Zhang Xueyao gets on Ye Xiao's car. She takes the make-up box and mends her make-up a little!

Just now because I cried, the makeup on my face was wasted!

"Wife, you don't need make-up, I feel your plain face is particularly beautiful!" Ye Xiao tied up his seat belt. He looked at Zhang Xueyao's pretty face and said with a smile, "you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen!"

"Don't tell me that. It's no use!" Zhang Xueyao said, "drive me well!"

"Yes Ye Xiao talks and drives the car!

As he drove past Zhou Xinming, he saw that Zhou Xinming was not looking well. It seemed that something had happened.

Ye Xiao stopped the car, "Xinming, what happened?"

"Nothing... Nothing!" Zhou Xinming said, "I need to go back to the Criminal Police Brigade now. You two go home first. Too many things happened today. After you go back, take a hot bath and have a good rest..."

Zhou Xinming finished this sentence, and without waiting for ye Xiao to speak, she went to her police car!

Ye Xiao looks at Zhou Xinming's back and mumbles strangely, "Xueyao, do you feel something wrong with Xinming... It's like something important has happened!"

"No!" Zhang Xueyao said, "I feel that your eyes have been looking at Xinming. Do you honestly tell me that you have been thinking about Xinming in your heart?"

"No!" When ye Xiao heard Zhang Xueyao's words, he turned his face quickly, "wife, you misunderstood me. In my heart, I always think about you!"

"Come on!" When Zhang Xueyao heard Ye Xiao's words, she turned her lips slightly and hummed coldly, "don't think I don't know. You've got a lot in mind!"

"Wife, you have to believe me, I really only have you in my heart!" Ye Xiao said, a hand, has Zhang Xueyao's little hand over.

"What for?" Zhang Xueyao asked in a hurry.

Ye Xiao put Zhang Xueyao's little hand on his heart, "wife, I'll let you feel if I'm telling the truth..."

"Don't do this. Don't learn it from TV. It's useless to me." Zhang Xueyao pulled her little hand back, and her dark eyes looked at Ye Xiao. "I'm driving home. I want to take a bath. I'm in a bad mood tonight. I must wash it clean!"

"Together..." When ye Xiao heard Zhang Xueyao's words, he said shamelessly, "I'm clean, too. Wife, I'll help you wipe your back and make sure it's clean..."

"Go away!" Zhang Xueyao stares at Ye Xiao, "don't think I don't know your mind, you just want to take advantage of me, there's no way!"

"Wife, then you help me wipe my back..."

"Drive Zhang Xueyao directly interrupted Ye Xiao's words, "if you keep talking, don't go back tonight. Don't think I'm not angry now. I'm very angry when I think about what happened just now."

Ye Xiao's eyes were always looking. As soon as he heard Zhang Xueyao say that, ye Xiao knew that he was going to stop. It's hard to coax Zhang Xueyao out of anger. If Zhang Xueyao mentions Fang Jiayi because of this, it's really not worth the loss!

Ye Xiao didn't dare to say more and drove away from here!

Criminal Police Brigade, Zhou Xinming calm face into the Criminal Police Brigade.

"Team Zhou..." When Wang Yang saw Zhou Xinming coming back, he quickly stepped forward and said, "we have just done an investigation. It should be Li Ziyang who wants the other party's family to do it. Longwu has protected Fang Jiayi and her family!"

Zhou Xinming looked at Wang Yang. She didn't pay attention to what Wang Yang just said. She asked directly, "where is dragon five?"

"Still taking notes!" Wang Yang said.

"Notes? What is the record? Take me to the interrogation room! " Zhou Xinming said.

Wang Yang was stunned. He didn't expect Zhou Xinming to take long Wu to the interrogation room! Wang Yang thought that he had heard wrong. How can this dragon five save Fang Jiayi? How can he take him to the interrogation room?

"Captain Zhou...!" Wang Yang just said this sentence, he heard Zhou Xinming drinking, "what's the matter, didn't you hear me?"

"Ah... I heard that. Take it now!" As soon as Wang Yang heard Zhou Xinming's words, he knew that Zhou Xinming was still angry. He didn't dare to talk more and agreed directly!

Zhou Xinming went directly to the interrogation room!

She sat in the interrogation room, waiting for Dragon five!

When Wang Yang brought dragon five in, Zhou Xinming's eyes were raised and directed at Dragon five's eyes!

Long wumingming saw Zhou Xinming's reaction, but he didn't pay attention to it at all, as if he didn't see it. He sat on the chair in front of Zhou Xinming, and then looked at Zhou Xinming with his eyes, "team Zhou, what are you doing?"


Zhou Xinming slapped his right hand on the table and made a clear sound. This voice even startled Wang Yang standing beside her. Wang Yang didn't expect that Zhou Xinming would be so angry!

He looked at Zhou Xinming's face and found that Zhou Xinming now looks very scary! Wang Yang knew that something would happen. He didn't dare to stay here! Wang Yang sneaked to the door of the interrogation room. Just as he came to the door of the interrogation room, he heard Zhou Xinming say, "no one is allowed to come in!"

"Good!" Wang Yang quickly agreed.

Wang Yang went out in a hurry. Until he got outside, Wang Yang took a breath! I was really scared just now. He felt that Zhou Xinming was in a bad mood. Maybe something would happen.

Wang Yang thinks about it and feels that ye Xiao can persuade Zhou Xinming now. Wang Yang takes out his mobile phone and dials Ye Xiao's phone!

"Brother ye, something happened...!"

Wang Yang and so on the telephone is connected, hastily said.

"What happened? What's the matter? " Ye Xiaogang just sent Zhang Xueyao back home. Zhang Xueyao just got off the bus. When he was about to get off, he suddenly received a call from Wang Yang.

When he heard Wang Yang's words, he felt very strange and said, "Wang Yang, don't worry, speak slowly!"

"It's our weekly team!" Wang Yang said, "our Zhou team is very angry now!"

"What happened to Zhou Xinming?"

"It's not dragon five!" Wang Yang said what happened this evening, especially the attack on Fang Jiayi! Ye Xiao didn't know about it. He suddenly thought of Zhou Xinming's bad face. At that time, ye Xiao didn't know why. Now he finally knows. It's very likely that Zhou Xinming knew about Dragon five, so he hurried back to the Criminal Police Brigade!

Ye Xiaoke knows that Zhou Xinming has always been hostile to Longwu. Now that Longwu is in Zhou Xinming's hands, there will be no good fruit to eat! Ye Xiao is not worried about Long Wu. Long Wu has nothing to do with Ye Xiao. Even if Long Wu dies, it has nothing to do with Ye Xiao! What ye Xiao is worried about is Zhou Xinming. Now it's easy for Zhou Xinming to make things happen!

"Take good care of Xinming. Don't let Xinming do anything big. I'll go now!" Ye Xiao is also worried now. He is worried that Zhou Xinming will make a big deal! After hanging up the phone, ye Xiao started the car.

Zhang Xueyao just got off the bus. She thought Ye Xiao would get off, but she didn't expect Ye Xiao didn't get off the bus. Instead, she wanted to drive away! Zhang Xueyao stood beside the car and asked Ye Xiao, "where are you going?"

"Go to the Criminal Police Brigade!" Ye Xiao said.

"To the criminal police brigade? What are you doing? "

"Isn't it Xinming? She's going to cause trouble Ye Xiao said, "wait for me to explain to you. In a word, I'll go right now. If I go late, I don't know what will happen to Xinming!"

Ye Xiao finished this sentence, and Zhang Xueyao did not say more, directly driving away from the villa!

"This guy, I'll take care of you when you come back..." Zhang Xueyao stamped her foot and said indignantly!

In the interrogation room of the Criminal Police Brigade, Zhou Xinming stands in front of Long Wu. Her dark eyes look directly into Long Wu's eyes!

Long Wuyi looked relaxed. "Captain Zhou, what are you doing?"

"You know what to ask?"

As soon as Zhou Xinming said this, Long Wu said with a smile, "officer Zhou, how do I know what you want to ask me? I'm a good law-abiding citizen. I never do anything illegal. If you take me to the interrogation room, there's something wrong with me. "

"Don't do this with me!" Zhou Xinming's eyes looked directly at Longwu, "did you kill people?"

"Murder? I didn't! I was in self-defense. " The corner of Long Wu's mouth rose slightly, showing a contemptuous smile, "Captain Zhou, I know the law better than you, but I am a person who has studied the law. People like me always need to know what is illegal and what is not. I never do anything illegal..."

"Self defense? Shall I report the number of casualties? "

"No need!" Dragon five lightly said, "I said, it's just my self-defense, I didn't do anything wrong, Captain Zhou, I know why you want to arrest me, or that sentence, I didn't kill the policeman, I dragon five never do illegal things!"

"You want to die..." Zhou Xinming suddenly clenched her fist and hit Longwu in the face.

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