Ye Xiao's muzzle is in Jonathan's eyebrow. If Jonathan doesn't say it, ye Xiao will really shoot!

As a matter of fact, few people dare not tell the truth when they are held in the head with a gun. At least Jonathan is not such a person, when ye Xiao's head against his head, Jonathan has been afraid!

Before Earnshaw could count to three, Jonathan had already said Brown's name!

"Mr. Brown?" Ye Xiao is holding a gun in his hand. When he hears Brown's name, ye Xiao can't remember when he got into a feud with this guy!

"It's Mr. Brown!" Jonathan said, "he offered you a reward. I didn't want to take it. It's all George's fault. He asked me to do it to you!"

Ye Xiao is not interested in what Jonathan said. He doesn't care who let Jonathan move his hand. Ye Xiao wants to know who is brown now! Earnshaw didn't remember the man. He looked at Jonathan. "I want to know the full name of brown!"

"We call him Mr. Brown..."

As soon as Jonathan said this, ye Xiao frowned and looked directly at him, "don't you know his full name?"

"I don't know!" Said Jonathan.

"Where do you live?"

When ye Xiao just asked, he heard a voice coming from behind! Although the voice was very low, ye Xiao heard it. It must be his own back. Although several of Jonathan's people were killed by Ye Xiao, ye Xiao did not rule out that there were still Jonathan's people in it. What's more, the key Black George didn't know where to go. From the beginning, George was the trouble maker!

According to what George said before, George found Ye Xiao. That is to say, George is probably the one who told brown the news! The next step is to kill Ye Xiao. George asks Jonathan to do it again. The root of all the troubles is George. But now George is not here, and ye Xiao has no energy to find out where George has gone!

But when he heard the voice coming from behind, ye Xiao knew that someone was coming from behind!

He held the pistol in Jonathan's eyebrow, heard the voice behind, ye Xiao moved the muzzle of the gun.


Just as ye Xiao moved away, the gun rang.

Fortunately, ye Xiao's reaction is fast enough. When he hears the voice behind his back, ye Xiao is ready to escape. This gun sounds, ye Xiao has already dodged!

Although Ye Xiao dodged, Jonathan didn't have ye Xiao's reaction ability. As a result, the shot was on Jonathan's shoulder.

He heard a scream from Jonathan, and then he said, "George, you idiot..."

It was George who shot in the back.

When there was a gunfight here, George just hid. He didn't dare to show up. Ye Xiao's skill scared him, especially when he saw Ye Xiao shooting and killing, George didn't dare to show up. He was afraid that if ye Xiao saw him, he would be killed by one shot.

George knew in his heart that he was a troublemaker. I'm afraid he was the one ye Xiao wanted to kill. That's why George didn't dare to show up. He just kept looking for opportunities.

When he saw Yexiao with a gun against Jonathan's head, George thought that his opportunity had come. He could sneak attack Yexiao from the back of Yexiao's body and kill Yexiao with one shot.

But George didn't think that ye Xiao's ears were sensitive. When George moved, ye Xiao already heard George's voice. Ye Xiao responded in time. As a result, George failed to hit him with this shot. Instead, he hit his boss Jonathan.

When Jonathan scolds George and says he wants to kill him, George's next shot has already started. The target of this shot is not ye Xiao, but Jonathan!



There's another blood hole in Jonathan's body!

"You fool, don't think I'll follow you, just be afraid of you!" George is holding a gun in his hand. The muzzle of his gun is aimed at Jonathan. Just now, Jonathan's words of scolding George completely angered George. George is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He also knows that relying on Jonathan's personality, he hit Jonathan with a gun, and Jonathan will not let him go!

George did nothing but kill Jonathan with a gun. In this way, he would be safe. At least he would not worry about being killed by Jonathan! It's normal for gangsters like them to die. Maybe they will be killed by gangs for one or two small things. People like him who directly hurt the gang boss, let alone want to live!

Jonathan won't let him go. Anyway, they are all dead. Even if we kill Jonathan now, it's up to us. George has nothing to worry about! He was also a ruthless master. It was not difficult for him to kill Jonathan!

George's shot at Jonathan didn't kill him immediately! Jonathan still wants to struggle to get his gun. He wants to kill George! George saw that Jonathan was not dead, so he wanted to touch the gun. Without hesitation, he fired another shot, which directly hit Jonathan in the head. After this shot, Jonathan finally stopped moving!

With a plop, Jonathan's body fell to the ground. Jonathon finally died. When George saw Jonathon dead, he swore, "this is your own death. Let you scold me. I tell you, don't offend me, George. I don't fear anything...!" After George said this, he had a gun in his hand and fired another shot at the side!

He shot Ye Xiao. After George killed Jonathan, he finally thought of Ye Xiao. He can't spare Ye Xiao. After he killed Jonathan, George felt that he had nothing to fear. Ye Xiao should be afraid of him. He shouldn't be afraid of Ye Xiao!

"Yexiao, you come out for me, I'm George standing here, you have the ability to come out for me!" George took a gun in his hand and fired another shot. He didn't know where ye Xiao was hiding, but George knew that ye Xiao must be near here. He wanted to let Ye Xiao come out by himself!

"Don't you want to kill me? Come on, I'm here. If you have the ability, come out and kill me! " George is now particularly arrogant, he yelled a few words, but did not hear ye Xiao's voice, even ye Xiao did not shoot!

George is more sure of one thing, ye Xiao's gun has no bullets!

When he confirmed this, George became more arrogant. If ye Xiao has no bullets, what else can he be afraid of? He has a pistol in his hand. He is not afraid of Ye Xiao!

"You come out... I'm here, aren't you strong? Come on, kill me, I'll wait for you here, you waste...! " George is walking forward with a gun in his hand. He wants to find Ye Xiao!


Just as George got to a car in front of him, he heard the sound of things colliding! George thought that Earnshaw was hiding there. He suddenly turned around and was already facing that direction.

George still had a gun in his hand. As soon as he turned around, the gun in his hand shot at that side!

Bang, bang, Bang!

George fired five shots at a time!

There was no movement over there. There were bullet marks on the body of the car, which George had just shot.

But ye Xiao is not there!

"Ye Xiao, you trash, you come out, I...!" When George saw that ye Xiao was not there, he planned to scold Ye Xiao again, but he didn't expect that when he just scolded, Leng Buding heard Ye Xiao's cold voice behind him, "if you shout again, I'll cut your throat..."

Then George felt his throat blocked by something cold!

It was Yexiao's dagger. George didn't know when Yexiao had appeared behind him! At the moment, ye Xiao is using a dagger to hold George's throat, the sound is like coming from hell, especially frightening!

"Ah...!" George let out a cry of surprise. He didn't dare to scold any more!

"Throw the gun away!" Ye Xiao said coldly!

"Well, you... Don't mess around, I'll throw it away!" At this time, George didn't dare not do what ye Xiao said. He was worried that ye Xiao would get angry and kill him.

"What did you call me just now?" Ye Xiao asked coldly!

"I didn't shout anything, it was a misunderstanding... A misunderstanding!" Said George hastily.

"How can I hear you call me trash!" Ye Xiao deliberately moved the dagger to George's throat. George's throat had been scratched by Ye Xiao, and blood appeared!

"I'm wrong!" Said George hastily!

George is worried that ye Xiao will slit his throat now, but ye Xiao doesn't intend to do so! When ye Xiao heard George's words, he just said coldly, "you should remember one thing. Don't irritate me, and don't listen to me. Otherwise, I will kill you!"

"I dare not!" Said George hastily.

"That's good!" Ye Xiao said coldly, "now, tell me honestly, who is brown and why did he kill me?"

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