Ye Xiao walked into the nursing room and saw Fang Wanqing standing there. Seeing Fang Wanqing's appearance, she seemed to cry!

But Fang Wanqing's lips were tight and she couldn't help crying. http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d

Opposite Fang Wanqing, a female nurse is still talking about Fang Wanqing!

Obviously, this female nurse is very strong and full of momentum!

When ye Xiao came in, the nurse's eyes had fallen on Ye Xiao. Her lips suddenly curled, showing a disdainful expression, "Fang Wanqing, what are you calling your boyfriend for? Do you feel guilty and want your boyfriend to support you? "

This nurse named Wang Fang has seen Ye Xiao come to Fang Wanqing before, and she also knows that ye Xiao and Fang Wanqing have a good relationship, so she has identified Ye Xiao as Fang Wanqing's boyfriend!

When Wang Fang said this, Fang Wanqing quickly waved her hand and said, "no, he's not my boyfriend!"

"Still deny, don't think I didn't see the intimacy between you two. Fang Wanqing, you said you were still an intern nurse. How could you feel so uneasy in the hospital? We just seduced our doctor some time ago..."

Wang Fang just said this, ye Xiao has coldly interrupted her, "you'd better not talk, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Ouch, what do you mean?" That Wang Fang hears Ye Xiao this sentence, her eyes a stare, looking at Ye Xiao, "this is a hospital, what do you want to do?"

"I didn't do anything, just a kind reminder!" Ye Xiao said coldly, "since you know that I am Wan Qing's boyfriend, you must have seen my strength. You know what I used to do... I don't know what I will do at that time!"

"This is a hospital. You... You are so lawless. Head nurse, look at Fang Wanqing. She brought her boyfriend here. It's too shameful..." Wang Fang doesn't dare to say ye Xiao directly. She has indeed seen Ye Xiao's strength. Not long ago, ye Xiao taught a woman a lesson in the hospital. At that time, even the woman's so-called brother on the road was taught by Ye Xiao. Wang Fang saw it with her own eyes. She was really afraid that ye Xiao would attack her!

She stood beside the head nurse and said, "head nurse, you can't ignore it. This is a hospital. They are going too far!"

Wang Fang did not dare to provoke Ye Xiao. She pushed the head nurse out, hoping that the head nurse could help her talk! In fact, the head nurse is just a senior nurse. What skills does she have! Maybe in front of these nurses, the head nurse has some deterrent power, but in the face of people like Ye Xiao, the head nurse has no deterrent power at all, and she also has some fear in her heart!

In any case, she is the head nurse, it is impossible not to stand up and speak.

The head nurse coughed and stood up, "we are still investigating this matter. However, Wan Qing, your boyfriend should not come to our nurse's side. This is not very good!"

"Head nurse, I...!"

Before Fang Wanqing's words were finished, ye Xiao had already walked to the head nurse. He showed a smile and said, "head nurse, right? In fact, I'm here to talk to Wan Qing. When I finish, I'll go right away..."

"That's good!" The head nurse thought that ye Xiao was a very frightening master, but now when she heard Ye Xiao say this, her heart was relaxed. It seems that ye Xiao is not a unreasonable person!

Ye Xiao looked at the handover report in the hands of the head nurse, and he suddenly said, "head nurse, I have just heard about some things. I know Wan Qing very well. She is a very careful girl and should not write wrong cases!"

"So you mean I wronged her?" When Wang Fang heard Ye Xiao's words, she yelled at Ye Xiao.

Although Ye Xiao is very polite to the head nurse, he is not so polite to Wang Fang. His face sank, his mouth said coldly, "no education, did not you hear me talking to the elder sister of the head nurse? What are you talking about? If you talk to me again, I'll throw you out. You're uneducated. You don't respect your leader at all. Who taught you? Your head nurse can talk. You can just talk to me as a nurse! "

"I...!" Wang Fang opened her mouth. She never thought that ye Xiao would say that!

The head nurse's momentum is still a little weak. At ordinary times, Wang Fang talks with the head nurse so loudly, and the head nurse doesn't say anything. As a result, she has such a habit, even just like that. She has been interrupting all the time, and doesn't show any respect for the head nurse!

The head nurse heard Ye Xiao's words, and she realized the problem. Although she didn't say it directly, the head nurse was very happy to say it to Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao doesn't pay attention to Wang Fang any more. He takes the report from the head nurse and turns it over. Ye Xiao suddenly says, "I know...!"

"I see?" Head nurse a Zheng, some strange ask a way, "know what?"

"Head nurse, some of the words on it have been smeared, but they have been modified. It seems that this report was not written by Wan Qing, but someone deliberately framed Wan Qing!" Ye Xiao said.

"What?" This time, even Fang Wanqing was stunned!

She came over and looked at the report. She was stunned and said, "head nurse, this is not the handover report I wrote last night..."

"No?" The head nurse was stunned, "why isn't it?"

"I... I didn't write it. The signature on it... Wasn't my own signature!" Fang Wanqing didn't read her signature carefully before. Until now, she found that it wasn't written by her!

Because there was a problem with the patient's medicine today, the nurse took the wrong medicine, which was a big accident, so the head nurse came to Fang Wanqing and Wang Fang with the nurse's handover report!

Wang Fang responsibility medicine is Fang Wanqing let her take, and Fang Wanqing also wrote the patient's case wrong, so it led to the patient's drug error!

But Fang Wanqing denied that she wrote the wrong case, and the wrong medicine was not Fang Wanqing let Wang Fang get it!

Fang Wanqing didn't expect that the patient handover report she handed in would be replaced. She didn't even think about it. As a result, ye Xiao found the clue. Until now, Fang Wanqing found that the patient handover report was forged!

"Head nurse, this is not the one I handed in!" Fang Wanqing said.

"You didn't hand it in?" The head nurse was stunned, "but I haven't moved. How did you hand it in? I'll take it!"

"But I didn't write it!" Fang Wanqing said.

Wang Fang stood by and heard Fang Wanqing's words. She suddenly said, "Fang Wanqing, don't deny it. I said you wrote the wrong patient's case. You just don't admit it. You made a mistake!"

"I... I asked you to hand in the report as soon as I finished." Fang Wanqing said here, her eyes looked at Wang Fang, although did not speak, but Fang Wanqing's expression at the moment has already told you what she wants to say!

Wang Fang was already flustered at that time. She looked at Fang Wanqing and said with great momentum, "Fang Wanqing, you... Don't frame me up. I didn't change your report. It's your signature on it. You... You signed your name yourself and won't admit it!"

"It's very easy to distinguish whether it's Wan Qing's signature or not. You can directly compare it with a report written by Wan Qing. You can see that the signature is written by a woman who is very strong but has no good temper. Although she imitates Wan Qing's signature, it's too hard and cuts the paper. The words written by a gentle and beautiful girl like Wan Qing are very delicate, It's also very good-looking. How can I use so much strength... Head nurse, I don't think I need to say more about it. If you don't believe it, please go to your office to monitor it. I think someone changed Wanqing's report after something happened... "

When ye Xiao said this, the head nurse had already looked at Wang Fang!

Wang Fang obviously did not think of monitoring this step, when ye Xiao said so, Wang Fang's face changed at that time! Just as the head nurse looked at Wang Fang, Wang Fang suddenly held out her hand and said, "head nurse, I'm wrong about this. Please forgive me..." She was silly. Wang Fang had expected to fool her, but now she knew that she couldn't do it. She quickly put on a pathetic look!

Just now that fierce Wang Fang has already disappeared, the head nurse snorted coldly, "Wang Fang, you'd better explain this matter to the patient... Go, go to see the patient with me!"

"Head nurse...!" Wang Fang also wanted to ask the head nurse, but the head nurse didn't want to take care of her at all. She had already gone out from the nurse room!

Wang Fang looks at Fang Wanqing again. She hopes that Fang Wanqing can say good things for her. "Wanqing, I'm wrong this time. Please forgive me..."

Fang Wanqing hasn't said anything yet. Ye Xiao has already said, "don't waste your time. Go and think about how to apologize to the patient. That's the one you need to apologize most!"

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