Love is a wonderful thing, once experienced, it is difficult to say, easy to put down!

Ye Xiao is like this!

Ye Xiao unconsciously found that he had fallen in love with Zhang Xueyao. Copy web address to http: / /% 77% 77% 77% 2E% 76% 6F% 64% 74% 77% 2E% 63% 6F% 6D

However, when ye Xiao heard Gu Feifei say "things at night", he was jealous in his heart!

That is to say, in Ye Xiao's heart, Gu Feifei is also his woman, but ye Xiao does not admit it!

Although Ye Xiao has some doubts about what Gu Feifei and Feng Liang did last night, Zhang Xueyao's car has come. Even if ye Xiao has doubts in his heart, ye Xiao can't ask!

He didn't say a word, just stood in the same place, watching Gu Feifei and Feng Liang go to the group building!

Zhang Xueyao's car stops beside Ye Xiao. As soon as the door opens, Zhang Xueyao gets out of the car.

Du Hanshuang drove the car to a parking space nearby. After parking, she got out of the car.

"What is this for?" Zhang Xueyao's eyes fell on the bunch of roses in Ye Xiao's arms. She asked faintly, "this flower looks very beautiful, but what do you want to do with such a big bunch of roses?"

"For your wife!" Ye Xiao put all the roses in his hand in front of Zhang Xueyao, with a bright smile on his face, "wife, I hope you can be as charming and moving as this bunch of flowers every day!"

"Don't do it with me. I don't like flowers!" Zhang Xueyao hears Ye Xiao's words. She pretends that she doesn't like the roses, but her eyes betray her heart!

Zhang Xueyao obviously likes it, but she doesn't want to show it in front of Ye Xiao.

She pretended not to like it!

Ye Xiao ignores Zhang Xueyao's reaction. He simply puts the rose in her hand. "Wife, I will perform well. I won't let you down. Please accept my apology..."

"Hum!" Zhang Xueyao looked at the rose in her hand. "I just accept your apology. It doesn't mean I like it... Frost, just take this flower to my office and put it down anywhere!"

Zhang Xueyao pretended not to care and handed the bunch of roses to Du Hanshuang!

That Du Hanshuang is holding rose in hand, coldly asked a, "throw into trash can?"

"Ah... Not for the time being. Put it on my desk!" Zhang Xueyao said in a hurry.

"I see!" Du Hanshuang said.

Du Hanshuang took a step ahead with the rose in her arms. Ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao went to the gate of the building together!

Ye Xiao's hand secretly stretched out and grasped Zhang Xueyao's little hand!

Zhang Xueyao didn't resist. After being held by Ye Xiao, Zhang Xueyao pretended not to find out and said, "I repeat, this month is your assessment period. If you fail the assessment, we will be reduced to ordinary friends. Remember!"

"Well, I will remember it." When ye Xiao said this, he suddenly put his lips to Zhang Xueyao's ear and said in a low voice, "am I still your boyfriend now?"

"So it is."

"That should be treated as a boyfriend, such as... Kiss!" Ye Xiao pursed his lips deliberately.

When Zhang Xueyao saw Ye Xiao's reaction, she muttered, "this is near the company. What are you doing... Regardless of your identity... Wait until you go home!"

"Wife, always give a kiss reward, how to say, I am your boyfriend, a kiss every day is very normal." Ye Xiao said, eyes swept around, mouth said, "wife, no one saw us, hurry up!"

"No!" Zhang Xueyao said.


Ye Xiao's lips have been pursed!

Forced by Ye Xiao, Zhang Xueyao had no choice but to say, "come to my office, but let's just say one kiss, not much...!"

"Well, just one kiss!" Ye Xiao nodded.

Ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao go to Zhang Xueyao's office. Just as the door of Zhang Xueyao's office is closed, ye Xiao has already hugged Zhang Xueyao, and his lips can't wait to stick them up!

Zhang Xueyao didn't refuse. When ye Xiao's lips came up, Zhang Xueyao put out her hands and put her arms around Ye Xiao's neck. The two of them were kissing in this office!


Because when they were kissing, ye Xiao accidentally knocked down the chair in the office with Zhang Xueyao in her arms!

Ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao just separated!

There was a blush on Xueyao's cheek. Her eyes with water looked at Yexiao, "are you satisfied with this?"

"Well!" Ye Xiao nodded, "this is the treatment of a boyfriend, wife, let's continue at night...!"

"Go out to work for me and talk about it in the evening..." Zhang Xueyao's lips pouted slightly, showing a very lovely expression. Zhang Xueyao seldom makes such an expression, at least not before. All along, what Zhang Xueyao shows is a very strong queen temperament, which makes many people fear Zhang Xueyao!

But in essence, Zhang Xueyao is still a girl! Her heart also has a lovely side of girls, but Zhang Xueyao will not easily show it, she will only show it in the face of the man she likes!

Obviously, in front of Ye Xiao, Zhang Xueyao showed it without scruple.

As soon as ye Xiao saw Zhang Xueyao's lovely expression, he couldn't help stretching out his hand and once again put Zhang Xueyao in his arms, his lips sticking up again.

Although Zhang Xueyao said not to kiss again, when ye Xiao's lips were stuck up, Zhang Xueyao subconsciously closed her eyes, stretched out her hands again and put her arms around Ye Xiao's neck!

In her heart, ye Xiao is the man she has been waiting for for for a long time. Although Ye Xiao looks very annoying, he has a special temperament that can attract you inadvertently.

Zhang Xueyao doesn't know when she was attracted by Ye Xiao. In short, when she found out, she had fallen in love with Ye Xiao, a man who didn't look so good!

Ye Xiao came out of Zhang Xueyao's office and happened to meet Du Hanshuang passing by the door. Ye Xiao put out his hand and stood in front of Du Hanshuang!

Du Hanshuang looked up at Ye Xiao and asked coldly, "what are you doing?"

"Do you feel that I have become very cute recently?" Ye Xiao a face of bad smile, cheap Xi Xi Xi looking at Du Han frost!

I'm afraid there are few cheeky men like Ye Xiao who directly say that they have become lovely!

Du Hanshuang's dark eyes fell on Ye Xiao's face and said coldly, "I hate it as usual!"

"Well, you don't want me to train you." Ye Xiao said, "how can I say that I am your half instructor? Is that how you treat the instructor?"

"Worse than that!" Du Han frost cold said.

"Well, you win!" Ye Xiao's hand suddenly patted on Du Hanshuang's buttock and said faintly, "I have time to practice with you in the evening. Remember, after washing, wait for me..."

"A good word, from your mouth is always annoying!" Du Hanshuang said coldly.

"Hate to hate... Do you like me a little bit?"

"No!" Du Hanshuang said coldly.

"And lying..." Ye Xiao's mouth appeared a bad smile, and his hand patted Du Hanshuang's ass again, "you admit it!"

"If you say no, you don't!" Du Hanshuang's right hand clenched his fist and made a gesture in front of Ye Xiao, "if you are wordy, I will treat you with this!"

"Well, you're good." Ye Xiao is about to leave. Just as he has just taken a step, ye Xiao suddenly stops and smiles at Du Hanshuang. "I still think you like me..."


Du Hanshuang can't help it any more. He raises his foot and kicks it on Ye Xiao's butt.

Ye Xiao ran out in front all of a sudden!

In fact, ye Xiao didn't avoid it at all, but deliberately let Du Hanshuang kick him. Du Hanshuang also knows this. She can't help laughing when she sees Ye Xiao running away!

She seldom smiles. Du Hanshuang even thinks that she has forgotten how to smile, but she can't help laughing when she sees Ye Xiao!

She thought of Ye Xiao's humble appearance just now. When she thought of it, Du Hanshuang wanted to laugh.

Although Ye Xiao looks very annoying and disliked, in fact, he can make people like him unconsciously! Du Hanshuang didn't find out. She didn't know when she learned to laugh. That should be when she was with Ye Xiao. She slowly learned to laugh!

Ye Xiao just clapped her ass, but Du Hanshuang didn't hate it. It was also beyond her expectation.

She thought of what ye Xiao had just said. Maybe she didn't really hate Ye Xiao, but she liked Ye Xiao!

"This guy...!" When Du Hanshuang thought of Ye Xiao, she couldn't help smiling again!

At this moment, as soon as the door of the office opened, Zhang Xueyao appeared, and Du Hanshuang's smile disappeared, as if she had never laughed.

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