"Husband?" Ye xiaoyizheng!

He didn't expect Zhang Xueyao to call his husband suddenly. He thought he had heard it wrong!

"Get out of here, I want to work!" With these words, Zhang Xueyao lowered her head and stopped looking at Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao smile, "wife, you have a rest early, don't get tired, if a person can't sleep, remember to come to me!"

Zhang Xueyao clearly heard Ye Xiao's words, but Zhang Xueyao lowered her head, as if she didn't hear ye Xiao's words!

Ye Xiao came out of his study. He went downstairs to find Du Hanshuang.

Du Hanshuang is waiting for ye Xiao in the back room of the villa!

In the empty room, Du Hanshuang was the only one standing there.

Ye Xiao pushed open the door and came in. He saw Du Hanshuang standing there!

"It looks like I've been waiting for a long time..." Ye Xiao came in and closed the door. "The sound insulation of this room is good. Even if you shout your throat here, no one will help you!"

"No need!" Du Hanshuang said coldly.

Ye Xiao has come to Du Hanshuang, he deliberately twitched his nose, "good smell... Du Hanshuang, I now found that you are also a woman!"

Du Hanshuang is still that cold appearance, did not pay attention to Ye Xiao this sentence!

"Stop talking nonsense and do it..." Du Hanshuang stepped back two steps, she put forward a confrontation posture, "s, use all your skills, let me see, how powerful are you?"

"Do you really want me to do all I can?" Ye Xiao looked at Du Hanshuang and said with a light smile, "is this OK?"

"Why not? Don't think I'm not your opponent! " Du Hanshuang said coldly, "I never think I'm inferior to men!"

"Yes, of course I know you are very good..." Ye Xiao said with a light smile, "but before we compare, let's make sure our bet. If you lose, you will kiss me, right?"

Du Hanshuang didn't say a word!

She has acquiesced in Ye Xiao's statement without saying a word, that is to say, if Du Hanshuang loses to Ye Xiao, Du Hanshuang will kiss Ye Xiao! It may be easy for other girls, but it is not easy for Du Hanshuang.

However, since she agreed, she would do it. This is Du Hanshuang's personality!

Ye Xiao saw that Du Hanshuang didn't deny it. He nodded with satisfaction, "very good, Du Hanshuang, I like your personality, very direct!"

"Don't talk nonsense, do it!" Du Hanshuang said coldly.

"Wait a minute, at least let me warm up..." Ye Xiao said, kneaded his hands in front of Du Hanshuang, moved his head, and twisted his ass!

Du Hanshuang stood in front of Ye Xiao, her dark eyes staring at Ye Xiao coldly!

"Are you all right?" Du Hanshuang asked suddenly.

"Du Hanshuang, do you feel my butt is very sexy..." Ye Xiao said, and twisted his ass again!

"Disgusting Du Hanshuang said.

"It doesn't matter to know that you are jealous of me..." Ye Xiao said with a smile, "if you are interested in me, just say it directly, I...!"

Before ye Xiao finished his sentence, Du Hanshuang finally couldn't help it!


Her right hand clenched her fist and ran to Ye Xiao's face!

This fist is very powerful. If it hits Ye Xiao's face, ye Xiao's nose will be crooked!

"Damn it, you are so cruel!" As soon as ye Xiao saw Du Hanshuang move his hand, he flashed to the side and easily avoided Du Hanshuang. "We can't stop playing Taijiquan... Or dancing!"

Du Hanshuang hears Ye Xiao's words and ignores them!


Du Hanshuang's right foot kicked again, this time she is sweeping over, the target is Ye Xiao's waist! If this foot sweeps Ye Xiao's waist, it will definitely sweep Ye Xiao away!

"It's dark!" Ye Xiao saw Du Hanshuang's hand, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth!

Ye Xiao didn't evade, but suddenly rushed to Du Hanshuang!

Du Hanshuang's speed is fast, but ye Xiao's speed is faster!

Ye Xiao is in front of Du Hanshuang. Before Du Hanshuang makes a response, ye Xiao's fist has hit Du Hanshuang in the chest.

This is what Du Hanshuang said. He wants Ye Xiao to do his best. If ye Xiao doesn't, Du Hanshuang must think ye Xiao is perfunctory!

In fact, Du Hanshuang is a very difficult role to deal with. If ye Xiao doesn't do his best to deal with it, Du Hanshuang will suppress Ye Xiao!

Facing Du Hanshuang, ye Xiao didn't dare to take it lightly!

His fist was also full of strength. Although Ye Xiao didn't use all his strength, if Du Hanshuang was hit by Ye Xiao, she would fly out!

"Be careful...!" Ye Xiao reminds Du Hanshuang!

Du Hanshuang face is still no expression, although Ye Xiao's fist has come, but Du Hanshuang did not escape!

"No...!" Ye Xiao thought that Du Hanshuang would give way when he hit him with this fist, but now he saw Du Hanshuang's expression, and he knew that he was wrong. Du Hanshuang didn't mean to give way at all, so he could only say that Du Hanshuang also did it!

Ye Xiao subconsciously rolled back out!

That is, ye Xiao's reaction is fast enough. If ye Xiao slows down, Du Hanshuang's hand will reach Ye Xiao's crotch!

Originally, Du Hanshuang had thought that ye Xiao would come to this hand. When ye Xiao came to Du Hanshuang, Du Hanshuang's hand had already clenched his fist! Ye Xiao's fist on Du Hanshuang will blow Du Hanshuang away, but if Du Hanshuang's fist on Ye Xiao, ye Xiao will be sent to the hospital!

Du Hanshuang is very overcast!

Du Hanshuang is secretly attacking Ye Xiao's crotch!

As we all know, the crotch is the most vulnerable part of a man. No matter how powerful a man is, the crotch is his Achilles' heel, which can't be protected at all. Any man will feel unbearable pain after a heavy blow to his crotch.

Ye Xiao is no exception!

He was quick enough just now, otherwise, ye Xiao must be lying on the ground and shouting now!

Ye Xiao dodges Du Hanshuang. He is in a cold sweat!

"I said Du Hanshuang, what are you doing?" Ye Xiao's eyes looked directly at Du Hanshuang's face, "you just almost abandoned me?"

"I told you to do your best!" Du Hanshuang heard Ye Xiao's words, she said coldly, "when you face the enemy, will you let the other party show mercy?"

"Well, that's what you said!" Ye Xiao's lips bit, "Du Hanshuang, don't think you are a woman, I will let you, this time, you are really irritating me, I will let you know my real terrible place!"

"Whatever, I'm not afraid of you!" Du Hanshuang said coldly, "s, I just told you, what I need is you to do your best!"

"Hum!" Ye Xiao stepped back and said, "Du Hanshuang, you will regret that you let me do my best...!"

Ye Xiao's momentum is totally different from just now!

Just now, ye Xiao still put on the appearance of a diao'er Lang, and didn't pay attention to Du Hanshuang. But now ye Xiao has changed, and his body is filled with a terrible murderous air!

After Du Hanshuang felt Ye Xiao's terrible murderous spirit, she subconsciously stepped back two steps!

Du Hanshuang is not an ordinary girl, she is also highly trained, she also killed people, but Du Hanshuang in the face of Ye Xiao, but feel her momentum is completely suppressed by Ye Xiao!

Now ye Xiao is very terrible!

"Du Hanshuang, it seems that if I don't let you see my real ability, you won't be afraid of me!" Ye Xiao said, "now, I will let you know my terrible... Do it!"


As soon as ye Xiao finished his sentence, he had come to Du Hanshuang.

Ye Xiao's speed is very fast, fast let Du Hanshuang almost did not see clearly how ye Xiao came over.

Du Hanshuang just felt a murderous attack, she had subconsciously made a response!

Du Hanshuang suddenly dodges to the side. She can't tell the current situation clearly. She wants to avoid Ye Xiao's strong attack first!

But Du Hanshuang underestimated Ye Xiao.

She just flashed over half of her body, and ye Xiao's fist was in front of Du Hanshuang.


Ye Xiao hit Du Hanshuang's shoulder with a fist!

Du Hanshuang's body flew out at once!

Ye Xiao took another step and came to Du Hanshuang. He wanted to attack Du Hanshuang while he hit him!

But Du Hanshuang is not an ordinary person, just when Du Hanshuang was punched by Ye Xiao, Du Hanshuang's foot had been kicked over!

Du Hanshuang kicked Ye Xiao!


Du Hanshuang's body suddenly fell on the ground, but ye Xiao was standing in the same place, the silk did not move!

"Du Hanshuang, who trained you?" Ye Xiao's eyes looked directly at Du Hanshuang lying on the ground, "who told you to fight like this? You know I'm better than you. It's ridiculous that you want to beat me in strength. Today, I'll be your instructor. I'll give you a good training lesson... Stand up and come again!" Ye Xiao said coldly.

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