Ye Xiao drove to tianbai building!

The place Zhang Lishan told him just now is located on the 16th floor of tianbai building, which is a very famous business club.

Ye Xiao's car just stopped, and his phone rang. Ye Xiao saw that the phone was from Gu Feifei, and he answered the phone.

Gu Feifei's voice came from the phone, "when are you going back to the Department?"

"What for?" Ye Xiao said with a smile, "don't you miss me?"

"What else can I do if I ask you to sign?" Gu Feifei heard Ye Xiao's words, she said coldly, "you are the general manager of the Department. As a result, I am the deputy general manager to do everything, as if I was the boss here!"

"You're the boss...!" Ye Xiao said with a smile.

"Come on, there are some things I have to discuss with you. In a word, come to the company as soon as possible." Gu Feifei said.

"I see. I'll go back to the company after I've dealt with the matter in my hand!"

"Oh, one more thing..." Just as ye Xiao was about to hang up, Gu Feifei suddenly said, "thank you!"

"Thank you? Thank me for what? " Ye Xiao asked.

"Of course you helped that poor girl...!" Gu Feifei said, "I know you and Zhang Xueyao said that, otherwise, Zhang Xueyao would not help that girl in the name of the group...!"

"You really misunderstood Xueyao. It's Xueyao's idea. I didn't help." Ye Xiao said with a smile, "in fact, you have many misunderstandings about Xueyao. Xueyao has always been very kind. Her heart is not as cold as it seems!"


"Of course it's true!" Ye Xiao said.

"Then... Say thank you to her for me." Gu Feifei said.

"Feifei, that's your fault. You should say thank you to her in person." Ye Xiao said, "you are Gu Feifei. Can't you even do this?"

"Who... Who said I couldn't do it? I just didn't figure out how to do it!" Of course, Gu Feifei won't admit it. She said, "I'm busy first. I won't talk to you."

Gu Feifei hung up the phone.

Ye Xiao heard the voice of hanging up the phone, he laughed! Obviously, Gu Feifei is a little embarrassed. In fact, Gu Feifei has a good face. Obviously, this time, Gu Feifei feels that Zhang Xueyao is good. She wants to thank Zhang Xueyao, but she is also worried about face. She doesn't want to say thank you to Zhang Xueyao directly. She is worried that Zhang Xueyao will laugh!

As soon as ye Xiao thinks of Gu Feifei and Zhang Xueyao, he can't help laughing. In fact, Zhang Xueyao and Gu Feifei are the same kind of people. Although they are both strong women on the surface and refuse to admit defeat, they are kind-hearted in heart. Sometimes, they are afraid of face and refuse to admit it directly.

As for whether Gu Feifei will thank Zhang Xueyao face to face, that's Gu Feifei's business. Ye Xiao doesn't care! He needs to see Zhang Lishan now. After dealing with Zhang Lishan, he will go back to the group!

Ye Xiao got out of the car and went into the building!

There are so many beauties in this building. When ye Xiao walked into the elevator, he met a beautiful woman with temperament!

This beautiful woman looks about 24 or 5 years old. She is wearing an elegant sleeveless shirt, an elegant round neck, pure white color, and frilly frills, which makes Ye Xiao feel cool and cool!

Clean, elegant!

This temperament beauty wearing a snow-white dress, slender legs, her black hair plate in the head, and a few girls around the same color shawl hair formed a sharp contrast, let her feel very unusual!

When ye Xiao came in, he just stood with her!

Ye Xiao's hand stretched out to press the 16th floor of the building. As a result, when ye Xiao's hand stretched out, the temperament beauty's hand also stretched out and already pressed the button. As a result, ye Xiao's hand pressed the beauty's finger!

"Sorry...!" Ye Xiao apologizes in a hurry!

"Never mind...!" The beautiful woman showed a charming smile, she took back her hand and stood beside Ye Xiao!

Love dislike the perfume dislike gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind. He does not like perfume. He is disgusted with perfume sprayed by many women. But the perfume of this beautiful woman is very light. Although Ye Xiao has smelled the perfume of this beautiful woman, he does not hate it.

The elevator was running, until the 16th floor, ye Xiao and the beautiful woman came out of the elevator! Just as ye Xiao walked out of the elevator, his mobile phone rang. Ye Xiao stopped and took it out. It was Zhang Lishan who called.

Ye Xiao smiles. In his opinion, it must be that Zhang Lishan is too anxious to wait, so she calls him. He answered the phone, "what's the matter, sister Lishan, I miss you so soon..."

When ye Xiao talks, that temperament beauty has disappeared. Although Ye Xiao feels good about this temperament beauty, he doesn't want to have any relationship with this beauty. He has enough beauties around him now. If Zhang Xueyao finds out, he will be very upset! Where does Ye Xiao have the mood to provoke other beauties!

Ye Xiao held the phone in his hand and said this to Zhang Lishan with a smile. Then he heard Zhang Lishan's pleasant voice coming from the phone, "brother, where are you now?"


"Where can I guess?" Zhang Lishan said with a smile.

"I'm here, right at the door!" Ye Xiao, with a telephone in his hand, goes to the business club!

"Come, great, Shu Ting is also here, you just meet to talk!" Zhang Lishan said.

"Who is Shu Ting?"

"Wang Shuting is the good friend I told you about!" Zhang Lishan said with a smile, "come on in, I've already seen Shu Ting!"


Ye Xiao answered, he took the phone in his hand and went inside! He doesn't know who Wang Shuting is. Although Zhang Lishan and ye Xiao mentioned that they are good friends before, ye Xiao doesn't know who that friend is. In fact, the name of Wang Shuting is just a strange name to Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao has no impression at all, and doesn't know what Zhang Lishan's friend looks like.

As soon as ye Xiao arrived at the business club, she saw Zhang Lishan standing near the window, looking at the door. When ye Xiao came in, Zhang Lishan had already waved!

"Sister Lishan...!" Ye Xiao came to Zhang Lishan with a phone in his hand. He just said a word and saw that the beautiful woman sitting next to Zhang Lishan was the one ye Xiao met in the elevator just now.

"Why are you?" Ye Xiao asked directly.

"Are you sister Lishan's friend?" Wang Shuting asked.

"Yes Ye Xiao nodded.

Until this time, Zhang Lishan asked, "what's the matter? Do you two know each other?"

"No!" Ye Xiao shook his head and explained, "we met just now when we were taking the elevator. I didn't know that she was your friend!" Ye Xiao talks and sits on the seat opposite Zhang Lishan and Wang Shuting!

Zhang Lishan laughed. "It seems that you two are destined. Before I introduce you, you will have known each other...!"

"Not yet!" After ye Xiao sat down, he folded his right leg on his left leg, stretched out his hand, touched out a cigarette and lit the fire. "Sister Lishan, if you have something to say quickly, I'll go back to the company later. You know, Xueyao will be very, very angry if she sees that I don't go to the group, so I'll be unlucky!"

When Zhang Lishan heard Ye Xiao's words, she already laughed, "I know... Since you've met just now, I'll say it directly. My friend Shu Ting runs Tianyang women's clothing store, which is the largest shopping mall specializing in women's clothing in Zhonghai. Recently, she needs financing!"

"Financing? You can find the bank! " Ye Xiao said.

When ye Xiao's words came out, Wang Shuting said, "we had bank loans before, and several of them were due this year. They won't lend to me until the loans are paid off. Some banks can lend to me, but... But there are other... Other problems...!"

Wang Shuting said here, she consciously avoided, from her expression, you can see, Wang Shuting some difficult to say, or, Wang Shuting does not want to say that reason.

When ye Xiao heard Wang Shuting's words, his eyes looked at Wang Shuting. When ye Xiao first saw Wang Shuting, he felt that Wang Shuting was a beautiful woman with temperament. He didn't think that Wang Shuting was the friend Zhang Lishan wanted to introduce! Looking at Wang Shuting's appearance, she is only twenty-four or twenty-five years old. A woman as big as Wang Shuting has already run a women's clothing store. It's not easy!

However, even if Wang Shuting is very beautiful, she also has a lot of temperament, but to Ye Xiao, she still needs to talk about things from the perspective of business! This involves tens of millions of things. Although Ye Xiao has no concept of money, it's not a small amount. Ye Xiao should ask clearly.

"Since you have owed a lot of loans to the bank, why do you need financing... Boss Wang, please don't get me wrong. I don't want to get to the bottom of the matter, but I have to figure out some things..." Ye Xiao's eyes swept Zhang Lishan, and then fell on Wang Shuting, "if you are not sister Lishan's friend, I may not care about this matter, just because you are sister Lishan's friend, so I hope to know more about the truth of the matter!"

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