This may be Zhang Xueyao's hint!

Ye Xiao put down the phone and thought about it. At that time, he already understood Zhang Xueyao's mind.

The reason why Zhang Xueyao mentioned it on her own initiative was that she worried that ye Xiao would secretly go to Gu Feifei's room at night! You know, Gu Feifei is in their villa, and Gu Feifei is going to chase Ye Xiao. Zhang Xueyao feels that Gu Feifei is her rival!

Although Gu Feifei is allowed to sleep in their villa tonight, it doesn't mean that Zhang Xueyao doesn't have any vigilance to Gu Feifei! Of course, she is worried that Gu Feifei will run into Ye Xiao's room in the middle of the night, or Zhang Xueyao is worried that ye Xiao will run into Gu Feifei's room.

However, Zhang Xueyao doesn't want to see such a thing happen. The reason why she told ye Xiao about it is that she suggested that ye Xiao would go to her room for the night. Although Zhang Xueyao didn't say it directly, Zhang Xueyao's attitude is very clear.

Anyway, Zhang Xueyao is a girl. If Zhang Xueyao is allowed to say this to Ye Xiao directly, Zhang Xueyao will feel very embarrassed. Therefore, she uses such a euphemism!

"This guy, he was worried!" Ye Xiao thought of this, he slightly shook his head! Zhang Xueyao obviously didn't know what happened tonight, otherwise, she would not have been so worried.

A lot of things happened this evening. How could ye Xiao be in the mood to think about other things now! There was a cigarette in his hand. At the thought of Gao Jie holding his hand just now, ye Xiao felt guilty in his heart!

He sighed. Now if he went home, he didn't know what Zhang Xueyao would think. Maybe Zhang Xueyao would be worried.

Ye Xiao holding the phone, looking for the phone number, he found Zhang Lishan's mobile phone number, a little pause! In Ye Xiao's heart, Zhang Lishan is a woman worthy of his trust. She is older than ye Xiao and has many experiences. If you want to find Zhang Lishan, maybe you can talk about it! But when ye Xiao thought it was too late, he gave up the idea.

It's easy to find Zhang Lishan at this time! He and Zhang Lishan both know it by heart. Last time something almost happened, Zhang Lishan always has her dead husband in her heart. Although Zhang Lishan said that she didn't take ye Xiao as a substitute for her dead husband, there is always an uncomfortable feeling in Ye Xiao's heart!

This is also the reason why Ye Xiao doesn't want to find Zhang Lishan. Being treated as another man makes him feel uncomfortable. Ye Xiao doesn't like it very much!

He turns over Zhang Lishan's number directly, and ye Xiao thinks of Fang Wanqing!

At this time, it's probably the best time to find Fang Wanqing.

When ye Xiao thinks of it, he dials Fang Wanqing.

As soon as the phone was connected, Fang Wanqing's pleasant voice came over, "you must have met something when you call me so late!"

As soon as Fang Wanqing's words came out, ye Xiao began to laugh. "You guessed it right, Wanqing. Is it convenient to see you?"

"Now?" Fang Wanqing asked!


"I'm at home!" Fang Wanqing said.

"Forget it!"

"No, I mean I'm not in the hospital!" Fang Wanqing said, "I have something to go home... Just after taking a bath, now I'll change my clothes and go out. You can tell me the location!"

"No!" Ye Xiao said, "just over there in your neighborhood. I'll leave after a while."

"Good!" Fang Wanqing said.

Ye Xiao put down the phone, when he was upset, ye Xiao thought of Fang Wanqing! Maybe it's because Fang Wanqing's smile is very comfortable, let Ye Xiao see Fang Wanqing's smile, as if there will be no trouble!

He turned the front of the car and went straight to Fang Wanqing's community!

Ye Xiao came to Fang Wanqing's home before, and saved Fang Wanqing that time! If it wasn't for ye Xiao, now Fang Wanqing doesn't know what will happen!

Ye Xiao went to the community where Fang Wanqing's home is. He drove the car to the community, found a parking place and stopped the car! At this time, there are still people playing in the community, especially in the square of the community, and the old people are dancing square dance! Now there are people dancing square dance in every community. For a time, square dance has become a public hazard!

Because of the square dance, there are a lot of disputes! One of them is the contradiction between some young people at work and those old people. This kind of thing is not easy to solve, especially those old people, who are not easy to provoke. If anyone provokes those old people, it's amazing!

Ye Xiao takes out the phone and dials Fang Wanqing!

Just after ye Xiao dialed Fang Wanqing's mobile phone, Fang Wanqing had already answered the phone!

"I'm already outside... Ah, I see your car!" Fang Wanqing said!

Ye Xiao puts down his mobile phone. He sees Fang Wanqing coming here!

Fang Wanqing wore a white skirt, and her black hair was scattered on her shoulders! Ye Xiao's eyes fell on Fang Wanqing's pretty face, and saw Fang Wanqing running over with a smile on her face!

"I saw your car just now, but I didn't dare to come here!" Fang Wanqing opened the door and got on the car!

Just when she came up, ye Xiao smelled a refreshing bath aroma! Ye Xiao sniffed, his eyes looking at Fang Wanqing!

Fang Wanqing's face flushed slightly. She had a sweet smile on her face. "When I was taking a bath, you called. I thought you... Would not come to me. After all, I met in the hospital before. I have something to do tonight. I changed shifts...!"

Ye Xiao did not speak, but directly stretched out his hand, a will Fang Wanqing to embrace over!

Fang Wanqing thought that ye Xiao would kiss her, but she didn't think that ye Xiao just held Fang Wanqing in her arms! Fang Wanqing's hands stretched out and hugged Ye Xiao's shoulder. She asked softly, "if there's anything, you can tell me. I promise I won't tell you!"

"Just want to hold you like this!" Ye Xiao didn't say much, just holding Fang Wanqing like this.

When Fang Wanqing heard Ye Xiao's words, she didn't ask much, so she held Ye Xiao!

Two people hugged for a long time, ye Xiao just released a hand, he took a cigarette to come out, put into mouth inside!

"Where's the lighter I gave you?" Fang Wanqing saw that ye Xiao took out her cigarette. She asked with a smile on her face!

"Here it is Ye Xiao takes out the lighter Fang Wanqing gave him!


Ye Xiao is on fire.

He took a puff of his cigarette and said, "I don't know how to say it... I did encounter something. Wan Qing, I only tell you about it!"


Fang Wanqing nodded her head and said, "I won't say it."

"I feel guilty!" Ye Xiao said, "someone died because of me, but his fiancee liked me!"

"Ah...!" When Fang Wanqing heard Ye Xiao's words, she opened a cherry mouth and looked at Ye Xiao with her talking eyes. "You must be very guilty in your heart. It's hard to feel it!"

Ye Xiao didn't expect that Fang Wanqing would be so understanding. Before he finished his words, Fang Wanqing already understood Ye Xiao's mind! This is exactly what ye Xiao wants to hear. What he needs is someone who understands him! Fang Wanqing is obviously such a girl. Ye Xiao doesn't need to speak too clearly. Fang Wanqing already understands Ye Xiao's mind.

Ye Xiao nodded, "yes, just now, I shook hands with her... Wan Qing, that kind of feeling is very bad. You know, before we were friends, we were friends who could talk freely. We used to shake hands, but since that happened, everything has changed. Just now, when I shook hands with her, I feel uncomfortable in my heart... I feel really guilty myself! "

"Well... That just means you are a kind man!" Fang Wanqing blinked her talking eyes and said seriously, "you are so kind that you feel bad in your heart!"

"Am I?"

"Of course Fang Wanqing said, "it's because you are kind that you are hurt. You look very strong and there seems to be nothing to be afraid of, but you have your own pain in your heart!"

"Wan Qing... Do you study psychology?" Ye Xiao asked!

"No!" Fang Wanqing said with a sweet smile, "your eyes tell me that it's hard in your heart...!"

Ye Xiao looked at Fang Wanqing, "what do you think I should do?"

Fang Wanqing blinked, "count the stars with me!"


Ye Xiao looks at Fang Wanqing's sweet smile, reaches out his hand and embraces Fang Wanqing, "well, let's count the stars together...!"


Fang Wanqing laughed!

At this moment, suddenly heard the sound of knocking on the window.

At the moment, Fang Wanqing is being held in her arms by Ye Xiao. When she hears someone knocking on the window, Fang Wanqing turns her face.

At that moment, Fang Wanqing's eyes suddenly widened!

She pushed Ye Xiao away subconsciously.

"Who is it?" Ye Xiao also saw the man knocking on the window. Because it was dark outside, ye Xiao didn't see clearly.

"I... my dad!" Fang Wanqing said flustered.

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