The white man's target is Ye Xiao!

He ran to the room is also ye Xiao's room!


He smashed the door open and rushed in with a gun in his hand.

The guy went in and shot at the bed, but there was no one on the bed. He took the gun and rushed to the bathroom, but saw that there was only bath water in the bathtub, ye Xiao was not in the bathroom.

He came out from the bathroom with a gun. This time, the target was Ye Xiao, but there was no shadow of Ye Xiao. He knew that the task had failed. The white man didn't think much and rushed out of the room with a gun in his hand!

The operation failed. He wanted to leave the hotel immediately.

Soon, the guard of the hotel will come. He must leave before the guard arrives. Otherwise, facing the guard, he will be forced to shoot. In that case, it will be dangerous.

He just rushed out of Ye Xiao's room, ye Xiao has kicked over!

Ye Xiao was making out with Zhang Lishan in her room just now. He pressed Zhang Lishan under his body. When he was making out with Zhang Lishan, he suddenly heard Liang Jun's voice! At that moment, ye Xiao and Zhang Lishan had separated!


And then there was the gunfire!

Zhang Lishan doesn't know what happened. What she worries about most is that Liang Jun finds that she and ye Xiao are making out in the room. In that case, things will get worse. She doesn't know what Liang Jun will say in the group. That's what Zhang Lishan worries about most! She was very afraid of such a situation, but Zhang Lishan did not know that something bigger was happening at the moment.

"Liang Jun?" Zhang Lishan said!

"Shh, don't talk!" Ye Xiao was very experienced. When he heard the sound just now, he had already judged that it was gunshot, that is to say, someone was shooting in the hotel!

Although Ye Xiao and Zhang Lishan are making out in the hotel room, ye Xiao keeps alert! He's not worried about Liang Jun finding out what happened between him and Zhang Lishan. He's more worried about the gunshot!

"Sister Lishan, hide under the bed at once!" Ye Xiao said, "someone shot!"

"Shoot?" Zhang Lishan was scared when she heard Ye Xiao's words. She didn't expect to meet someone shooting here. It's too scary!

"You hide, I'll go out and have a look!" Ye Xiao said, and his lips had been on Zhang Lishan's lips. He gave her a kiss and said, "sister Lishan, don't worry. As long as I'm here, you won't be in danger. Leave everything to me!"

"Brother, you... You must be careful!" Zhang Lishan said anxiously.

"I know!" With these words, ye Xiao has arrived at the door of the room! As soon as he got to the door of the room, he heard the sound of gunfire coming from his room. When the white man rushed to Yexiao's room, he fired at Yexiao's bed!

When ye Xiao heard the gunshot, he knew clearly that the target of the other party was him.

Although Ye Xiao didn't know what kind of sacred this guy was, from the point of view that this guy shot to kill him, this guy was a very cruel master. He had to be careful! It's useless to hide. This guy even shot to kill him, which proves that the other party must want his life. Even if he doesn't succeed this time, there will be another time!

This is Ye Xiao's experience, don't expect the other party to let you go, you should take the initiative to punish the other party! Ye Xiao himself is not easy to provoke. As a result, someone provokes him. This is the wrong person. How can ye Xiao let him go!

Just when the white man was still looking for ye Xiao in his room, ye Xiao had already arrived at the door! He's hiding there, waiting for the shooter to show up. Sure enough, the shooter jumped out of the room in a hurry after flying out of the air. Obviously, the shooter didn't expect that ye Xiao had been hiding there. Just when the shooter came out of Ye Xiao's room, ye Xiao had already jumped up and pointed his foot at the shooter!


The shooter was kicked to the ground by Ye Xiao, and the pistol fell to the ground from the shooter's hand!

"I found it on my head. You are looking for death!" Ye Xiao kicked the shooter to the ground. He saw that although the shooter was kicked to the ground, he still wanted to take the gun off the ground. Of course, ye Xiao couldn't let him. He rushed over and kicked the shooter's arm. If ye Xiao kicked the shooter's arm, the shooter's arm would be broken by Ye Xiao.

As soon as the white gunner saw Ye Xiao's aggressive foot, he was so scared that he took back his hand and did not dare to take his pistol!

Ye Xiao's kick was empty!

At this moment, the white shooter had got up from the ground and rushed to Ye Xiao! His target is Ye Xiao. When ye Xiao comes out, the gunner will not let him go. He wants to kill Ye Xiao!

The white shooter was so big that he jumped on him! Although Ye Xiao had been prepared for a long time, when this guy came up, ye Xiao was still knocked down by this guy!

Two people rolled on the ground, ye Xiao had the upper hand, he pressed on the white shooter's body, two hands up, facing the guy's face is a beating!

One punch, two punches!

After three punches in a row, the white man had already been beaten by Ye Xiao! Ye Xiao's fist was like an iron fist, hitting the white man in the face. The white man was already bloody at that time!

Three punches in a row, the white man's mouth and nose bleeding!

However, the white shooter is obviously not an ordinary master, physical fitness is not generally strong. If it is an ordinary person, he will lose his fighting power after being hit by Ye Xiao for three times, but this white man is very different. Although he has been hit by Ye Xiao for three times in a row, he has the ability to fight back. When ye Xiao doesn't pay attention, his knee is hard on Ye Xiao's back.

Although Ye Xiao is very powerful, he is a man, not a God. After being hit by the white shooter, ye Xiao falls forward with a "plop" and falls to the ground.

Just after ye Xiao fell into the neutral position, the white shooter had stood up from the ground, his mouth was full of blood, and his nose was crooked by Ye Xiao! However, this did not affect the white shooter's attack on Ye Xiao. After he got up, he saw Ye Xiao getting up from the ground. He ran to Ye Xiao and kicked him hard!

Ye Xiao kicked him before, but now it's his turn to fight ye Xiao. If he kicked Ye Xiao in the crotch, ye Xiao would be useless. This white shooter's kick is full of strength, which is the quality difference of human species. When yellow people face white people, they are obviously in a disadvantage in physical quality!

However, ye Xiao is ready. Just when the white shooter raises his foot and kicks Ye Xiao hard, ye Xiao has dodged to the side, and then his right hand hits the hook from the bottom of the white shooter, hitting him on the chin!


In the past, the white shooter had been beaten by Ye Xiao, and his blood gushed out! After that, his body stepped back for several steps, and finally he leaned against the wall of the corridor to stop. Otherwise, ye Xiao's fist would have knocked the white man to the ground!


Ye Xiao spat on the ground!

"Son of a bitch, you dare to provoke me. Everything I say today will abolish you!" Ye Xiao looked at the white man and said, "I'd like to see which bastard is not afraid of death, who dares to kill me..." Ye Xiao spoke and rushed to the white man!

Although the white shooter is very tough, he is not ye Xiao's opponent after all. Before, he thought his body was strong, even if he didn't have a pistol, he could kill Ye Xiao. But after fighting Ye Xiao, he knew that ye Xiao was terrible. He was not ye Xiao's opponent at all. If he still fought Ye Xiao, he would die here today!

What's more, after such a long time, the guard of the hotel is coming. He has no gun in his hand. When the guard comes, he will only be arrested! The shooter saw Ye Xiao pounce on him. He didn't even think about it. He pushed the car in front of him to Ye Xiao and ran away!

Ye Xiao dodged the car, and saw the shooter run away. Ye Xiao sneered, "you want to run. There is no such good thing in the world. You can't run away from me today!" Ye Xiao directly chased up!

The white man rushed to the elevator. He pressed the key of the elevator several times. Then he suddenly changed his mind and gave up taking the elevator. Instead, he ran to the stairway. He ran downstairs from the stairway, and ye Xiao also came after him. The white man ran down the sixth floor at one go. Ye Xiao didn't give up and was about to catch up with this guy, This white man suddenly ran into the hotel floor!

Just as ye Xiao ran in, he saw that the white man had already arrived in the elevator. At this moment, the door of the elevator had been closed. The white man made a provocative expression to Ye Xiao when the door closed.

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