The Fu Mansion was very famous in Zhonghai City, and the chefs here were all top ranked in the country.

Although Gu Feifei was selling as a gold plate for Zhong Hai Group, but to rely on her salary to eat a meal at the Fu Lun Restaurant, she would have to pay a month's salary!

This time, Gu Feifei had signed a big order for Zhong Hai Industries, the bonuses and dividends were not small.

Ye Xiao stopped the car at the entrance of the Pagoda building, and Tang Tang and Gu Feifei who were sitting inside got off the car.

Just as Ye Xiao got off the car, his phone rang.

Ye Xiao saw that it was Zhang Xueyao calling.

He was slightly startled, why would Zhang Xueyao call at this time.

"Manager Ye!" Seeing Ye Xiao getting off the carriage, Tang Tang called out to him.

"Shh …" Ye Xiao waved his hand, signalling Tang Tang not to speak. He patted on Tang Tang's shoulder lightly, signaling Tang Tang and Gu Feifei to go in first.

"Tang Tang, let's go. I think this call is from her fiancee." Looking at Ye Xiao's expression, Gu Feifei could already guess that it was Zhang Xueyao who had called.

Tang Tang held onto Gu Feifei's arm. Hearing this, Tang Tang asked curiously, "Sister Fifi, who is our manager's fiancee?"

"Vice President Zhang Xueyao."

When Gu Feifei said Zhang Xueyao's name, Tang Tang's cherry lips opened, showing a shocked expression. She never thought that Ye Xiao's fiancee would be Zhang Xueyao.

"Is this true?" Tang Tang still couldn't quite believe it.

"Of course it's true. Do you think I'm lying to you?" As Gu Feifei was speaking, she suddenly extended her right hand and grabbed onto Tang Tang's chest, "Every time I see your chest, I get angry, Tang Tang, you speak about yourself, you look so small, and you have such a big chest, do you want to anger me to death?"

"What does that have to do with me? I don't want to do it either." Tang Tang said with a wronged expression, "Actually, I'm very tired."

"Hmph, if I had a chest as big as yours, I guarantee I would have fooled that bastard to death."

When Tang Tang heard these words, she blinked her eyes and asked excitedly, "Sister Fifi, you have a boyfriend? Who is it? "

"No, I don't have a boyfriend. I'm just saying it casually. Hurry up and go in." Gu Feifei realized that she had leaked the conversation earlier, luckily Tang Tang was simple and did not understand what she meant. Gu Feifei quickly changed the topic and walked in with Tang Tang.

When Ye Xiao saw that it was Zhang Xueyao's call, he let Tang Tang and Gu Feifei leave first. He didn't even know why he was so timid. He was worried that Zhang Xueyao would be angry.

"Hey, wife, why are you calling me? Do you miss me?" Ye Xiao purposely raised his voice because he was afraid that Zhang Xueyao would hear something from the phone.

"Who's missing you, shameless." Zhang Xueyao coldly snorted, "Can you still be a bit thick-skinned?"

"Wife, just admit it. Don't deny it in front of me anymore. We're both sleeping in the same bed now, and it's not just once, but twice."

"Are you still going to say that? If you don't believe me, I'll cripple you." Zhang Xueyao coldly snorted, "When you are sleeping, I will take the scissors and cut off your body, then you will be obedient."

"How vicious." When Ye Xiao said this, he was really afraid. Men are afraid of this. Ye Xiao was also a man. If he really allowed Zhang Xueyao to do that, Ye Xiao would definitely suffer a fate worse than death!

"Where are you now?" Zhang Xueyao asked.

"We're outside, having lunch with friends." Ye Xiao said.

"Friend? "Who?"

When Zhang Xueyao asked this question out of the blue, she didn't even think about it. When she asked who Ye Xiao was eating with, she was extremely shocked. She did not expect to be so concerned about who Ye Xiao was eating with.

"Men." Ye Xiao lied. He knew that if Zhang Xueyao knew that he was eating with Gu Feifei and Tang Tang, he still didn't know what Zhang Xueyao would do.

In order to prevent Zhang Xueyao from getting angry, Ye Xiao could only lie.

"Oh!" When Zhang Xueyao heard this, she was obviously relieved. "Daddy said that he wants to eat with us. If you have time, let's eat together."

"Now?" Ye Xiao hesitated a little. If he were to eat with Zhang Xiaotian now, he would leave both Gu Feifei and Gu Feifei behind.

Just as Ye Xiao was hesitating, Zhang Xueyao who was on the other side of the phone already said, "Daddy said that you don't need to come anymore, let's eat together with friends, we'll talk next time."

"Alright then!" Ye Xiao said, "Wife, tell my father-in-law that our family will have a good reunion next time."

"Scram!" Zhang Xueyao pouted playfully, "If you want to be beautiful, I won't marry you."

"Alright!" Ye Xiao promised.

He put the phone down and was finally relieved.

Just a moment ago, he was still in a dilemma as to whether or not he should go to eat. Since he was living with Zhang Xueyao, Zhang Xiaotian could come to their villa and eat with them at any time.

Ye Xiao turned and walked into the Treasure House.

In Zhang Xiaotian's car, Zhang Xueyao put down the phone, pouted her lips, and spoiled, "Dad, you don't know how that bad guy bullied me, he bullied me everyday. Dad, you have to help me teach him a lesson."

Zhang Xueyao held Zhang Xiaotian's arm, and acted like a spoiled child.

Zhang Xiaotian laughed, "Xueyao, how do you want me to help you teach him a lesson? Why don't we just let him marry you? If she doesn't, we can just lock him up, okay? "

"Dad, I'm not marrying him." Zhang Xueyao pouted her rosy lips, "This guy is especially bullying others. If I marry him, he can bully me to death … "Oh, I've made an agreement with him. After we stay for a period of time, we will part ways. This is a contract we have signed."

"Is that so? "How long will it last?" Zhang Xiaotian asked.

"Ah …" "Anyway, for a while." Zhang Xueyao thought that the agreed time between her and Ye Xiao seemed to have arrived, it was just that Ye Xiao did not mention it, so she thought that he had forgotten about it.

"Is that so?" Zhang Xiaotian faintly smiled as he looked at Zhang Xueyao's face.

"Dad, do you suspect me?"

"No." Zhang Xiaotian laughed, "I'm just very surprised that you're able to live with him for such a long time. Xueyao, what exactly are you thinking right now?

"I... Of course I don't like him. He's lustful, shameless, and he bullies me so much. I can't wait for him to leave, and even more so, don't let me see him in the group. " Zhang Xueyao complained.

"In that case, I am relieved." Zhang Xiaotian said, "Otherwise, I would be worried about what you might think."

"Dad, don't worry about it?" Zhang Xueyao asked.

"Of course it's to have Ye leave the group. I was worried that you wouldn't want Ye Xiao to leave, but after hearing your words, I don't have anything to worry about."

When Zhang Xiaotian said this, Zhang Xueyao's eyebrows immediately tightened, "Dad, could it be because of him beating people up today, right? I've already asked, Yang Zhennan is the one who is targeting the Market Department, although Yang Zhennan is the leader of the Production Department, but he clearly hasn't considered it before, he did not even support a huge 10 million contract for the group, and he still isn't able to complete the mission. If that's not intentional, then it's not wrong for Ye Xiao to beat him, and furthermore, no one has seen Ye Xiao hitting people."

"Xueyao, you are speaking up for Ye Xiao. Didn't you just say that you don't want to see him? This is the perfect opportunity to let him leave! "

"I just said I don't like to see him... If he wants to stay at the company, he'll stay. I didn't say I couldn't see him. " Zhang Xueyao lowered her head, obviously not wanting Zhang Xiaotian to see her current appearance.

Zhang Xiaotian laughed again, "Xueyao, I was just casually saying it. This time, it's clear that it's Soong Tiannan's doing.

"It's me?" Zhang Xueyao was startled, she blinked her watery eyes, and looked at her father, "What is he doing against me? It's not like I've offended him. What's more, this is in the interest of the corporation. What's the benefit of him doing this to the corporation? "

"It's not good for the group, but it's good for him." Zhang Xiaotian laughed coldly, "Soong Tiannan will not care about the group, all he wants now is to win more authority for himself. This time, it's clearly for you to see, the market is under your control, if this time, you can't produce anything, and cause such a huge loss to the order, then Soong Tiannan will push the responsibility to you, and at that time, you will have even more no authority in the group, and Soong Tiannan will take the chance to rope in some of the smaller shareholders. However, his methods are useless in front of me."

Zhang Xueyao curled her lips, "He really is underestimating me too much. This time, no matter what I say, I won't let anything happen to Ye Xiao."

"And you still say you don't like him. Xueyao, don't you realize that you have never cared about other men so much? As a father, even I am a bit jealous. " Zhang Xiaotian laughed.

"Dad, what are you saying? I'm your daughter, and in my eyes, you're the most handsome man in the world." Zhang Xueyao said in a spoiled manner.

"Your mouth has turned sweet, could it be because of you and Ye Xiao?"

"I... I'm still the same. " Zhang Xueyao also noticed that the way she spoke was similar to Ye Xiao's. Of course she wouldn't be changed by Ye Xiao.

Zhang Xiaotian laughed, "Looks like Ye has really changed a lot for you …"

"Dad …" Zhang Xueyao's face turned red, she did not want to talk about this anymore, so she quickly changed the topic, "Dad, where are we going to eat? I'm really hungry now, let's eat quickly."

"We'll be there soon." Zhang Xiaotian said, "I've already booked a private room in the Pagoda. I originally wanted to invite Ye Xiao to eat together with me, so we should eat together."

"Alright!" Zhang Xueyao laughed.

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