Yu Xiaoyu is a strange fairy girl. She has many bad ideas in her stomach!

Even ye Xiao mentioned Yu Xiaoyu felt headache!

Yu Xiaoyu is very good at grasping other people's weaknesses. Ye Xiao always suffers losses in front of him. Ye Xiao has been mistaken by Yu Xiaoyu for a large amount of so-called investment fee. Ye Xiao has never seen the team Yu Xiaoyu engaged in.

Yu Xiaoyu whispered a few words in Zhang Xueyao's ear and saw Zhang Xueyao's eyes brighten up!

"This is good... Xiaoyu, I can't think of you..." Zhang Xueyao's hand stretched out and patted on Xiaoyu's shoulder. She was very satisfied with Xiaoyu's idea.

"Sister Xueyao, don't forget what you promised me just now..." Yu Xiaoyu said, "if my master is angry, you must stand on my side."

"Don't worry! He dare not get angry Zhang Xueyao is very sure.

Ye Xiao doesn't know what Yu Xiaoyu and Zhang Xueyao say. When he enters the bathroom, he turns on the shower head and starts to take a bath. This evening, I experienced one thing after another, especially Li Ziyang's attempt to kill Ye Xiao, which completely angered Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao didn't want to start with Li Ziyang. Although there are some contradictions between Ye Xiao and Li Ziyang, ye Xiao didn't expect Li Ziyang to take the lead this time.

Fortunately, the three members of Li Ziyang's sect are relatively weak, and ye Xiao can easily get rid of them. But if Li Ziyang finds some powerful guys to come over, ye Xiao will not be so easy. If ye Xiao is only a person, he has nothing to worry about, just because Zhang Xueyao is by Ye Xiao's side, ye Xiao is considering Zhang Xueyao's safety!

He was afraid that Zhang Xueyao would be injured, so ye Xiao wanted to get rid of Li Ziyang after he knew that those people were sent by Li Ziyang!

Just because Li Ziyang attacked Fang Jiayi, he has been arrested and is now in hospital for treatment! Long Wu has injured Li Ziyang. In Ye Xiao's opinion, Long Wu is still too weak. If he does it, he will directly discard Li Ziyang. How can he let Li Ziyang go to the hospital for treatment!

Cold water is sprayed from the shower head above. When ye Xiao takes a bath, he likes to use cold water! Cold water stimulates his body and makes Ye Xiao feel very refreshing. He likes this feeling!

At the beginning, he and the beast were swimming in the cold water in winter, which was very pleasant!

Dong, Dong!

There was a knock at the bathroom door.

"Who?" Ye Xiao asked.

"It's me!" Zhang Xueyao's sweet voice came from outside.

Ye Xiao is taking a bath here. Suddenly he hears Zhang Xueyao knocking on the door of the bathroom. Ye Xiao already has an idea in his heart! In this environment, any man will have ye Xiao's idea.

"Xueyao, do you want to take a bath together?" Ye Xiao went to the bathroom door, just when he was about to open the bathroom door, he heard Zhang Xueyao say, "I just want to ask you, how was the washing?"

"Very good!" Ye Xiao said.

"Good...!" Zhang Xueyao said.

"What do you mean?" Ye Xiao is slightly stunned. He has opened the door of the bathroom. Looking at Zhang Xueyao outside, he only sees Zhang Xueyao with her back to the door. As soon as ye Xiaogang opens the door, Zhang Xueyao is leaving!

Ye Xiao feels very strange. Why did Zhang Xueyao leave suddenly!

He closed the bathroom door again and muttered, "it's strange. What the hell is she doing?"

Ye Xiao felt very strange. He went back to the bathroom and began to apply shower gel on his body. He was still thinking about Zhang Xueyao's strange behavior just now! In Ye Xiao's opinion, Zhang Xueyao is so strange that she suddenly said that and left.

"Strange, does she have anything to say to me?" The more Ye Xiao thought about it, the more strange he felt!

He decided to ask Zhang Xueyao after taking a bath.

He had already covered his body with shower gel, and it was full of foam. When he turned his head, he found that there was no water in his head.

"And the water?" Ye Xiao saw that there was no water, he muttered!

He twisted again and found that there was still no water!

He is now all body wash, and the result is no water, the body of the bubble can not be washed clean!

"It must be Zhang Xueyao!" Ye Xiao thought of Zhang Xueyao's strange behavior just now. At the beginning, he felt very strange. Now he understands that Zhang Xueyao came here to see if ye Xiao had put on shower gel!

"Hum, no water, no water. What's the matter?" Ye Xiaosuo doesn't wear clothes any more. He takes a towel to clean his body with bath gel. This is a small thing for ye Xiao!

He's not a little girl. What's so shy about him!

Ye Xiao came out in this way, he even didn't want to wear shorts, so he had to come out directly!

Just when ye Xiao came out, Yu Xiaoyu just came out from the side. As a result, he met him in the corridor!

Ye Xiao is naked. Ye Xiao wants to wash his body's Shower Gel in the sink next to him. Although he wipes it with a towel, he still has shower gel on his body. It's always uncomfortable if he doesn't wash it clean!

As a result, I met Yu Xiaoyu!


When Yu Xiaoyu saw Ye Xiao so naked, she suddenly cried out.

Yu Xiaoyu shouts like this, which makes Ye Xiao jump. In fact, ye Xiao just felt that there was a water room beside him. He just wanted to go there. He didn't expect that Yu Xiaoyu would appear at this time.

He felt so embarrassed that he scared Yu Xiaoyu! Yu Xiaoyu is a little girl. Obviously, she hasn't seen a man like this before. It's normal for her to feel shy. Ye Xiao doesn't feel anything!

Just when ye Xiao thought of it, he suddenly heard Yu Xiaoyu mutter, "how small...!"

When Yu Xiaoyu talks, she deliberately turns her lips up and makes a disdainful expression. This is clearly laughing at Ye Xiao! Ye Xiao didn't expect that Yu Xiaoyu would make such a reaction. He felt that he was hit hard at that time!

What men can't stand most is being laughed at. In fact, ye Xiao has always been confident of himself, but in the end, he was ridiculed by Yu Xiaoyu“ Yu Xiaoyu...! " Ye Xiao just said this sentence, he heard Yu Xiaoyu lightly say, "master, get dressed quickly, if Xueyao elder sister can see it, then really no one can help you!"

With these words, Yu Xiaoyu turns around and walks from ye Xiao to her room!

"This girl..." Ye Xiao murmured!

He is very dissatisfied, but in the present situation, he'd better wash his body's shower gel first. In a word, he feels very bad now. Ye Xiao just felt that it didn't matter that he was naked, but now after hearing Yu Xiaoyu's words, ye Xiao just wants to wash the body lotion quickly, and then go to find Yu Xiaoyu.

As a man, everything is easy to discuss, but this kind of thing can't bear, that Yu Xiaoyu is insulting him! Ye Xiao has always been very confident in himself. Yu Xiaoyu said that sentence in front of him. How could ye Xiao let Yu Xiaoyu go so easily!

Ye Xiao went to the water room next to him and quickly washed the bath gel clean! You don't have to wipe the water off your body, you just put on your clothes!

"Little girl, how dare you laugh at me? How can I deal with you?" The more Ye Xiao thinks about it, the more angry he is. He is ridiculed by a little girl. The most important thing is that those women who have intimate relationship with Ye Xiao have never said such words!

Ye Xiao comes to the door of Yu Xiaoyu's room. Yu Xiaoyu's door is closed. Ye Xiao reaches out his hand and pushes the door open!

The room is dark. Yu Xiaoyu turns off the light!

"You little girl, how dare you laugh at me..." Ye Xiao doesn't turn on the light, and goes directly to Yu Xiaoyu's room! He has seen Yu Xiaoyu lying on the bed. Ye Xiao comes to Yu Xiaoyu. Just as he reaches out his hand and intends to grasp Yu Xiaoyu's wrist, he doesn't expect that Yu Xiaoyu's hands suddenly stretch out and embrace Ye Xiao's neck!

Ye Xiao didn't have any defense, he was going to catch Yu Xiaoyu! As a result, Yu Xiaoyu took the initiative to hold Ye Xiao's neck, and Yu Xiaoyu also used his strength. As a result, ye Xiao suddenly pressed on Yu Xiaoyu!


Ye Xiao felt bad at that time, he had a feeling of being calculated! Ye Xiao for Xiaoyu some fear, mainly because Yu Xiaoyu this little girl completely does not follow the routine, even ye Xiao himself do not understand what Yu Xiaoyu is going to do!

Now, ye Xiao's uneasy mood is more and more serious!

Ye Xiao is about to get up from Yu Xiaoyu. But at this moment, he hears Yu Xiaoyu laughing and saying, "master, if you dare to get up, I will shout for help... If Xueyao sees me naked, what do you think she will think..."


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