!" Ye Xiaogang said this, but did not expect that Zhou Xinming suddenly raised his right foot and gave Ye Xiao a hard kick!


Ye Xiao is unprepared and is kicked to the ground by Zhou Xinming.

Ye Xiao's buttocks are heavily sitting on the ground.

At the moment, Zhou Xinming's eyes seemed to be on fire. She went directly to Ye Xiao's body and pointed at it with her right hand, "you remember, if there is another time, we will break up with each other. I swear I will never know you!"

With these words, Zhou Xinming turned around and walked towards her car!

Wang Yang is totally silly. He has been following Zhou Xinming for a long time. He hasn't seen Zhou Xinming so angry as now.

Now Zhou Xinming looks very scary.

Wang Yang was too scared to speak.

Ye Xiao sits on the ground. When Zhou Xinming walks to the car, ye Xiao stands up, pats his buttocks with his hand, and says, "this kick is really heavy. Fortunately, my buttocks are strong. Otherwise, my buttocks will fall into four pieces."

Wang Yang quickly went to Ye Xiao's side and said in a low voice, "brother ye, our team leader seems to be really angry. I've never seen her so angry."

Ye Xiaoxin actually understands why Zhou Xinming is angry. Just now Zhou Xinming kicked him, which makes Ye Xiaoxin very happy. Zhou Xinming did this because he was worried about him. In Zhou Xinming's heart, he had his place.

However, ye Xiao certainly won't tell Wang Yang these words, he laughed, "I also know to make her angry, but it doesn't matter, I go to coax her!"

"Brother ye, be careful." Wang Yang reminds Ye Xiao.

Zhou Xinming's kick was very heavy just now. Wang Yang secretly congratulated himself that it wasn't on him. If it was him, he would still be lying on the ground!

"I know!" Ye Xiao's hand stretched out and patted Wang Yang gently on his shoulder, "I'm going!"

"Brother ye, if you go to the hospital, I will go to see..."

"Bullshit Ye Xiao's lips curled and went after Zhou Xinming.

Zhou Xinming doesn't pay attention to Ye Xiao. She clearly hears Ye Xiao calling her, but Zhou Xinming still gets on the police car. When ye Xiao comes, Zhou Xinming has left in the police car!

"It's a lot of fun now..." Ye Xiao didn't expect that Zhou Xinming would be so angry. He thought that after Zhou Xinming kicked him, the anger would disappear. He didn't think that Zhou Xinming didn't want to calm down at all.

Ye Xiao watched Zhou Xinming leave in a police car. He also got on his car and caught up with him.

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