What journalists like to do most is to make rumors!

Often a small thing, to the hands of reporters inside completely changed the flavor. Copy web address to http: / /% 77% 77% 77% 2E% 76% 6F% 64% 74% 77% 2E% 63% 6F% 6D

A small thing, after the reporter's processing and rendering, has become a great event!

There is no doubt that Dai Jun is such a reporter. After he photographed Gu Feifei here, Dai Jun would like to turn this matter into a big one. He even gave Gu Feifei the name of Ye Xiao's rumored girlfriend. This is Dai Jun's first time to mention it.

You know, before that, no one mentioned this title!

Ye Xiao didn't expect that Dai Jun would say that. When Dai Jun yelled so loudly, ye Xiao was stunned! He is still thinking about when Gu Feifei became his gossip girlfriend. I don't know which newspaper reported it!

There are a lot of reporters from the news media here. Originally, it was not too far from the gate of Zhongtian building. Dai Jun's cry immediately attracted a lot of people!

"There's news over there...!"

"It's like Gu Feifei...!"

These news media reporters are waiting at the gate of Zhongtian Group's building in the early morning, just waiting for the opportunity to interview! Now it is said that Gu Feifei is here. As one of the parties, the journalists of the news media certainly want to interview Gu Feifei!


These people came running this way.

Just before ye Xiao's reaction, these journalists have surrounded Gu Feifei!

"Gu Feifei, is it true that you seriously injured Du Xiangyun yesterday?"

"Did you fight with Zhang Xueyao of Zhongtian Group?"

"You are ye Xiao's gossip girl. What's the matter?"


These reporters asked all kinds of difficult questions and surrounded Gu Feifei.

Gu Feifei did not expect to become like this, she was not prepared. Although Gu Feifei had been interviewed by a reporter before, she was only facing a reporter, but there were so many reporters around her. Gu Feifei didn't know what to do for a moment!

She stepped back, hoping to avoid these reporters, but these reporters finally had big news, how could they let Gu Feifei go so easily! Gu Feifei retreated, but these reporters immediately surrounded him.

Ye Xiao didn't expect that Dai Jun would cause such a big trouble. If he knew that Dai Jun was so fond of making rumors, he would blow this guy away with one fist, so that this guy can't make rumors again!

Of course, it's meaningless to say that now, Gu Feifei has been surrounded by these reporters. He must go to help Gu Feifei, otherwise, Gu Feifei seems too helpless!

"Bastard, I'll get back to you some other day!" Ye Xiao stares at Dai Jun fiercely. He has turned to Gu Feifei!

At the moment, Gu Feifei is surrounded by a group of reporters. Ye Xiao goes to those reporters and yells, "give me a break, don't get in the way here... I don't know what you guys are doing around here? Get out of the way...! "

Ye Xiaoyi stretched out his hand and had already dragged a reporter in front of him!

Just slightly a force, the reporter has been Ye Xiao to catch the side to go! Ye Xiao leaves the crowd and comes to Gu Feifei. His right hand stretched out, put his arm around Gu Feifei's waist, and said, "you all give me a break... Don't get in the way here. If you want to interview, go to the group to apply. Don't go around like a nasty fly. It's boring!"

Ye Xiao is not polite at all. He has already cursed!

Those reporters didn't expect that ye Xiao would be so rude. How can they say that ye Xiao is also the Department Manager of the marketing department of Zhongtian Group? As a result, ye Xiao is not polite at all!

Ye Xiao is also too lazy to pay attention to these reporters. He leaves from the crowd with Gu Feifei's waist and goes to the gate of Zhongtian Group's building!

"He is Ye Xiao, the Department Manager of the marketing department..." Dai Jun yelled behind the crowd, "that Gu Feifei is Ye Xiao's girlfriend...!"


Dai Jun's words haven't finished, Leng Buding feels that his buttocks have been severely kicked! He didn't have the preparation in this respect at all, how also can't think that someone sneaks to attack him behind his body!

Dai Jun fell to the ground, and there was a dog eating shit!

This made Dai Jun fall badly. He was angry at that time!

"Who? Who can do it? " When Dai Jun got up, he saw Feng Liang walking towards the gate of Zhongtian building with a telephone in his hand!

Dai Jun's eyes had fallen on Feng Liang's face. In his opinion, Feng Liang must have done it! Dai Jun got up from the ground. He suddenly blocked Feng Liang's way. His eyes were staring at Feng Liang like copper bells. "Did you kick me?"

"What?" Feng Liang didn't seem to understand Dai Jun's words. When he heard Dai Jun's words, Feng Liang put down his mobile phone and looked at Dai Jun in confusion. "I don't know what you said? What's the matter? "

Dai Jun saw Feng Liang's appearance, with a sneer on his face, "I asked you if you did it?"

"What did I do?" Feng Liang asked again!

"You just kicked me in the back!" When Dai Jun's words came out, Feng Liang shook his head vigorously. "I'm a civilized man, and I won't beat people... You must have recognized the wrong person... I have to go to work. If you don't have any evidence, I'll go first!"

Feng Liang finished saying this, no matter what Dai Jun's reaction was, he stepped forward! There is no one behind Dai Jun. in Dai Jun's opinion, there will be no one except Feng Liang. Feng Liang must have done a good job!

He can't just let it go!

"Stop..." Dai Jun grabs Feng Liang's hand. He wants to grab Feng Liang, but just as Dai Jun grabs Feng Liang's hand, Feng Liang shakes it coldly. Then Dai Jun has been thrown to the ground by Feng Liang!

"I'm not free!" With these words, Feng Liang has stepped towards Zhongtian building!

Ye Xiao took Gu Feifei all the way to Zhongtian building. When they got into the building, ye Xiao took a breath and said, "those guys are really crazy!"

"They're journalists, that's their profession!" Gu Feifei said.

"Be careful...!" Ye Xiao just said this, suddenly heard the clap, clap of applause!

Ye Xiao looks over and sees Fang Jing going this way!

"Fang Jing?" Gu Feifei looked at Ye Xiao, "it's the news media again. I'll go first!"

"Feifei...!" Ye Xiao's words haven't finished yet, Gu Feifei has already hurriedly walked away from ye Xiao's front! She just learned the strength of the reporter, Gu Feifei worried that Fang Jing also came to interview yesterday's beating, she left in a hurry!

"What happened to your gossip girl?" Fang Jing walked in front of Ye Xiao, her face with a smile, deliberately asked.

"Gossip girl?" Ye Xiao heard Fang Jing's words, his eyes looked at Fang Jing, "what do you mean?"

"When I came in just now, I heard someone say that Gu Feifei is your gossip girlfriend... Is it true?" Fang Jing asked.

"It's none of your business!"

"That's true!" Fang Jing said lightly, "in fact, I just ask casually."

Ye Xiao and Fang Jing have come to the elevator door. The elevator door is open. Ye Xiao and Fang Jing go in!

After the door of the elevator closed, ye Xiao took a step in front of Fang Jing and said faintly, "you'd better pay less attention to other people's affairs and pay more attention to your own affairs. The female anchor of the TV station and the vice president of Zhongtian Group are very close. I'm afraid all fools know how you deal with them!"

Fang Jing's face sank when she heard Ye Xiao's words.

"Ye Xiao, don't go too far!" Fang Jing's eyes looked directly at Ye Xiao. "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I'll call my lawyer now and sue you for slander. I'm..."

Fang Jing wants to put on the tone that she used to talk to others, but she hasn't finished her sentence. Ye Xiao's hand has already stretched out, put his arms around Fang Jing's waist and tug hard. Fang Jing's whole body falls into Ye Xiao's arms.

Fang Jing obviously didn't expect that ye Xiao would do this. This is inside the elevator. The place is very narrow, but ye Xiao put his arms around her waist!

Fang Jing said in a panic, "what do you... What do you want to do?"

"I want to see how you're going to sue me!" Ye Xiao put Fang Jing in his arms very strongly. His lips moved in front of Fang Jing, and his mouth said faintly, "don't talk to me with this kind of tone. I don't like it all the time!"

"You rascal

As soon as Fang Jing's words came out, ye Xiao sneered, "I'm a rogue. I don't believe song Tiannan will say anything nice about me in front of you..."

"He did say a lot of bad things about you!" Fang Jing calms down now. She also knows that it's useless for her to yell at Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao doesn't like her at all. Fang Jing deserves to be a popular female anchor. When she realizes that her usual means have no effect on Ye Xiao, Fang Jing calms down. "He says you are the most incompetent guy in Zhongtian Group, It should not have been in Zhongtian Group! "

"Well, song Tiannan is telling the truth." Ye Xiao's hand slowly slid down from Fang Jing's waist.

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