Gu Feifei stood in the middle of the room, in front of her, with rows of porcelain plates!

"What is this for?" Gu Feifei asked!

"Vent!" Ye Xiao went to Gu Feifei's front, his hand stretched out in the past, took the plate!


Ye Xiao threw the plate out and directly fell on the opposite wall!

The plate fell to pieces!

"This is the vent room. You can vent slowly here... See these plates? Let's drop it slowly! " Ye Xiao said, "don't come out before you fall out!"

"You really let me fall?" Gu Feifei asked!

"Of course

"Is it free?" Gu Feifei asked again!

"Yes... And it's not cheap!" Ye Xiao said, "who let you be my subordinate? This time I was so angry, I can't see you angry and ignore it... Vent it, it's all mine!"

"Then I won't be polite to you!" Gu Feifei said, has picked up the plate, hard to fall in the past!


The plate fell on the wall and broke into pieces!

"Zhang Xueyao, you disgusting woman, you really hate...!" Gu Feifei yelled and threw out a plate as if it were Zhang Xueyao. The plate fell on the wall and became pieces!

"Ye Xiao, you guy, kill you..."

Gu Feifei throws another plate!

Ye Xiao stands beside Gu Feifei. When he hears Gu Feifei's words, ye Xiao opens his mouth, which is very exaggerated! Gu Feifei saw Ye Xiao's reaction. Her lips turned slightly, and her mouth said with disdain, "what's the matter? Am I wrong? Do you think you are a disgusting man

"Forget it, for the sake of your anger, I'm too lazy to bother with you!" Ye Xiao said, "there are so few good men like me. I have nothing to do with me, but for you, I not only put myself in, but also complained about it by you... It's all tears. Forget it, I'll go out and cry for a while, and remember to come out and find me after venting!"

Ye Xiao said and came out of the room. When he got outside, he lit a cigarette!

In fact, ye Xiao can understand Gu Feifei's current mood. No one is in a good mood. Ye Xiao doesn't need to provoke Gu Feifei, so let Gu Feifei vent in there!

There is such a place that ye Xiao discovered last time. Although it is a fitness center, there are many people who come here with pressure. When they come here to exercise, if they are provided with such a place to vent, they will be able to vent freely here!

I'm afraid even this fitness center didn't expect that this vent place would be very popular!

Of course, the price of a plate is not low, three yuan for a plate, plus two yuan for service, etc. after calculation, the price of a plate is about five yuan, and some people fall thousands of plates at once. You know, when people are angry, the destructive power is amazing!

Of course, for this fitness club, the more dishes they throw, the more money they make. According to their idea, of course, people with great destructive power are welcome to spend here!

Ye Xiao is smoking here when the phone rings suddenly!

Ye Xiaoyi saw that it was Zhang Xueyao!

"Xueyao, here you are?" Ye Xiao asked!

"It's at the door. Where are you?"

"Smoking, I'll pick you up in the hall!" Ye Xiao said.

"Good!" Zhang Xueyao finished this sentence and hung up the phone directly!

Ye Xiao also put out the cigarette, he went ahead! When ye Xiao came to the front of the fitness center, he saw Zhang Xueyao standing there with a face on her face! Zhang Xueyao and Gu Feifei look a little similar now. They are all straight faced. They seem to be in a bad mood!

Ye Xiao didn't see Du Hanshuang. It seems that Zhang Xueyao didn't let Du Hanshuang follow him.

"Xueyao...!" Ye Xiao came over and said hello to Zhang Xueyao!

"And she?" When Zhang Xueyao sees Ye Xiao coming, she doesn't look at Ye Xiao, but at her back. Zhang Xueyao is looking for Gu Feifei. In Zhang Xueyao's eyes, Gu Feifei is the one she is looking for!

"Venting!" Ye Xiao walks up to Zhang Xueyao. His right hand reaches out and naturally embraces Zhang Xueyao's waist. But ye Xiao's hand has just been put on Zhang Xueyao's waist. Zhang Xueyao has already opened Ye Xiao's hand. "Move your hand away, who let you touch it?"

Zhang Xueyao is obviously angry now!

Ye Xiao has always been very thick skinned. He clearly heard Zhang Xueyao's words, but ye Xiao didn't pay any attention. He still put his hand on Zhang Xueyao's waist and said, "Xueyao, this is a fitness center. Give me some face. Don't make us look like outsiders!"

"We are outsiders!" Zhang Xueyao said calmly, "didn't I tell you that I broke up with you?"

"When did you say that?" Ye Xiao asked!

"Just now!" Zhang Xueyao said angrily, "I just said it on the phone!"

"Oh, you said just now... I remember that you said you broke up with me if I didn't tell you the place, but I already told you the place. How can you break up with me, Xueyao? You can't be so careless...!" Ye Xiao said with a smile, "you are still my girlfriend!"

"I... I don't remember!" Zhang Xueyao opened her mouth. She remembered that she did say that! In fact, Zhang Xueyao is angry just to say goodbye, just like two lovers who are in love. When they quarrel, they always say goodbye! Zhang Xueyao has never been in love at all. She has no experience in love at all. This is her first love. When she is in love, Zhang Xueyao is easily angry!

Before she was in the group, Zhang Xueyao was jealous because ye Xiao helped Gu Feifei speak!

"Said is said, now want to go back?" Ye Xiao said softly in Zhang Xueyao's ear!

"Take me to see her!" Zhang Xueyao said directly.

"Gu Feifei?"

"It's not her or who!" Zhang Xueyao said, her eyes looking at Ye Xiao, "is there anyone else here?"

"I'm just talking about it!" Ye Xiao felt that he had said something wrong. Now Zhang Xueyao was angry and could not be easily provoked. He quickly put his arms around Zhang Xueyao's waist and went in!


Just at the door of the room, Zhang Xueyao heard a clear voice coming from the room. Her eyes looked at Ye Xiao, "what's the matter?"

"Let it out!"

"Vent?" Zhang Xueyao is stunned. She hasn't been here, and she doesn't know that there is a place to vent. Zhang Xueyao pushes open the door of the room. Just as she pushes open the door, she hears Gu Feifei shouting, "don't think you are a vice president, you can be arrogant. You don't know anything..."

Gu Feifei said, the plate in his hand has been thrown out, on the opposite wall!


The plate fell to pieces and fell to the ground.

At the moment, Zhang Xueyao has gone in. What Gu Feifei said just now, Zhang Xueyao has heard! Her eyes looked at Gu Feifei, did not speak immediately! Gu Feifei didn't expect that Zhang Xueyao would suddenly appear. She just let out her unhappiness. She had already said that before she saw Zhang Xueyao coming!

Gu Feifei simply put on a look of indifference. She stopped and looked at Zhang Xueyao, "vice president Zhang, don't you want to stay in the group to deal with things? Why do you have the leisure to come here? Is vice president Zhang still worried that I will seduce your fiance? "

Zhang Xueyao calmly came over, her eyes looked at Gu Feifei, did not immediately speak, but a hand, has taken a pile of plates from the side, suddenly the hands of the plates are thrown out!

Jingle, jingle!

Those plates fell on the wall!

Ye Xiao also came in. He had just heard Gu Feifei's words, and ye Xiao knew that something was going to happen. Gu Feifei's words were clearly provoking Zhang Xueyao!

When ye Xiao was thinking about how to explain, he saw Zhang Xueyao throwing the dishes on the wall! Ye Xiao's heart is a clatter, Zhang Xueyao suddenly throw out so many, enough to show that Zhang Xueyao's heart is also very unhappy, now Zhang Xueyao is not like Gu Feifei also angry!

"Xueyao, let's change places...!" Ye Xiao opened his mouth, at this time, he must stand up, otherwise, it will only make things worse!

"Where else? Good When Zhang Xueyao heard Ye Xiao's words, she turned around and looked at Gu Feifei and ye Xiao again. "I'll take you to a place. Let's go. Today I'm the master!" With these words, Zhang Xueyao walked away!

Gu Feifei didn't understand Zhang Xueyao's mind. She thought that after Zhang Xueyao came in, she would say two angry words with her. As a result, Zhang Xueyao didn't hear Gu's words. She even said that she would take them to a place!

Gu Feifei looks at Ye Xiao and sees that ye Xiao shows a confused expression at the moment. Ye Xiao doesn't know Zhang Xueyao's mind. Now he's a little silly!

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