Ye Xiao did not expect to receive a call from Fang Jiayi at this time!

Fang Jiayi has lived in the hospital since she was injured last time. Ye Xiao only went to see her once. After that, he never met Fang Jiayi again!

For Fang Jiayi this woman, ye Xiao or deliberately keep a distance, he also don't understand in the end Fang Jiayi gourd sell what medicine! Many of Fang Jiayi's actions are incomprehensible to Ye Xiao. What's more, ye Xiao has an unclear relationship with Fang Yuwen. If the relationship with Fang Jiayi is unclear, it will be a big trouble!

In fact, what ye Xiao is more worried about is that Fang Jiayi will cause him a lot of trouble. If Fang Jiayi is just an ordinary woman, ye Xiao may not have any worries, but Fang Jiayi is not simple. Although Fang Jiayi is the chairman and President of Fang's group, secretly, Fang Jiayi has a reputation on the road and is a daunting woman!

"It's a headache. How did you call me..." Ye Xiao is holding the phone in his hand, he mutters!

Originally, ye Xiao didn't want to answer the phone, but after a little hesitation, he still answered the phone!

As soon as ye Xiaogang answered the phone, Fang Jiayi's voice came from the phone. "It seems that you don't want to answer my phone?"

"No!" Ye Xiao denied.

"Don't lie to me!" Fang Jiayi said faintly, "I can feel it. My sixth sense is always accurate!"

"This has something to do with the sixth sense. What am I doing now?" Ye Xiao said.

"Drive Fang Jiayi said directly.

"You heard...!" Ye Xiao said, "but I haven't driven yet. I'm about to drive... Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Come and see me!"

Fang Jiayi said this directly.

Ye Xiao was stunned. He thought he had heard it wrong. How could Fang Jiayi say it directly!

"What did you say?" Ye Xiao asked.

"Come and see me!" Fang Jiayi repeated another sentence.

"Fang Jiayi, I heard right...!" Ye Xiao said, "do you want me to see you? Don't you think I can? "

"I think so!"

"Damn it Ye Xiao's words just happened to be just a slip of the tongue. She didn't expect Fang Jiayi to say them directly. Fortunately, Zhang Xueyao wasn't around him. If Zhang Xueyao heard these words, she wouldn't be able to make trouble with Ye Xiao for a long time!

Ye Xiao said hastily, "Fang Jiayi, don't make such a joke. It's easy for me to take such a joke seriously?"

"That's really good. I miss you!" Fang Jiayi's words are very direct, "come and see me!"

"Are you too direct? I have something else to do today...! " Ye Xiao said.

"I'll see Zhang Xueyao then!" Fang Jiayi said, "just in time, I remember that when we were on the mountain, there were some things she didn't know. If we all told her, I don't know what she would think. It doesn't matter to me, but you are not sure!" Fang Jiayi said.

"Are you threatening me?" Ye Xiao asked.

"Whatever you want!"

"Well, I'm not afraid of threats!" Ye Xiao said coldly, "Fang Jiayi, don't think it's useful for you to threaten me. I won't be afraid... Now I'll go to see you. Remember, I didn't go to see you because I was threatened by you. You just said you miss me. I'll give you some face!"

"Whatever you want!" Fang Jiayi said.

Fang Jiayi finished this sentence and hung up the phone!

"You are too arrogant a woman..." When ye Xiao heard that Fang Jiayi had hung up the phone, he also put it down and complained, "it's you who are looking for me, but now it's like I'm looking for you. It's not like that..."

Although Ye Xiao is very unconvinced, he still drives to the hospital to see Fang Jiayi!

This is not for fun. Last time in the mountains, something happened between Ye Xiao and Fang Jiayi. If Zhang Xueyao knew about those things, it would be amazing!

In the hospital ward, Fang Jiayi is talking to Fang Yuwen with a phone in her hand!

Fang Jiayi's tone of speaking to Yuwen is totally different. She is a parent's tone of teaching people!

"Yuwen, you're not allowed to go out recently. You'll listen to Longwu!" Said Fang Jiayi!

"No way!" Fang Yuwen said, "why should I be forbidden to go out? I'm not a three-year-old!"

"Something will happen recently. Just don't go out!" Fang Jiayi said coldly, "it's not a joke with you. In short, it's no use calling me. You're not allowed to go out, or you're not allowed to go out!"

"Well, I'm going out. I'm not a child!" Fang Yuwen hung up the phone.

Fang Jiayi, holding the phone in her hand, sighed when she heard the voice of hanging up from the phone!

Fang Yuwen is always a child in her heart. No matter how old Fang Yuwen is, in Fang Jiayi's heart, she is the little girl who still follows her with a runny nose! She wants to protect Fang Yuwen. She has to protect Fang Yuwen all the time!

Fang Jiayi took out a cigarette and stuffed it into her mouth!


She started the fire with a lighter. Just at this moment, she heard Ye Xiao's light laughter coming from the door, "you're all injured and smoking. I think you're going to stay in the hospital for the rest of your life..."

Hearing Ye Xiao's voice, Fang Jiayi closed the lighter, took down the cigarette in her mouth and looked at Ye Xiao. "You came very quickly. It seems that you are really afraid that Zhang Xueyao knows about us..."

Ye Xiao has come over. Hearing Fang Jiayi's words, ye Xiao laughs, "you think too much. I was near your hospital when you called me. I wanted to come and see you!"

"Really?" Fang Jiayi's eyes look at Ye Xiao.

"False!" Ye Xiao sat down beside the bed, his right hand stretched out, felt out a cigarette and put it into his mouth!

Fang Jiayi is holding a lighter in her hand. When she sees Ye Xiao taking out a cigarette, she lights the fire!


A fire seedling is beating in front of Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao put the end of the cigarette into the fire seedling, took a puff of the cigarette, and then said, "Fang Jiayi, some jokes can't be played around!"

"For example?" Fang Jiayi asked.

"You miss me!"

When ye Xiao said this, Fang Jiayi's face even appeared a rare smile, her ruddy lips pursed, originally leaning on the wall of the body suddenly inclined to Ye Xiao, "what I said is true!"

The breath from Fang Jiayi's mouth pours on Ye Xiao's face. I don't know why, ye Xiao feels a mass of heat in her abdomen. Ye Xiao's hand reaches out and embraces Fang Jiayi's waist!

"Don't you know you're tempting me now?"

Ye Xiao's words just came out, and Fang Jiayi had a mysterious smile on her face. "It seems that your hand is on me. Do all your men like to say that? They say that women tempt you, but they are eager to throw themselves in your arms!"

"I'm afraid of you...!" Ye Xiao's hand released, he was about to get up, but at this moment, Fang Jiayi's hand is a grasp of Ye Xiao's hand, "so to go?"

"Why don't you go?"

"Do you really hate me so much?" Fang Jiayi asked.

"I don't like it. I'm just curious."

"Curious?" Fang Jiayi's lips slightly pursed, her eyes as deep as autumn pool looked at Ye Xiao, "what's your surprise?"

"Your relationship with dragon five..."

Ye Xiao's voice did not fall, Fang Jiayi's face is a change, a sense of killing floating between the eyebrows, "how do you know?"

"It seems that I really talked about your heartache..." When ye Xiao saw Fang Jiayi's appearance at the moment, he was not afraid, but excited. If Fang Jiayi only treated Ye Xiao as she did just now, ye Xiao would not be able to deal with Fang Jiayi, but now it is different. Although Fang Jiayi shows her intention of killing, it is nothing more than to scare others. It is a joke to scare Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao's big hand had already left Fang Jiayi's waist, but now, ye Xiao put Fang Jiayi in his arms. His lips are very close to Fang Jiayi's!

"You want to die now." Fang Jiayi said coldly, "before you, no man dares to do this to me. All the men who make up my mind will die!"

"Since I'm doomed to die, it's better to let me die happily..." When ye Xiao hears Fang Jiayi's words, he is not afraid. Instead, he sticks his lips tightly to Fang Jiayi's. in this ward, ye Xiao kisses Fang Jiayi's lips!

Fang Jiayi didn't move. She was just kissing by Ye Xiao!

After a kiss, ye Xiao's lips are separated from Fang Jiayi's!

Ye Xiao, who had just forced a kiss on Fang Jiayi, had a smug smile on his face. "Fang Jiayi, I've already done this. How are you going to kill me?"

"I'll kill you, but not now!" Fang Jiayi said coldly!

"It's boring...!" Ye Xiaosong opened his hand, "Fang Jiayi, if you move hands with me, I have some interest, but now, you make me feel very boring!"

"Do you want to hear about me and dragon five?" Fang Jiayi asked coldly.

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