Ye Xiao stopped Zhou Xinming!

His eyes looked at Zhou Xinming, "Xinming, what do you say?"

"Don't you know?" Asked Zhou Xinming!

"I... I know what!" Ye Xiao said.

"Hum, you still want to pretend in front of me!" Zhou Xinming suddenly raised her foot, facing Ye Xiao's right foot!

Ye Xiao had long thought that Zhou Xinming would come here. When Zhou Xinming stepped on his foot, ye Xiao had already raised his right foot, "Hey, can't step on it..."

Before ye Xiao finished his sentence, he saw Zhou Xinming's right hand grab Ye Xiao's crotch!

"Ah... Xinming, you... You let go!" Ye Xiao bent over at that time!

"Aren't you arrogant? What's the matter Zhou Xinming's face was close to Ye Xiao's, and a sneer of disdain appeared at the corner of her mouth, "don't you forget what I do? I'm a criminal policeman. I always have a way to deal with a guy like you! "

"You... You don't all do that, do you?" Ye Xiao said!

"Come on, I feel sick doing this to other men! Of course, for a guy like you, you have to do this. This trick is specially used to deal with you! " Zhou Xinming's right hand suddenly used a little strength, and ye Xiao had already frowned and begged for mercy. "Easy... Easy, don't hold it, it's going to break..."

"It's good to be broken, so you'll be honest!" Zhou Xinming's eyes stare at Ye Xiao, "now, what I ask you, you have to be honest. If you are not honest, I will show you the feeling of being broken, so that you can't be a man for the rest of your life..."

Zhou Xinming looks terrible now!

Ye Xiao is really frightened by Zhou Xinming's momentum. It's not a joke. Zhou Xinming has firmly grasped Ye Xiao's handle in his hand. If ye Xiao is not honest, ye Xiao believes that Zhou Xinming will not let him off lightly!

"I'm honest... I'm honest, I'll say whatever you ask... I promise, I won't hide it!" Ye Xiao said quickly!

"Did you... Did you do that to Yeqing?" Asked Zhou Xinming!

"What is it like?"

"You talk nonsense with me, of course, about sleeping!" Zhou Xinming said coldly, "no, to be more precise, is it related to..."

"No, absolutely not!" After listening to Zhou Xinming's words, ye Xiao said with certainty at that time, "she is my sister. How can I have an idea about her... I won't have that kind of relationship with her. Xinming, you can absolutely believe my loyalty to you. I am very disciplined..." Ye Xiao said here and lowered his voice. "Of course, it's different from you. I can't control it... Ouch, don't try hard!"

Ye Xiao wanted to tease Zhou Xinming, but before he finished his sentence, Zhou Xinming's right hand used a little strength, and ye Xiao had already surrendered! He didn't dare to talk any more. He looked at Zhou Xinming and said, "Xinming, I didn't have a relationship with her!"

"And last night?" Asked Zhou Xinming!

"What happened last night? Oh, I see. You can't see Ye Qing sleeping in my room... Ouch, easy Ye Xiao frowned again, and his buttocks pouted back. Now he looks very uncomfortable!

There was no smile on Zhou Xinming's face. Her eyes looked at Ye Xiao, "don't play with me. You tell me honestly. What happened last night? I saw Ye Qing sleeping on your bed

"Misunderstanding, absolutely misunderstanding!" Ye Xiao said, "I went to bed after taking a bath. When I went to bed in the middle of the night, I found that Ye Qing, a little girl, didn't know when she went to bed with me. Xinming, you should know that I just flew back from England. I had been on the road for more than 20 hours. I was very tired. After I came back, I went to do some work, I'm so tired that I don't know when the little girl Yeqing got into my bed. I swear that I was innocent with her last night and had nothing

"Really?" Asked Zhou Xinming!

"Really, I swear, I really had nothing with her last night!" Ye Xiao said hastily, "I dare not lie now!"

"Look me in the eye!" Zhou Xinming said.

Ye Xiao's eyes look at Zhou Xinming's eyes. Zhou Xinming looks at Ye Xiao's eyes and mutters, "your eyes don't look like lying. Forget it, I'll believe you once..." Zhou Xinming said that she was about to release her hand, but at this moment, Zhou Xinming's eyes looked at Ye Xiao!

"What's the matter?" Ye Xiao saw Zhou Xinming looking at him. He asked innocently!

"You disgusting man!" Zhou Xinming suddenly released her hand. Her cheek was already flushed. She pushed Ye Xiao hard and wanted to leave! But ye Xiao hugged Zhou Xinming, "Xinming, that's a man's normal reaction. It's all your fault!"

"I... I didn't do anything!" Zhou Xinming said.

"At this time, you deny it!" Ye Xiao certainly won't let Zhou Xinming go. He hugs Zhou Xinming tightly and pushes him back. He pushes Zhou Xinming to the wall. "I'm a normal man. You just did that. I have a normal reaction. Now I won't let you go..." Ye Xiao has already put his lips up. He wants to kiss Zhou Xinming's lips!

That week Xinming's right hand stretched out and covered Ye Xiao's mouth!

"Brush my teeth quickly. If you don't even brush your teeth, don't be shameful!" Zhou Xinming put on a look of disgust!

When ye Xiao heard this, he felt right. He didn't brush his teeth in the early morning. He released his arm around Zhou Xinming and said, "I'm going to brush my teeth now. I can tell you that you don't want to run. No matter what, you have to be responsible for me. Who let you hook me up in the early morning?"

Ye Xiao said that he had already gone to brush his teeth!

But when ye Xiao just took the toothbrush, Zhou Xinming had already come to the door. She gave Ye Xiao a white look, "hum, you want to be beautiful!" With these words, Zhou Xinming is about to leave, but she suddenly stops and says to Ye Xiao, "be careful next time. Don't leave the door open in the middle of the night. It's easy for people to see you and Ye Qing in bed. I don't care, but if others see you, it's different!"

"The door is open?" Ye Xiaogang just took a toothbrush and applied toothpaste. When he heard Zhou Xinming's words, he stopped, looked at Zhou Xinming, and asked strangely, "what's the door open?"

"Of course, the door of your room is open. Don't I understand?" Zhou Xinming finished this sentence, no matter what ye Xiao reaction, she walked out!

"Open the door...!" Ye Xiao is silly and has been making trouble for a long time. Last night, his door was not closed. No wonder Zhou Xinming saw Ye Qing and ye Xiao sleeping on the same bed last night. It turned out that when ye Qing came in, the door was not closed!

"This girl...!" Ye Xiao murmured, "fortunately, only Xinming can see it, otherwise, I will die..."

Just when ye Xiao said this, he saw Du Hanshuang come in!

She saw Ye Xiao brushing her teeth here. Du Hanshuang took a look at Ye Xiao and turned to go out!

"Du Hanshuang, what do you mean?" Ye Xiao asked!

"Take a bath!" Said Du Hanshuang!

"Oh, let's go...!" Ye Xiao just said this, he suddenly remembered what happened last night, he asked tentatively, "did you get up last night?"

"I've been up. What's the matter?"

"Have you found anything unusual?" Ye Xiao asked!


When Du Hanshuang said this, ye Xiao's heart just let go. He waved his hand to Du Hanshuang and said, "well, there's no business for you. Go ahead!"

When ye Xiao said this, Leng Buding heard Du Hanshuang say, "except your door is open!"


Although Du Hanshuang didn't say one more word, her later words didn't need to be said any more!

Du Hanshuang finished this sentence and left here!

"Fortunately, Du Hanshuang has a strict mouth and won't talk nonsense!" Ye Xiaoxin comforts himself inside!

After washing and rinsing, he dried the water on his face with a towel, and then said to the mirror, "Ye Xiao, don't worry. Du Hanshuang and Zhou Xinming are night owls. It's normal for them to see them, and they won't talk nonsense!"

After ye Xiao finished this sentence, he felt much more comfortable in his heart!

He went out!

Just when ye Xiao came out, he happened to meet Yu Xiaoyu who was yawning!

"Good morning, master!" Yu Xiaoyu and ye Xiao say hello!

"You're not going to school today?" Ye Xiao asked!

"No class today!" Yu Xiaoyu talks and walks to Ye Xiao. Her nose suddenly smells Ye Xiao's body!

"What do you smell?" Ye Xiao asked!

Yu Xiaoyu yawned again. Hearing Ye Xiao's words, Yu Xiaoyu waved his hand and said, "nothing, master. Don't worry. This time I don't want to count you. I want to help you... See if you have the fragrance of Ye Qing... You are too careless. How could you not close the door last night..."


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