Zhang Xueyao and Xu Jing obviously know each other!

Zhang Xueyao refused Xu Jing's request.

Ye Xiao is her subordinate. She certainly has the right to decide. As the group's vice president in charge of sales, Zhang Xueyao can decide who will cooperate with Xu Jing!

"I don't want Ye Xiao to help you with your work. I'll arrange for someone else." Zhang Xueyao said.

Xu Jing had long thought that Zhang Xueyao would have such an attitude. When Zhang Xueyao said this, Xu Jing didn't feel strange. She still had a shallow smile on her face. "Zhang Xueyao, chairman Zhang has agreed to our request. If you don't agree, I will go with Zhang..."

Before Xu Jing's words were finished, Zhang Xueyao had interrupted Xu Jing's words, "I'll decide this matter. Even if my father agrees, but I don't agree, ye Xiao won't cooperate with your work. Manager Ye, do you think so?"

Zhang Xueyao looks at Ye Xiao beside him. At the moment, ye Xiao is sitting next to Zhang Xueyao. He has not yet understood what happened between Zhang Xueyao and Xu Jing. But from Zhang Xueyao's attitude, Zhang Xueyao doesn't like Xu Jing very much.

"Wife, you're right." Ye Xiao said.

Last time, Zhang Xueyao had warned Ye Xiao not to call her wife in the company.

Now, ye Xiao shouts Zhang Xueyao's wife in front of Xu Jing. Zhang Xueyao is not angry, but has a proud smile on her face.

"Xu Jing, you must have heard that manager ye will not cooperate with your work. I will arrange other people to cooperate with you. That's it!" Zhang Xueyao stood up and seemed to leave.

But Xu Jing suddenly said, "Ye Xiao, remember what we did in the club..." As soon as Xu Jing said this, Zhang Xueyao's face changed. Her dark eyes looked at Ye Xiao. Two cold lights fell on Ye Xiao's face. "What's the matter?"

"I don't know what she said!" Ye Xiao looked at Zhang Xueyao, "wife, you have to believe me, I am innocent..."

"Ye Xiao, how can you turn your back on others! At that time, our relationship in the club was not so bad, otherwise we would have asked vice president song to testify. " Xu Jing said here, took out the mobile phone, that way to call song Tiannan!

At this moment, Zhang Xueyao stamped her feet and said to Ye Xiao, "I don't care!" With these words, Zhang Xueyao turned and left.

"Wife..." Ye Xiao shouts his wife. Zhang Xueyao doesn't mean to stop. In a flash, she has left here.

Ye Xiao turned his face to Xu Jing. His eyes looked directly at Xu Jing's pretty face. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything, I just feel like it's fun!" Xu Jing stood up, her eyes looking at Ye Xiao's face, "forget to tell you, Zhang Xueyao doesn't like me very much, because she is not as beautiful as me...!"

When ye Xiao heard this, he opened his mouth and made a very exaggerated expression. His eyes swept on Xu Jing's face. "Now I know what people look like when they don't want to face. Xu Jing, even if you are thick skinned, you can't be so thick. You are completely shameless now!"

Ye Xiao's words are hard to hear. He is a little angry now. Xu Jinggang just said that and made Zhang Xueyao angry. I'm afraid Zhang Xueyao really thinks that there is something unclear between Ye Xiao and Xu Jing.

How can ye Xiao not be angry with Xu Jing!

When he talks, his attitude is naturally not good.

When Xu Jing heard Ye Xiao say this, she was not angry. She still had a smile on her face.

"It doesn't matter, I'm not angry!" Xu Jing said, "now, you'd better think about how to coax Zhang Xueyao... Oh, by the way, if you don't deserve to work with me, then I will often come to chat with you. Maybe, I will say something else to Zhang Xueyao. Anyway, I don't care!"

"Xu Jing, is that interesting?" When ye Xiao heard Xu Jing's words, his eyes looked at Xu Jing.

"Of course it's interesting." Xu Jing chuckled, "it's my greatest pleasure to see you and Zhang Xueyao unhappy!"

Xu Jing said this and stood up. "There is still work to do in the TV station. Recently, leaders from the province will come to Zhonghai city for inspection. Of course, the female anchor of this TV station has to prepare. Manager Ye, this is my business card. You can call me... Oh, if you want my home phone, you can also take the initiative to ask me. I may not give it to others, But you and I will give it for sure

Xu Jing's eyes look at Ye Xiao's face. She is looking forward to Ye Xiao's angry appearance at the moment. Xu Jing believes that after her sarcastic remarks just now, ye Xiao will be very angry!

In particular, she handed her business card to Ye Xiao, who would tear it off on the spot.

But to Xu Jing's surprise, after ye Xiao saw Xu Jing's business card, he not only didn't tear it, but put it away instead!

"And the phone?" Ye Xiao asked suddenly!

"Telephone? What call? " This time, Xu Jing feels strange. Her dark eyes look at Ye Xiao!

"Of course, it's your home phone. Didn't you just say you wanted to give me your home phone? Why don't you tell me! "


Xu Jing didn't expect that ye Xiao would ask for her phone number. In fact, she didn't mean to give it to Ye Xiao at all. Just now, she said that she was mainly teasing Ye Xiao and wanted to see ye Xiao angry. But she didn't expect that ye Xiao really took it seriously and asked for her phone number!

"No!" Xu Jing said, "don't you worry about me telling Zhang Xueyao?"

"Whatever!" Ye Xiao's hand holding a cigarette, he sat in front of Xu Jing, cross his legs, "anyway, just now you have wronged me, it's better to tell me your phone, in this case, I was wronged in vain!"

"You are cruel!" Xu Jing stares at Ye Xiao, "let's wait and see!"

Xu Jing finished this sentence and walked away.

Ye Xiao looks at Xu Jing's back, and a light smile appears at the corner of his mouth.

"A real woman with a story..." Ye Xiao murmurs that at this moment, Zhang Xueyao's phone call suddenly comes. Ye Xiao jumps up as soon as he sees Zhang Xueyao's phone call. He is calm just now, but now ye Xiao is worried!

"Wife, what's the matter?" Ye Xiao asked in a hurry.

"Where are you?" Zhang Xueyao said.

"I'm after you!"

"You don't want to come with that shameless woman, really?" Zhang Xueyao said.

"No, it's impossible... Wife, I'll be right here!" Ye Xiao put down the phone and ran after it.

Zhang Xueyao is standing at the door of the elevator. She is waiting for ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao ran over. He came to Zhang Xueyao and said with a smile, "wife, didn't I wait for you just now?"

"My orders?"

"Yes Ye Xiao said quickly, "I'll wait for my wife to call me!"

"Come on!" Zhang Xueyao stares at Ye Xiao, "come to my office and explain to me what happened between you and Xu Jing."

Ye Xiao followed Zhang Xueyao to the office!

Zhang Xueyao sat down on the sofa, her legs up!

When ye Xiao was about to sit beside Zhang Xueyao, he heard Zhang Xueyao say, "go out and pour me a cup of coffee and come in!"

"Good!" Ye Xiao quickly agreed.

When he went outside, he saw that Feng Liang was about to come in with a large stack of documents in his hand. Ye Xiao deliberately stood in front of Feng Liang!

"Manager Ye, what's the matter?" Feng Liang's eyes looked at Ye Xiao.

"Nothing..." Ye Xiao said!

Just as Feng Liang was about to enter Zhang Xueyao's office, ye Xiao suddenly said, "I can warn you that it's my wife. You are not allowed to give my wife any advice. Otherwise, you'll have good fruit to eat!"

"Aren't you Feifei's boyfriend?" Asked Feng Liang.

"It's none of your business!" Obviously, ye Xiao didn't want to talk to Feng Liang about it!

Feng Liang smiles and whispers, "Manager Ye, Feifei and I are alumni. I admit that this time I came to Zhongtian Group because Gu Feifei is here!"

When Feng Liang's words came out, ye Xiao's eyes were just staring, "I knew you didn't have a good heart. Remember what I just said!"

"Don't you mean to tell me not to think about vice president Zhang? I can promise you, I really don't have the idea of a vice president! "

Feng Liang's words make ye Xiao's lips open. Ye Xiao didn't expect that Feng Liang could say so. He underestimated Feng Liang before! As ye Xiao said, there is no good thing for Xiaobai. Feng Liang is a Xiaobai.

"I'm talking about all the women in the group. Don't make up your mind!"

When ye Xiao's words were just finished, the 50 year old aunt who was in charge of cleaning in the group was coming here. Feng Liang pointed to the aunt and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that manager ye had such a heavy taste. I really can't accept such a heavy taste!"

"You... You little boy..."

Ye Xiao's hands stretched out consciously and grasped Feng Liang's clothes on his chest.

At this moment, the door of Zhang Xueyao's office suddenly opened, and Zhang Xueyao appeared at the door of the room!

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