The other side has a gun. No matter how powerful Ye Xiao is, he can't subdue the other side.

Now as soon as ye Xiao appears, he will be hit by the other side.

The opponent is professional. Ye Xiao will not be stupid enough to show up. He has to wait for the police to come!


There was another shot, and the bullet hit the tree trunk!

"NIMA, I really want my life. Who did I offend? It's enough to give me face to put on such a big position!" Ye Xiao murmured, "although I have a lot of enemies, I just arrived in England, so I had such a welcome ceremony. I can't stand it!"

He can't do anything now. He can't show up foolishly!

However, when the shot came out, there was no gunfire in the back.

"Run away?" Ye Xiao thought that his opponent would get off the bus, but to his surprise, he didn't shoot again after he fired the gun again. Ye Xiao soon heard the voice of the police car, the police came!

The other side is obviously very professional. Before the police came, they had already run away!

Ye Xiao just showed his head!

The other side had already run away, and the white man's body was lying in the middle of the road.

"How professional!" Ye Xiao muttered!

Inside the police station, ye Xiao accepted the inquiry, he told the story! For this attack, ye Xiao did not know who did it, and he did not even know who was his enemy in England.

Of course, ye Xiao did not tell the police all about himself.

He has his own secret!

Ye Xiao is not an ordinary person. There are many secrets hidden in him. Many of these secrets involve state secrets and are highly confidential. It is impossible to tell the British police.

He has enemies all over the world, and many people want Ye Xiao's life! Of course, there are many people in Britain who want to kill Yexiao. Yexiao is not surprised that someone has attacked him. Of course, Yexiao's only surprise is that he was attacked as soon as he arrived in England. It's a bit too fast!

Liang Jun also made a record, he said what he saw! Liang Jun suffered a slight injury, just a slight scratch. After a simple treatment, there was nothing wrong!

When ye Xiao finished his notes, he stood up and saw Lucy who had just arrived at the police station!

Lucy is a celebrity. She is a person of status in London. When she appears at the police station, the chief of police will accompany her in person! Lucy's father is a congressman. He has a lot of power.

"The police will try their best to solve the case!" Lucy walked up to Ye Xiao, "I just talked with the police chief. You are my most important friend. This time, the police will provide security for you. During your stay in London, the police will provide security!"

When Lucy said this, ye Xiao shook his head slightly, "Lucy, you don't know. What I don't like most is being protected by the police, so I don't feel safe!"

Lucy has come to Ye Xiao. She puts her lips to Ye Xiao's ear and says in a low voice, "no one will care about your past details, and no one will know your details. Of course, except me...!"

Lucy was very close to Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao felt that his lips had touched his earlobe. His right hand stretched out and put it on Lucy's waist. He said with a smile, "since you say that, I just listen to you. Here you are the guest. Everything is up to you!"

"That's right!" Said Lucy.

Just as Lucy said this, Zhang Lishan, Liang Jun and Liu Jing were walking this way. Zhang Lishan saw Ye Xiao and Lucy clinging together! Zhang Lishan frowned slightly. Although Zhang Lishan knew that ye Xiao and she were only close friends, she couldn't care who ye Xiao was close to. But when Zhang Lishan saw Ye Xiao and Lucy talking so close, she felt a little unhappy in her heart!

Of course, Zhang Lishan knows that she is not qualified. She has reminded herself that she and ye Xiao are just close friends. In fact, all along, Zhang Lishan has not considered a question. How much is Ye Xiao in her heart?

Zhang Lishan always told her that she loved her dead husband! There is only one man in her heart. She won't have another man except that man. For her dead husband, she won't have intimate relationship with another man. She can't be sorry for her husband! But all this was completely changed after meeting Ye Xiao.

Zhang Lishan didn't know when she had Ye Xiao in her heart. Zhang Lishan once cheated herself that she was making out with Ye Xiao because ye Xiao was very much like her dead husband. She was just making out with her husband. But she found more and more that this reason could not deceive herself. She found more and more that what she longed for was Ye Xiao!

Just now, when she saw Ye Xiao talking with Lucy intimately, Zhang Lishan found that she was not happy in her heart. She didn't realize that she had already regarded Ye Xiao as the man she loved!

Zhang Lishan can not let this emotion occupy her mind, she tried to pretend that there is no relationship, came over!

When ye Xiao saw Zhang Lishan and others coming over, he released his arm around Lucy and took the initiative to introduce her, "Lucy, this is Zhang Lishan, vice president of our group!"

Lucy reached out and shook hands with Zhang Lishan!

Zhang Lishan also stretched out her hand. After they said hello, ye Xiao looked at Liang Jun, "Minister Liang, thanks to you this time. If you didn't find the shooter in time, I might not be safe. I heard that you were injured. How is your injury?"

"It's not heavy!" Liang Jun heard Ye Xiao's words and quickly said, "thank you for your concern!"

Ye Xiao has come to Liang Jun. he reaches out his hand, taps Liang Jun on the shoulder, and says, "Minister Liang, after I go back, I will talk to the board of directors of the group about your performance. I believe the group will reward you... Oh, your injury can also be regarded as industrial injury. I believe vice president Zhang agrees with me!"

Zhang Lishan nodded, "I agree with Manager Ye's idea that Minister Liang is really injured, and the group should also reward Minister Liang!"

"Thank you Liang Jun heard that ye Xiao and Zhang Lishan both said so, and quickly said thank you! In his heart, Zhang Lishan and ye Xiao are all figures in Zhongtian Group. After this event, he can have a good relationship with both of them, especially Zhang Lishan, who is the top boss of Liang Jun. if Liang Jun and Zhang Lishan can get along well, Liang Jun will be at the top sooner or later!

When Liang Jun was proud, Leng Buding heard Ye Xiao ask in front of him, "Minister Liang, I'm surprised. How did you get to our floor?"

"Ah...!" Liang Jun was shocked when he heard Ye Xiao's words. Liang Jun thought that ye Xiao already knew about his eavesdropping. He said quickly, "I went to find vice president Zhang. There's something wrong with the domestic production line and I need to report to vice president Zhang. But as soon as I got there, I saw the waiter sneaking around."

"Oh, so it is When ye Xiao heard Liang Jun's words, he nodded and said, "I'm still wondering if Minister Liang has something to hide from me. It seems that I've been thinking too much... Well, Minister Liang, don't think too much. I just want to remind you that sometimes, don't talk nonsense before there is no evidence. I'm a man who can say anything, The most intolerable thing is that other people make rumors. If I know that someone makes rumors about me, I will not simply beat him up. Maybe I will let him... Die! "

Ye Xiao said the word "death" very lightly. He only let Liang Jun hear it!

The meaning of Ye Xiao's words is very clear, which is to warn Liang Jun not to speak disorderly, otherwise, ye Xiao will not let Liang Jun go!

How can Liang Jun not understand the meaning of Ye Xiao's words? He has also seen Ye Xiao beat people with his own eyes. Ye Xiao beat people up. He really wants people's lives and makes people afraid at first sight!

Liang Jun said quickly, "Manager Ye, don't worry. Liang Jun is not the kind of person who likes to talk nonsense!"

"This is the best way!" Ye Xiao's hand on Liang Jun's shoulder gently patted, "Minister Liang, when we get back home, we'll come out and have a good drink!"

"Good!" Liang Jun quickly agreed.

He was very afraid now. He thought he could catch Ye Xiao and Zhang Lishan. In this way, he would have ye Xiao and Zhang Lishan. But now when he heard Ye Xiao's words, Liang Jun knew that there were some things he really didn't know. Just like Ye Xiao and Zhang Lishan, Liang Jun only saw Ye Xiao go to Zhang Lishan's room, As for the specific relationship between them, he did not know!

Ye Xiao's words just now are also warning Liang Jun not to speak disorderly, otherwise ye Xiao will never forgive Liang Jun!

Ye Xiao went back to Lucy and Zhang Lishan. He said with a smile, "I just said two more words to Minister Liang. Let's go. Let's leave the police station first!"

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