Tiger doesn't want to hear Du Xiaoyi talk any more. He has taken out the tape and stuck Du Xiaoyi's mouth. Du Xiaoyi can't say a word!

On a dark night, at the gate of an abandoned hospital in the suburb, tiger's car stopped! Du Xiaoyi was pushed down from the car, at the moment Du Xiaoyi's eyes are still covered, he was forced to frame into the hospital!

In the gloomy hospital ward, ye Xiao, beast and Ye Qing are waiting for Du Xiaoyi there!


After Du Xiaoyi was brought in, he was directly pushed to the ground! The black plastic bag on Du Xiaoyi's face is finally taken off. Du Xiaoyi's eyes see ye Xiao!


Du Xiaoyi's mouth is still taped. He can't speak at all! The tiger untied the tape, and Du Xiaoyi finally made a voice, "is that you? Ye Xiao... You did all this? "

Du Xiaoyi obviously did not expect that ye Xiao would do so. When he saw Ye Xiao for the first time, Du Xiaoyi's eyes were shining with shock!

"Du Xiaoyi, what's the matter? Don't you believe I did it? " When ye Xiao heard Du Xiaoyi's words, he laughed and looked at Du Xiaoyi with his eyes. "I remember telling you that if you want to live, you should leave Zhonghai city quickly, but you won't listen to me. Du Xiaoyi, what do you want me to say? You really take my words as nonsense and don't listen to them at all..."

Du Xiaoyi is not stupid!

He also knew that he was in a very dangerous situation. If he had to fight with Ye Xiao at this time, ye Xiao would really kill him in anger! Du Xiaoyi is not as arrogant as he was in the daytime. When he heard Ye Xiao's words, he had a smile on his face and said in a hurry, "Mr. Ye, this is all a misunderstanding. There must be some misunderstanding. Don't be angry. I know we have some conflicts in the daytime, but it's all... It's all a joke. I really don't want to kill you, I'm just saying... "

When Du Xiaoyi said this, ye Xiao already sneered, "Du Xiaoyi, do you believe this?"

"How much do you want, Mr. Ye? As long as you bid, I will give it! " When Du Xiaoyi heard Ye Xiao's words, he immediately changed another way. He talked about money directly!

In Du Xiaoyi's eyes, money is the best use, anything can be solved with money!

He takes Ye Xiao as a man who loves money very much. At this time, Du Xiaoyi can do anything to survive!

"Talk to me about money?" When ye Xiao heard Du Xiaoyi's words, he already laughed, "well, since you have money, give me a trillion first? I'll think about you... "

A trillion is bullshit!

In fact, Du Xiangyun's group's foreign debt is more than 20 billion yuan. People like Du Xiangyun have always been good at capital operation. They basically use other people's money and don't use their own! Although Du Xiangyun claims to have tens of billions of assets, in fact, his available working capital is not much!

It's good to have tens of millions. The rest is the market funds. Of course, this is the life of the rich. They don't need how much money they have in their hands, but how much money they can use!

Of course, Du Xiaoyi doesn't have that much money. When he heard that ye Xiao mentioned one trillion yuan, Du Xiaoyi already knew that ye Xiao didn't intend to ask for money at all, otherwise, he would not be a trillion yuan!

Du Xiaoyi saw that it was useless to talk about money. His tone had to change again!

"Ye, you know my Du family is not easy to provoke. If anything happens to me, you can't run away!" Du Xiaoyi said, "let's step back and let me go. I don't think it's a good thing for me, don't you?"

Ye Xiao heard Du Xiaoyi's words, he already laughed, "yes, it's very good. It's a bit of a man. Du Xiaoyi, you are a man. Don't let me look down on you. If you are tough with me, maybe I will let you go..."

"Don't do this with me!" Du Xiaoyi's eyes looked at Ye Xiao. "I haven't seen anything from Du Xiaoyi. Don't think I'll be afraid of you... You'd better let me go immediately, otherwise, I won't let you go!"

"Pa, Pa"!

When Du Xiaoyi said this, ye Xiao slapped him!

"Well said, Du Xiaoyi, these two sentences are wonderful!" Ye Xiao looked at Du Xiaoyi and said, "I will let you go... Beast, let him go!"

As soon as the beast waved his hand, the tiger came to Du Xiaoyi and untied the rope tied to him!

"Did you really let me go?" Du Xiaoyi obviously didn't expect Ye Xiaohui to let him go. At the beginning, he didn't believe it. He thought Ye Xiao must be cheating him!

According to Ye Xiao's disgust for him, ye Xiao should not easily forgive him! But to his surprise, ye Xiao actually let people untie his rope! That Du Xiaoyi's two hands have already been loosened, his two hands hold together, eyes looked at Ye Xiao, "do you really let me go?" At this time, Du Xiaoyi obviously does not believe Ye Xiao's words!

"Of course I let you go!" Ye Xiao says lightly!

"Good!" When Du Xiaoyi heard Ye Xiao's words, he didn't even think about it. He turned around and ran outside!

In Du Xiaoyi's opinion, it's a fool if he doesn't run now!

Of course he won't stay here!

However, just as Du Xiaoyi turned around to run, the Tiger stood beside him. The tiger's hand suddenly lifted up and looked at Du Xiaoyi's head! Before he could speak, Du Xiaoyi had already fallen to the ground and fainted!

Du Xiaoyi didn't know how long he had fainted. When he woke up again, he found himself alone in the hospital room!

"Where is this?" Du Xiaoyi rubbed his head. He was knocked unconscious just now. "Ye, you don't mean what you say, I will never forgive you!"

Du Xiaoyi yelled!

But no one answered, it was quiet all around!

"No one?" Du Xiaoyi was stunned. He just remembered that he was knocked unconscious, but he didn't know how he was in this room!

Obviously, this is an abandoned hospital room!

"No matter, I'll get out first!" Du Xiaoyi doesn't know the situation now. He wants to leave here as soon as possible! The atmosphere here is very gloomy. Du Xiaoyi is afraid to stay here alone!

Just as he came out of the room, he saw a white shadow in front of him! The white shadow looked like a woman. Du Xiaoyi was a little scared. He muttered, "it must be a dream... I'd better forget it. Run out quickly..."

He muttered, looking for the way out!

The corridor of this hospital is dark. Only with the help of moonlight can we see the road clearly in front of us! There seems to be some liquid on the ground. Because it's too dark, Du Xiaoyi can't see it clearly. He doesn't care about it now, but hopes to leave here as soon as possible!

This is Du Xiaoyi's idea!

Just as he was about ten steps away, a white shadow appeared in front of him!

It's the white shadow he saw just now!

I saw a woman with long hair wearing white clothes, her feet seemed to float on the ground!

"Ah...!" When Du Xiaoyi saw the ghost, he cried out in fright!

That female ghost saw Du Xiaoyi, unexpectedly ran Du Xiaoyi this side to float to come over!

"Help... Don't come here... Help!" When Du Xiaoyi saw the ghost running towards him, he suddenly turned around and ran. He didn't care about anything. He just wanted to leave here as soon as possible!

He ran to the front room in one breath!


Du Xiaoyi slams the door of the room!

But just as he closed the door and turned around, he suddenly saw two people in white standing in the corner of the room!

Those two people are white clothes, with long hair, will completely cover the face!


Du Xiaoyi is scared again!

He suddenly opened the door and ran out again!

"Du Xiaoyi, don't run... Let's go down and play...!" Some people in Du Xiaoyi's body behind the gloomy shout!

"No, you ghosts, stay away from me. Get out of here...!" Du Xiaoyi yelled. He ran again. As a result, he just ran to the corridor in front of him. Another gloomy face appeared in front of him!

At the moment, Du Xiaoyi's spirit has already collapsed. When he saw that gloomy face, Du Xiaoyi yelled and rolled up!

"Don't come here... Don't come here..." Du Xiaoyi curled up in the corner, in front of him, there appeared a group of ghosts with blood mouth open, coming towards him!

"Don't come here... Help... There are ghosts... There are ghosts...!" At the moment, Du Xiaoyi is completely scared out of his mind. The ghosts come towards Du Xiaoyi. Du Xiaoyi holds his head in both hands, and the whole person has gone mad!

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