Ye Xiao already had a bad premonition that something was going to happen!

Zhang Xueyao now put it clear is the calm before the storm, even ye Xiao did not know what terrible things Zhang Xueyao would do.

He still doesn't know Zhang Xueyao very well. He just knows that Zhang Xueyao's mood is not right now.


Ye Xiao just said this sentence, Zhang Xueyao's dark eyes had looked at Ye Xiao, and said, "didn't you hear what I just said? Don't mind your own business, there's nothing for you here! "

"I say you drink less wine...!" Ye Xiao said.

"Foreign wine!" Zhang Xueyao said.

"Good!" Gu Feifei also promised.

They two women even want to drink foreign wine. The foreign wine is very strong. In Ye Xiao's impression, it seems that there is no light degree of foreign wine! Gu Feifei is better. How to say, Gu Feifei is in business. She can drink a lot. Ye Xiao and Gu Feifei have drunk a lot. Although Gu Feifei can't drink as much as ye Xiao, in general, Gu Feifei can!

But Zhang Xueyao can't, ye Xiao and Zhang Xueyao have drunk wine, although Zhang Xueyao is also good, but only good, Zhang Xueyao can't drink, at least in Ye Xiao's eyes, Zhang Xueyao is definitely not Gu Feifei's opponent, Zhang Xueyao can't drink Gu Feifei!

Ye Xiao really can't understand, Zhang Xueyao this is what stimulation, unexpectedly put forward to drink!

Of course, there's no point in saying anything now!

Zhang Xueyao wants to drink now. Foreign wine has come up. It's whisky! This wine is very strong. Ye Xiao knows that something will happen today when he looks at it. No matter Zhang Xueyao or Gu Feifei, they may fall down!

"What a headache...!" Ye Xiao sits in the middle of the two of them. He can't say a word. The main reason is that Zhang Xueyao is very strong. Zhang Xueyao brings out her momentum in the group. She is very strong in front of Ye Xiao and doesn't give ye Xiao a chance to speak!

Ye Xiao had no choice but to say, "let's have a chat while we eat, wait for the food to come up, and then drink slowly!"

This suggestion is quite good. Zhang Xueyao and Gu Feifei have no opinions!

When the food came up, Zhang Xueyao took the glass first and took the initiative to drink with Gu Feifei!

A glass of wine to drink down, Zhang Xueyao put the glass down, her eyes looking at Gu Feifei, "Gu Feifei, do you think I don't help you?"

"Yes Gu Feifei said with certainty!

"Hum!" Zhang Xueyao snorted coldly. She asked Ye Xiao to pour the wine. She snorted coldly, "it's your fault. How can I help you? You tell me, if it wasn't for your mistake, how could that project and quotation be leaked out? "

"How do you know that something is wrong with me?" Gu Feifei's eyes looked directly at Zhang Xueyao, "can't it be your side to leak out?"

"No way!" Zhang Xueyao said with certainty!

"Hum, it's meaningless for you to say that...!" Gu Feifei drank the wine which had been poured in his hand, wiped his mouth and looked at Zhang Xueyao with his eyes. "If you doubt me, I'll resign myself. What I can't stand most is being suspected!"

"Gu Feifei, am I helping you?" When Zhang Xueyao heard Gu Feifei's words, she drank the wine in her hand. "If I don't want to protect you, I can fire you directly. What's there to investigate? In fact, I'm the most aggrieved person. I promoted you. Everything you do is on my head. Don't you know that song Tiannan aimed at me at the meeting? You even contradicted me at the meeting and questioned me face to face. What do you want me to answer? If I dare to say that I don't doubt you, song Tiannan will force me to take the blame and resign immediately. I'm full of grievances. Who can I tell...! "

After drinking, Zhang Xueyao talked a lot!

She poured wine for herself again. Gu Feifei heard Zhang Xueyao's words, she also poured wine!

At the moment, ye Xiao is sitting beside Zhang Xueyao!

When Zhang Xueyao said this, her eyes had already looked at Ye Xiao, "especially you, make me sad. Why don't you consider my feelings from my standpoint? Do you think my vice president is easy? It's very nice of you to stand on Gu Feifei's side. What do you want me to do? "

"Ah... I don't know...!"

Ye Xiao felt that Zhang Xueyao began to target him. He quickly said with a smile, "Xueyao, don't be angry. Take a bite and speak slowly!"

"I don't eat food. I have something else to say...!" Zhang Xueyao said.

As soon as ye Xiao saw that it was not very good, he quickly took the chopsticks and put a mouthful of vegetables into Zhang Xueyao's mouth.

That Zhang Xueyao was about to speak, but her mouth opened, and ye Xiao had already put a mouthful of food in it! Zhang Xueyao had to chew the food, her eyes stare at Ye Xiao, expressing dissatisfaction!

"We have plenty of time to eat and talk..." Ye Xiao said, "the group's affairs can't be solved for a while. Don't mention it first... Come on, let's have a good meal..."

Gu Feifei and Zhang Xueyao both drank a lot of wine, especially Zhang Xueyao, who clearly wanted to get drunk! After she drank a few glasses of wine, Zhang Xueyao was very different from before as soon as the strength of the wine came up!

She suddenly leaned against Ye Xiao. Her eyes looked at Gu Feifei and said, "Gu Feifei, do you know? I'm the vice president. You can directly vent your dissatisfaction, but I can't. I clearly know that some things must be stated publicly, but I can't say it because I'm the Vice President... Just like this time, song Tiannan made it clear that he intended to make things out of control, but I can't say too much at the meeting, let alone question him, Because he will take this opportunity to attack me... "

"Zhang Xueyao, let me tell you one thing. No matter how poor I am, Gu Feifei will not engage in such shameful activities. Gu Feifei will never disclose the group's things...!" Gu Feifei said!

"Even if it's not you, I can't defend you. I can only say against my heart that you did it. Do you know the reason?" Zhang Xueyao looked at Gu Feifei and asked directly!

"I don't know!"

"Because if I don't put these things on you, it will involve me, and then I will be completely finished!" When Zhang Xueyao said this, she suddenly laughed at herself and said, "I really look down on myself. I have to make such a shameful choice for my position, but what can I do? I can't resign myself. In that case, my father's strength will be weak, and I have no choice. The interior of Zhongtian Group is not as good as it seems. There are many people who want me to have an accident and let me go down. They also want my father to go down...! "

Zhang Xueyao really drank too much this time. Ye Xiao could feel that Zhang Xueyao was bitter and helpless inside! She can't just shout out her dissatisfaction on the conference table like Ye Xiao and Gu Feifei!

Although Zhang Xueyao claims that Gu Feifei leaked it, ye Xiao can feel it from Zhang Xueyao's words. I'm afraid Zhang Xueyao doesn't believe Gu Feifei did it, but Zhang Xueyao has no choice. She must do it!

Maybe this is the helplessness of the senior management!

Zhang Xueyao is the vice president of the group, she must make such a helpless choice.

This time Zhang Xueyao drinks with Gu Feifei, maybe she wants to take the opportunity to say these words. She feels guilty about Gu Feifei!

Ye Xiao put his hand around Zhang Xueyao's waist. When he heard Zhang Xueyao's words, ye Xiao said in a low voice, "Xueyao, drink less. I know you are very uncomfortable in your heart. I believe Feifei can understand you too..."

"I didn't drink much!" Zhang Xueyao heard Ye Xiao's words, her dark eyes looked at Ye Xiao, "husband, I repeat, I didn't drink too much... I know what I do. Although you are a nuisance, I don't hate you, or I don't like you with other women. You are a nuisance... Don't bully me in the future!"

"I know!" Ye Xiao knows that Zhang Xueyao is really drunk, otherwise, Zhang Xueyao would not say so.

Gu Feifei drinks a glass of wine next to her, and her eyes look at Zhang Xueyao. "Zhang Xueyao, for the sake of what you have said to me, I won't care about what you suspect me about today, and I won't resign. Anyway, I didn't do it, and I'm not afraid of being investigated... However, I'll put my words here, and I won't let go easily!"

"Not easy to let go? Let go of what? " Zhang Xueyao asked!

Gu Feifei raised his hand, pointed to Ye Xiao and said, "it's him. I won't let him go easily. As long as you're not officially married, I'll chase him..."

"Little three!" Zhang Xueyao said suddenly!

"Zhang Xueyao, are you afraid?" Gu Feifei asked!

"Will I be afraid? Joke, how can I be afraid? Gu Feifei, if Zhang Xueyao doesn't even have this self-confidence, how can I become the vice president of Zhongtian Group! " Zhang Xueyao said, "Gu Feifei, if you have the ability, just come after him. Zhang Xueyao won't be afraid...!"

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