When Fang Yuwen came out wrapped in a bath towel, ye Xiao looked at Fang Yuwen and said with a smile, "are you tempting me?"

"Whatever you think!" Fang Yuwen light said, "and you say something?"

"What's the matter?" Ye Xiao asked.

"After Li Ziyang comes, make out with me!"

"What?" Ye Xiao was stunned. He thought he had heard wrong.

"I said wait for Li Ziyang to come here. You can fake my boyfriend and make out with me. That's not too much!"

Ye Xiao's eyes looked at Fang Yuwen's pretty face, "I just feel strange, why do you want to do this?"

"Because I don't like him." Fang Yuwen said lightly.

"If you don't like him, just refuse. What's the point?" Ye Xiao said.

"Because..." Fang Yuwen didn't finish her sentence. She had come to Ye Xiao and suddenly sat on her legs. Her hands were around her neck and her lips were on Ye Xiao's lips!

Ye Xiao did not expect Fang Yuwen to do so!

When Fang Yuwen stepped on him, ye Xiao was stunned!

After a kiss, ye Xiao looks at Fang Yuwen, "what are you doing?"

"I said, I'm sick!" Fang Yuwen said, "it's Acacia."

"No kidding."

"It's true!" Fang Yuwen said seriously, "I don't know why, I always think of you."

"Fang Yuwen, I have other things...!" Ye Xiao this sentence has not finished, Fang Yuwen once again hugged him, lips stick up!

It is undeniable that Fang Yuwen is very attractive to Ye Xiao!

If it's not in Fang Yuwen's home, ye Xiao may be really out of control, but if Fang Jiayi sees it, it's bad. Ye Xiao still can't help it!

He pushed Fang Yuwen away and picked up Fang Yuwen!


Ye Xiao throws Fang Yuwen on the bed.

"Stop fooling around!" Ye Xiao said.

Ye Xiao said, turning to leave, but at this moment, suddenly heard Fang Yuwen with questioning tone said, "do you like my sister?"

"What do you mean?" When ye Xiao heard Fang Yuwen's words, he turned around again.

Ye Xiao originally wanted to leave Fang Yuwen's room, but when he heard Fang Yuwen's words, ye Xiao stopped again, his eyes looking at Fang Yuwen!

Fang Yuwen is thrown on the bed by Ye Xiao. The bath towel wrapped in her body spreads out, revealing her snow-white thighs!

Fang Yuwen is too lazy to wrap the bath towel again. Her lips are clenching and her watery eyes are looking at Ye Xiao. "Don't you know?"

"What do I know?" Ye Xiao is at a loss. He doesn't know what Fang Jiayi is talking about?

"I said, do you like my sister?" Fang Jiayi repeated this sentence again.

"I don't know what you're talking about? How can I fall in love with your sister? I have a bad relationship with your sister. You don't know this! Why did you suddenly ask me this question? What do you want me to say? "

Fang Yuwen hears Ye Xiao's words, her eyes sweep on Ye Xiao's face. Fang Yuwen is confirming whether ye Xiao is telling the truth. When Fang Yuwen's eyes fall on Ye Xiao's eyes, ye Xiao's eyes have no meaning to avoid, so they meet Fang Yuwen's eyes!

At that moment, Fang Yuwen moved her eyes away.

"Well, I'm sure you don't like my sister, but..." Fang Yuwen said here, a little pause, and then said, "but my sister is in love with you."

"Ah..." Ye Xiao hears this sentence, he is slightly a Leng, "rain Wen, don't take this joke, be careful if let elder sister know, beat you can't get out of bed!"

"My sister said it, not me. I have nothing to worry about!" Fang Yuwen's eyes look at Ye Xiao.

"What did your sister say to you?" Ye Xiao asked.

"No, I overheard it when I went to see my sister in the hospital this morning." Fang Yuwen said, "my sister called others and mentioned you. She said that she likes you a little bit."


When Fang Yuwen said this, ye Xiao had already laughed.

Ye Xiao this smile, on the contrary, Fang Yuwen to laugh silly, Fang Yuwen's eyes looked at Ye Xiao, "what are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at you!" Ye Xiao said.

"Laugh at me? What's wrong with me? "

"I guess your sister did it on purpose!" Ye Xiao said, "she must know that you are eavesdropping outside, so she said it on purpose!"

"What's her purpose?" Fang Yuwen asked.

"It's easy to stop you from contacting me." Ye Xiao said, "don't forget, I'm a man with a fiancee. I know that if you get in touch with me, it won't come to a good end. If you're just friends, maybe your sister won't worry. But obviously, you don't feel like an ordinary friend. I believe your sister's purpose is to stop you from feeling with me, Now you understand your sister's good intentions...! "

"But my sister took the initiative to kiss you last time. What does that mean?" Fang Yuwen asked.

"Then you kiss me, too."

"I... I like you!" Fang Yuwen suddenly stood up, her bath towel had fallen off from her body, and her attractive body appeared in front of Ye Xiao. Fang Yuwen raised her pretty face, looked at Ye Xiao with her dark eyes, and said, "I never deny that I like you. Although I know there will be no result with you, I am willing to go on like this!"

Ye Xiao swallowed his saliva!

He is a normal man, see now Fang Yuwen, ye Xiao inevitable heart impulse!

Still, he held back.

"Yuwen, listen to me..."

Ye Xiao this sentence has not finished, Fang Yuwen has hugged Ye Xiao's neck, lips stick up!


Ye Xiao did not stand firm, the body fell behind, the result and Fang Yuwen suddenly fell to the ground!

"Dying...!" Ye Xiao fell to the ground, his brow frowned tightly, looked at Fang Yuwen who was pressing on him, "I'll let you kill me sooner or later!"

"I didn't do anything."

Fang Yuwen said so, but she already understood.


Fang Yuwen burst out laughing.

"Did you really respond?" Fang Yuwen said with a smile.

"Nonsense, I'm a normal man. It's normal to have a reaction." Ye Xiao's hand patted on Fang Yuwen's hip, "get up and put on your clothes. Don't you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend? I promised it

"I won't get up!" Fang Yuwen pressed on Ye Xiao's body, her dark eyes looking at Ye Xiao, "I still have questions to ask you, you have to answer honestly!"

"What's the problem?"

"Do you like me?" Fang Yuwen asked suddenly.

"Don't be kidding, I'm going to get up...!" Ye Xiao said.

"You look me in the eye!" Fang Yuwen's eyes looked at Ye Xiao, "your honest answer, do you like me or not?"

"I... I like you!" Ye Xiao said.

His eyes looked at Fang Yuwen's eyes, eyes did not escape!

Fang Yuwen's eyes stare at Ye Xiao's eyes. Suddenly, she nods her head with satisfaction. "Well, I believe you are telling the truth. Well, you still have a little conscience. Otherwise, I can't spare you!"

Fang Yuwen talks and gives Ye Xiao a kiss!

"This is a reward for you... But now you have to close your eyes and stop looking at me!" By this time, Fang Yuwen knew she was shy. She was angry just now. Fang Yuwen didn't expect that her sister also liked Ye Xiao. She felt that her sister was fighting with her for ye Xiao, as if she wanted to take everything away from her!

But after hearing Ye Xiao's words, Fang Yuwen felt that she might have misunderstood her sister.

On the other hand, she confirms that ye Xiao doesn't like her sister, but after she likes her, Fang Yuwen feels comfortable in her heart.

Fang Yuwen is dressed!

After wearing, let Ye Xiao open his eyes.

"How beautiful...!" When ye Xiao saw Fang Yuwen wearing a white skirt, his eyes lit up and he said, "it's so beautiful. You should wear it like this. You must be fascinated by men!"

"Do you like me now or just now?" Fang Yuwen's lips were slightly pursed and her cheeks were flushed.

"It's still as beautiful as before!"

"Sure enough, men are all false animals!" Fang Yuwen chuckled!

Fang Yuwen takes Ye Xiao's arm and comes out of the room. Li Ziyang will come to see Fang Yuwen next time. Fang Yuwen asks Ye Xiao to make love with her, which is to ask Li Ziyang not to have any more attempts on her!

However, just as they came out, they saw a man standing in the living room!

This man is standing in the living room with his back to Fang Yuwen. At the moment, he is looking at a picture hanging in front of him!

At the foot of this man, there is a black travel bag, which is bulging. I don't know what's in it.

When Fang Yuwen and ye Xiao came out, the man just turned his face and saw Fang Yuwen!

The man and Fang Yuwen smile and say hello, "Yuwen, Hello!"

When Fang Yuwen saw the man, her eyes widened.

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