Ye Xiao and Du Hanshuang return to their seats!

After dancing just now, Du Hanshuang sat down and took the beer. He opened his mouth and drank another bottle at a time!

"Good fellow, you must be drunk tonight!" As soon as ye Xiao saw Du Hanshuang's drinking method, he knew that Du Hanshuang would be drunk tonight!

"I'm not drunk. Come on, let's keep drinking!" Du Hanshuang flopped and sat down in Ye Xiao's arms. Her right hand was around Ye Xiao's neck, and her other hand was holding beer. "This wine is not strong enough. We drink foreign wine. What's the name? Russian, especially strong wine...!"

"Vodka!" Ye Xiao said.

"Yes, vodka!" "We'll drink vodka," said Du

"That wine is very strong. If you drink it, you will get drunk!" Ye Xiao reminds Du Hanshuang.

"You don't have to say, I know." Du Hanshuang said, "you promised me that if I was drunk, you would carry me back!"

"All right!" Ye Xiao nodded, he did promise Du Hanshuang, Du Hanshuang since want to drink wine, that ye Xiao can only accompany Du Hanshuang.

Vodka and whiskey again!

These are foreign wines with high degree. If you drink a little, you will get drunk.

Ye Xiao follows Du Hanshuang's mind this evening. Since Du Hanshuang wants to drink, ye Xiao follows Du Hanshuang's mind.

"Come on, let's drink..." Du Hanshuang poured a glass of wine, her eyes looked at Ye Xiao, "tonight, we don't get drunk or go back..."

"If I get drunk, who will take you back!" Ye Xiao just poured a small cup, "want me to say we go back to drink, no matter how much you drink, I will accompany you!"

"I don't want to..." Du Hanshuang said, "I'm a bodyguard, the best bodyguard. If Zhang Xueyao sees me like this, how can she protect her in the future? Don't we have an agreement? I'll be the same Du Hanshuang tomorrow!"

"I see!" Ye Xiao put his hand on Du Hanshuang's buttocks, pinched it, and said, "drink it. It's a big deal. We're both drunk here!"

"Good!" Du Hanshuang agreed without hesitation.

A bottle of vodka soon drank more than half of it. Du Hanshuang's drinking method really scared Ye Xiao!

Du Hanshuang is not drinking, but drinking water.

If you just drink low alcohol, that's OK. It's vodka, which is known as the strongest wine. If Du Hanshuang drinks it like this, he will definitely drink something!

Ye Xiao took Du Hanshuang's wine cup and said, "well, it's almost time for us to go back."

"I haven't had enough, come again!" Du Hanshuang is drunk now. Her pretty face is flushed with drunkenness. Her eyes are half open and half closed. She can't pronounce clearly when she speaks!

"You're drunk!" Ye Xiao said.

"No, I'm not drunk!" Du Hanshuang insisted, "I'm very sober now. I've never been so sober as I am now!"

"People who are drunk are like this. No one who is drunk will ever say that he is drunk." Ye Xiao pulls Du Hanshuang's hand, "go, let's go home now!"

"No!" Du Hanshuang shakes her hand and wants to pull it out of Ye Xiao's hand.

But ye Xiao held Du Hanshuang's hand tightly, "what's the trouble? If you drink too much, you'll go back immediately!"

"I...!" Du Hanshuang also wants to say something, ye Xiao's hand has been raised, facing Du Hanshuang's butt is hard!

Pop! Du Hanshuang's buttocks have been beaten heavily by Ye Xiao.

"Still noisy, be honest with me!" Ye Xiao says already can't help but say to drag Du Han frost to walk toward outside.

Just as ye Xiao and Du Hanshuang came to the door of the bar, they suddenly heard someone shouting behind them, "so I want to leave...!"

As soon as ye Xiao heard that voice, he knew it was Du Xiaoyi!

This guy is still looking for trouble!

Ye Xiao and Du Hanshuang stop, only to see a group of people rush up and stop Du Hanshuang and ye Xiao at the door of the bar!

With a cigarette in his mouth, Du Xiaoyi and some of his friends came to the front.

Du Xiaoyi drank a lot of wine. He walked up to Ye Xiao and spat on him. He swore, "son of a bitch, you think you just scolded me and want to go? There is no door. You don't want to see me. Who is Du Xiaoyi? How dare you provoke me! You really don't want to live

Ye Xiao put his hand around Du Hanshuang's waist, and his eyes fell on Du Xiaoyi's face. His lips turned slightly and said with a sneer, "young master Du, you are looking for your own business. It seems that you have forgotten what I taught you two days ago!"

"Bah, ye, don't do this. I'm not afraid of you. Two days ago, I just gave you face. I didn't want to make a big deal of things. As a result, you were so good that you stepped on your nose!" Du Xiaoyi swears, "if I don't let you suffer tonight, I'll give you my last name...!"


Du Xiaoyi's words just came out, and he had been punched in the face.

Du Hanshuang's right hand clenched his fist and looked at Du Xiaoyi drunk. "It's very annoying. What's the noise? If you want to start, you can move it directly!"

Just now that is Du Hanshuang hit!

Du Hanshuang is straightforward. He doesn't want to talk to Du Xiaoyi at all. He just punches him!

Du Hanshuang hit Du Xiaoyi's face with this fist, and at that time, he hit Du Xiaoyi's nose askew!

Du Xiaoyi let out a scream, he yelled, "hit me... Kill them!"

As soon as Du Xiaoyi's people heard Du Xiaoyi's words, they rushed up at that time. There were at least 20 of them. They were all the people Du Xiaoyi called to abolish Ye Xiao! However, before they start, Du Hanshuang has already beaten Du Xiaoyi.

"Well done!" Ye Xiao saw that Du Hanshuang had moved his hand, and he gave a thumbs up to Du Hanshuang!

"Cut the crap and do it for me!" Du Hanshuang is different from the past. She is drunk. Drunk women are crazy, and Du Hanshuang is no exception. Now Du Hanshuang doesn't care about anything, just wants to vent her anger!

Just worry did not find the opportunity to vent, the result of Du Xiaoyi has been sent to the door, Du Hanshuang just use these people to vent her depression in the heart!

Ye Xiao didn't expect that Du Hanshuang would shout like this. Although he knew that Du Hanshuang was drunk now, he didn't expect that Du Hanshuang would shout "mother"!

Sure enough, drinking also depends on the quality of wine. Du Hanshuang is a beauty who has no wine. She is normal at ordinary times, but once she drinks, she has no wine at all! Ye Xiao now understood why Du Hanshuang didn't drink at ordinary times. He was worried that once he drank too much, his temperament would change greatly!

Women often have two sides. The more docile a girl is, the more terrifying she will be after her madness! Similarly, the more calm a woman is, the more crazy she is!

Du Hanshuang is really going crazy now. She sees that her right foot has been lifted up and suddenly kicks a man's crotch.

The most vulnerable part of a man is his crotch. No matter how strong a man is, once he is attacked at his crotch, the man will lose his fighting power. Of course, a few men are exceptional, but ye Xiao is not the kind of exceptional man. He is most worried about being attacked at his crotch.

When Du Hanshuang kicks at the man's crotch, ye Xiao feels the same. Seeing that the man screams, ye Xiao subconsciously covers his crotch, as if worried that Du Hanshuang would treat him the same way.

"What are you doing? Do it!" Du Hanshuang yelled at Ye Xiao, "did you let me clean up all of them?"

Ye Xiao said quickly, "I'll do it now, but I didn't react just now!"

Ye Xiao's right foot has also been kicked in the past, kicking a man in front of him!

"Brother, you are lucky. If you let Du Hanshuang kick you, you will have no fun in your next life!" After ye Xiao kicked this guy off, he didn't forget to mumble a few words, but the guy couldn't hear it. After ye Xiao kicked the unfortunate guy off, his head hit the wall, and he was knocked unconscious!

After ye Xiao kicked the boy, he suddenly heard the wind coming from behind. It was something coming! Ye Xiao heard the wind, toward the side is a flash, as a result, a stick has been hit from his body in the past, if not ye Xiao just hide in time, the stick has hit Ye Xiao's body!

"NIMA, I'm looking for death with the guy!" Ye Xiao is very angry when he sees that this guy has moved him. What ye Xiao dislikes most is that someone sneaks on him with a guy. If he fights openly, ye Xiao will leave some affection for his subordinates. At least he won't be too cruel, but he won't be too polite to such a person!

After he escaped this guy's attack again, ye Xiao had already clasped the young man's arm and hit his right knee!


The young man's arm had been broken by Ye Xiao!

A sad cry came out of the young man's mouth. Ye Xiao didn't care about this guy. In Ye Xiao's opinion, this guy found all this by himself. If this boy didn't take this guy, ye Xiao wouldn't take such a heavy hand. Ye Xiao doesn't blame him for all this!

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