Ye Xiao is looking for an opportunity!

He wants to get close to Gao Changmao. Before Gao Changmao finds him, he suddenly attacks Gao Changmao!

Zhang Lishan has seen Ye Xiao. She is attracting Gao Changmao's attention!

"I admit, I'm a little moved. I didn't expect you to treat me like this...!" Zhang Lishan said.

"I knew you would be moved!" When Gao Changmao heard Zhang Lishan's words, he was very happy!

His eyes twinkled with excitement, and he had put his face close to Zhang Lishan's side! Now Gao Changmao's breathing is very short, especially urgent!

Obviously, Gao Changmao is very excited now. All the time, he is waiting for Zhang Lishan to say that he likes him and he wants to own Zhang Lishan. When he hears Zhang Lishan's words, Gao Changmao has misunderstood that Zhang Lishan likes him!

Now he wants to hold Zhang Lishan. He wants to kiss her on her lips. He has been longing to kiss her ruddy lips for a long time. Every night, Gao Changmao dreams of kissing her on her lips before he can go to sleep!

Now, Zhang Lishan is in front of him!

Gao Changmao feels that his dream will come true. He wants to kiss Zhang Lishan on the lips!

When Gao Changmao's lips were going to kiss Zhang Lishan's lips, he suddenly heard footsteps behind him! Although Ye Xiao's footsteps have been very light, Gao Changmao still heard them!

As soon as he looked back, he saw Ye Xiao standing behind him!

Gao Changmao didn't know when ye Xiao appeared behind him. When he turned his hair to see ye Xiao, it was a little late. Ye Xiao had already stood in front of him!

"You pervert, you dare to attack my woman. You are blind!" Ye Xiao opened his mouth and scolded!


Ye Xiao made a fist and knocked this guy down on the ground at that time!

Closely following, ye Xiao is a foot, Gao Changmao to kick to one side!

Instead of paying attention to Gao Changmao, he reached out and held the handcuffs! Then he heard a "click", and the handcuffs had been opened by Ye Xiao.

"These handcuffs are toys. Do you really think they are useless like this?" Ye Xiao took a look at Gao Changmao lying on the ground. Now Gao Changmao was beaten by Ye Xiao and couldn't get up at all! He was lying there, motionless!

Ye Xiao scolded a, also did not pay attention to Gao Changmao, Zhang Lishan from the chair to embrace up!

"Sister Lishan, what's the matter? Do you have any injuries?" Ye Xiao asked in a hurry!

"No, I'm all right!" Zhang Lishan was relieved to see ye Xiao coming! She did have some fear before, that is because ye Xiao did not appear, Zhang Lishan's heart has no bottom, but after ye Xiao appeared, Zhang Lishan was not afraid! In Zhang Lishan's heart, as long as ye Xiao is by her side, she has nothing to fear!

"Well, sister Lishan, you go out first, I'll clean up here!" Ye Xiao said!

"Brother, don't...!" Zhang Lishan holds Ye Xiao's hand. She knows Ye Xiao very well. When ye Xiao says this, Zhang Lishan already knows what ye Xiao is going to do!

Ye Xiao is going to abolish Gao Changmao!

Although Zhang Lishan resents Gao Changmao in her heart, she is a soft hearted woman after all. She doesn't want to see Gao Changmao abandoned by Ye Xiao! On the other hand, Zhang Lishan is also worried that ye Xiao will violate the law by doing so. If ye Xiao is arrested for this, Zhang Lishan will feel very guilty!

"Sister Lishan, this guy will hurt you!" Ye Xiao said, "if you spare him like this, I think he will do something to you. I still think we should abolish him. This is the solution once and for all!"

"No way!" When Zhang Lishan heard Ye Xiao's words, she said firmly, "this is definitely not good. This is my home. If something happens here, I will feel uncomfortable. Especially, I'm worried that it will affect Xueer and my younger brother. Even for my consideration, you can't be cruel here. You'd better hand it over to the police...!"

"This...!" Ye Xiao hesitated!

If according to Ye Xiao's personality, he certainly hopes to directly discard Gao Changmao! People only die, that is the safest, what repentance, those are bullshit things, there is no use! As for the punishment of the law, in fact, the role is not too big. Many criminals will still commit crimes after they get out of prison! Of course, it's not to say that they have not been transformed, but those people themselves are not people with psychological problems!

There are a lot of people who are kind, because some things are forced to violate the law!

Of course, those people certainly do not include people like Gao Changmao. In Ye Xiao's eyes, people like Gao Changmao are scum no matter when they are! It's no use putting him in jail! Gao Changmao himself has psychological problems. Do you expect a guy with psychological problems to be reformed? What a joke. People like Gao Changmao are not in prison, but in a mental hospital!

But Zhang Lishan's attitude is very firm, which makes Ye Xiao feel embarrassed! Anyway, it's Zhang Lishan's own business after all. Only Zhang Lishan has the most say!

This is Zhang Lishan's home. If Zhang Lishan insists that ye Xiao should not attack Gao Changmao, ye Xiao can only promise!

"Sister Lishan, have you really thought it over?" Ye Xiao looks at Zhang Lishan!

"Yes Zhang Lishan nodded!

"Well, since you said that, sister Lishan, I can only do what you said!" Ye Xiao said!

"Brother... Are you a little angry?" Zhang Lishan heard Ye Xiao say so, she worried that ye Xiao was angry, Zhang Lishan's eyes looked at Ye Xiao! Ye Xiao said with a smile, "of course not. I'm just worried about you. If this is sister Lishan's choice, I will respect your decision!"

"Be careful...!"

Just as ye Xiao said this, Zhang Lishan's eyes suddenly widened, and she made a scream! Zhang Lishan saw that Gao Changmao had stood up and rushed to Ye Xiao!

Gao Changmao's eyes are red. His goal is Ye Xiao!

Obviously, in Gao Changmao's eyes, ye Xiao must die! Only Ye Xiao died, Zhang Lishan belongs to him! This time he kidnaps Zhang Lishan, it's also because he is infuriated by Ye Xiao. Now he wants to solve Ye Xiao at all costs!

Ye Xiao has heard the footsteps behind him!

In fact, when ye Xiao shot just now, he left a living under him! If you follow Ye Xiao's way of shooting, you will get rid of Gao Changmao just once. But ye Xiao doesn't want to kill in front of Zhang Lishan, so he just left Gao Changmao alive. He just knocked Gao Changmao to the ground and let Gao Changmao lose his fighting power for a while!

He wants Zhang Lishan to leave and ye Xiao to get rid of Gao Changmao.

But Zhang Lishan is determined to Gao Changmao live, do not let Ye Xiao kill Gao Changmao! Ye Xiao can only take another way, just when Gao Changmao rushed to Ye Xiao, ye Xiao's right hand has been stretched out!

Just for a moment, ye Xiao had already turned around, his right hand firmly clasped Gao Changmao's throat!

Ye Xiao as long as a force, he will crush Gao Changmao's throat, in that case, Gao Changmao will die! But Zhang Lishan is in front of Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao can't let Zhang Lishan see this cruel scene!

He changed his mind!

"Gao Changmao, you are lucky to meet a soft hearted woman, otherwise, you will become a corpse now!" Ye Xiao looked at Gao Changmao with his eyes. He said coldly, "I hope you can firmly remember that the person who saved your life was Zhang Lishan. If it wasn't for her, I would crush your throat now and make you a cold corpse...!"

Ye Xiao finished this sentence, his left hand suddenly lifted up, facing Gao Changmao's neck is hard!

Gao Changmao was beaten by Ye Xiao and fainted all of a sudden!


Gao Changmao has fallen to the ground!

Zhang Lishan was worried that ye Xiao would kill Gao Changmao, but she was relieved to see that ye Xiao finally listened to her words and didn't kill Gao Changmao!

"Sister Lishan, call the police...!" Ye Xiao said!


Zhang Lishan took the phone and was about to make a phone call when she heard Ye Xiao say, "forget it, let me make a phone call. Let Xinming handle this matter. It's a kidnapping case. Let's put Gao Changmao in prison for more than ten years first!"

Zhang Lishan has no opinion!

Ye Xiao tied Gao Changmao up. Although Gao Changmao was knocked unconscious by Ye Xiao, who knows when Gao Changmao will wake up? It's better to be careful now!

After ye Xiao tied up, he took out the phone and dialed Zhou Xinming's mobile phone!

"Xinming, there's a serious kidnapping case here, involving kidnapping... Oh, and attempted murder!" Ye Xiao said, "bring people here right away!"

After ye Xiao and Zhou Xinming finished talking on the phone, he put down his mobile phone and looked at Zhang Lishan with his eyes. "Sister Lishan, as a reward for me, let's kiss..."


Zhang Lishan didn't even think about it. She already hugged Ye Xiao's neck and gave him a hot kiss.

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