Ye Xiao and Zhou Xinming get on the bus!

In fact, Zhou Xinming doesn't want to see Fang Tianyu. She doesn't like Fang Tianyu. She feels that Fang Tianyu is a scum of society. It's better to arrest Fang Tianyu and put him in prison!

Her goal has always been to arrest the people of Fang family. However, this requires evidence. At present, Zhou Xinming has no evidence to accuse the people of Fang family, and she can only express her dissatisfaction!

"Fasten your seat belt...!" Ye Xiao gets on the bus and sees Zhou Xinming sitting in the co driver's seat, not wearing a seat belt. Ye Xiao leans over and reaches out his hand to help Zhou Xinming buckle his seat belt!

Since hearing Fang Tianyu's words, ye Xiao's mood has become particularly good! He was worried that Zhang Xueyao would be arrested for beating others. Now after hearing Fang Tianyu's words, ye Xiao can be sure that Zhang Xueyao has not beaten Du Xiangyun. Du Xiangyun is responsible for all this!

Du Xiangyun is to make things big and deliberately frame up Zhang Xueyao!

Ye Xiao is not worried now. What he is least afraid of is dealing with hooligans! Since Du Xiangyun is here this time, ye Xiao will certainly accompany him!

"What did Fang Tianyu say?" Asked Zhou Xinming!

Ye Xiao has already fastened Zhou Xinming's seat belt. Hearing Zhou Xinming's words, ye Xiao looks at Zhou Xinming's pretty face and says with a smile, "what else can he say? Of course, he has a friend who saw Du Xiangyun break his leg. Du Xiangyun is responsible for all this. Xueyao doesn't break Du Xiangyun's leg. I'm surprised, though Xueyao is violent, But it's not enough to break Du Xiang's legs! "

"It's a good thing, but I don't think it's suitable to see Fang Tianyu...!" Zhou Xinming said, "Ye Xiao, you should know that I am a policeman..."

Before Zhou Xinming finished his sentence, ye Xiao's right hand had been stretched out, and his middle finger was pressed on Zhou Xinming's lips. "Shh, don't say that, Xinming. Although you are a policeman, it doesn't mean that you can't be friends with the suspect. In fact, although Fang Jiayi may have done something illegal, it doesn't mean Fang Tianyu has done it, And you are a policeman. You know very well that the law stresses evidence. If you have evidence, you can go to arrest Fang Tianyu, but now you don't have evidence? How can you judge whether Fang Tianyu has violated the law subjectively? "

"He... He's a criminal!"

As soon as Zhou Xinming's words came out, ye Xiao began to smile, "you are a subjective behavior, just like you always think I am a playful man. In fact, I am very infatuated!"

"Are you crazy?" When Zhou Xinming heard Ye Xiao's words, her big eyes looked directly at Ye Xiao's face, and a sarcastic smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Zhou Xinming's mouth!

Ye Xiao just saw Zhou Xinming's sarcastic smile, "Xinming, are you laughing at me? What kind of smile are you laughing at me? "

"Yes Zhou Xinming didn't want to deny it either. She said directly, "I'm really laughing at you. If you say something else, I may not laugh at you. Do you even say you are infatuated? This is the funniest joke I heard tonight. You can tell me clearly how you are infatuated... I see you are having sex with other women everywhere... Or it's better to use collusion. As a playful man like you, I really can't find a more suitable word to describe you? I feel like you are a big turnip

"Since I am so playful, then you still like me, Xinming. Don't you think it's contradictory?" Ye Xiao asked with a smile!

"I... I like you? Don't be kidding. I don't like you... Don't talk nonsense Zhou Xinming is uncomfortable when ye Xiao looks at her like this. She turns her face to one side and denies, "I don't like you. I just... I just feel that we are friends and should treat you better. I have always been very loving. I'm very kind to those poor kittens and dogs. I have the same feelings for you... Yes, that's what I think!"

When Zhou Xinming said this, her eyes were always looking out of the car window. She didn't dare to look at Ye Xiao's eyes at all! The more she said that, it just showed that Zhou Xinming's heart was a little flustered!

Ye Xiao's hand stretched out and put his arm around Zhou Xinming's neck. His lips suddenly stuck to Zhou Xinming's lips. No matter whether Zhou Xinming agreed or not, ye Xiao's lips already stuck to Zhou Xinming's lips!

Zhou Xinming didn't refuse. In fact, Zhou seldom refuses Ye Xiao's kiss! Although Zhou Xinming has always denied that she really fell in love with Ye Xiao, Zhou Xinming's body is very honest. She did not resist Ye Xiao's kiss! This in itself shows Zhou Xinming's attitude. She is a woman who cares about face very much and will not admit it. She has many things to worry about, such as the relationship between her and Zhang Xueyao!

But Zhou Xinming's body has betrayed her heart, so that when ye Xiao's lips stick up, Zhou Xinming doesn't have a disgusting reaction!

After a kiss, ye Xiao's eyes looked into Zhou Xinming's watery eyes and said, "Xinming, Xueyao doesn't know me, so do you!"

"I... I don't understand you. It's normal. I'm not your fiancee!" Zhou Xinming said, "but if you say Xueyao doesn't know you, I'm not happy. I know Xueyao has never tried to understand a man's heart like now. She really cares about you!"

"Care about me, do not understand me, I ask you, do you know my past?" Ye Xiao asked suddenly!

"In the past?" Zhou Xinming was stunned. Her eyes looked at Ye Xiao, "you... What's your past? Aren't you a soldier? Oh, it's an agent. It's always been an agent. Isn't that the past? "

"Then don't you ask me what I've been through? Do you think men like me don't have women? " Ye Xiao asked!

"Are you married?" Zhou Xinming blurted out!

However, as soon as Zhou Xinming said this, she already regretted it! There is no doubt that ye Xiao has never been married. Now the key question is what ye Xiao has experienced in the past!

"I'm not married!" Ye Xiao shook his head slightly. "I'm talking about the woman I love. I can tell you that over the years, I haven't fallen in love with any other woman. It's not that I'm born like this. I've also had people I love deeply, and I've had a period of emotional experience. Only when I've experienced pain can my heart reach the extreme and die!"

"You mean you've been hurt, too?" When Zhou Xinming heard Ye Xiao's words, her eyes suddenly widened! This is something that Zhou Xinming didn't think about before. She never thought that a man like Ye Xiao would be hurt because of his feelings. It's not reliable to think about such things! In Zhou Xinming's heart, ye Xiao is a playful man. How can a man like Ye Xiao be infatuated?

"I am a human being, and I will have feelings if I am a human being!" Ye Xiao said, "how can I not be hurt... Well, if I don't tell you some things, it doesn't mean there's nothing wrong. Xinming, as I said, you don't know me very well. Well, I'll tell you my past experience when I have time. It also includes an experience that you may not believe. In fact, that experience is up to now, I thought it might be a dream... OK, fasten your seat belt, we're driving now! "

Ye Xiao didn't say everything. Zhou Xinming wanted to ask more questions, but when she saw that ye Xiao didn't want to say anything, Zhou Xinming didn't ask any more!

Ye Xiao drove to the door of a private villa!

There are many luxury cars in front of the villa. You can see that there is a party in it!

"This guy put the place here!" Ye Xiao didn't expect that the place Fang Tianyu wanted him to come to was here. It seems that private parties are being held here. Now there are so many rich people who often hold various parties!

"Get out of the car!" Ye Xiao stops the car and asks Zhou Xinming to get off!

Zhou Xinming hesitates. She's a policeman. It's not suitable to come to this kind of party!

After a little hesitation, she finally got out of the car!

Ye Xiao stretched out his hand, put his arm around Zhou Xinming's waist, and said, "we are all for Xue Yao now, and you don't want Xue Yao to go to jail!"

Zhou Xinming nodded!

Just as they entered the courtyard of the villa, they heard a girl's voice coming over, "uncle, is it really you?"

Ye Xiao and Zhou Xinming were stunned and looked over!

Only see a little girl wearing a white miniskirt is coming here, ye Xiao a look that little girl is Ji Xue!

Ye Xiao didn't expect Ji Xue to be here. As soon as he saw Ji Xue, his head began to ache! Ji Xue is a little girl who is not good at discipline. Of course, Ji Xue is not a bad girl. She is just a little bad because of the lack of family discipline!

That week Xinming also saw Ji Xue, but the moment she saw Ji Xue, Zhou Xinming had turned to Ye Xiao, "how do you know her very well?"“ It's a long story...! " Ye Xiao laughed awkwardly, "we are all friends!"

"Friends? You have so many friends Zhou Xinming said coldly.

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