Ye Xiao saw Du Xiangyun come to his office!

He leaned back, picked up the cigarette on the table and lit it!

"Chairman Du, what's wrong with your leg?" Ye Xiao asked, he certainly knew that Du Xiangyun's leg was broken by himself, but ye Xiao pretended not to know!

Du Xiangyun said with a smile, "Mr. Ye, you should know how I broke my leg!"

"Oh, I remember. You broke your leg yourself!" Ye Xiao said with a smile, "I don't have a good memory. If you don't remind me, I'll really forget it!"

"Mr. Ye is really joking!"

Du Xiangyun has already sat on the chair in front of Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao looked at Du Xiangyun's bodyguard, a burly man. Ye Xiao said with a smile, "Chairman Du, are you worried that I will beat you?"

"I do have that worry!" Du Xiangyun said, "I heard that Mr. Ye did whatever he wanted in Zhongtian Group, so there was nothing he didn't dare to do. So I was very worried that you would do something to me, so I brought a bodyguard here!"

"Forget to say...!" Ye Xiao took a puff of smoke and spat at Du Xiangyun, "even if you take a bodyguard, if I want to hit you, I will also hit you. You bodyguard is not my opponent...!"

Ye Xiao said this, deliberately provocative look at Du Xiangyun's bodyguard!

As a result, the bodyguard ignored Ye Xiao at all

Ye Xiao laughs and looks at Du Xiangyun again. He says faintly, "Du Xiangyun, tell me directly. What are you looking for me for? I have a lot of human resources. I don't have much time to get involved with you here. If you have something to say, let it go quickly... "

Ye Xiao is so direct!

He didn't like Du Xiangyun. Ye Xiao didn't have to be too polite in front of him!

When Du Xiangyun heard Ye Xiao's words, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth!

He took out a cigarette and lit a fire!

"I wonder if you saw my son yesterday?" Du Xiangyun asked!


Ye Xiao is very simple! His eyes looked at Du Xiangyun, "your son wants to kill me... Oh, by the way, isn't your son in prison now? I suggest you hire a good lawyer for him. In this way, he can stay in prison for a few years. Otherwise, he will have to stay in prison all his life! "

"You didn't do it?" Du Xiangyun asked!

"I did it? What have I done? " Ye Xiao looks at Du Xiangyun! Of course, he knew the meaning of Du Xiangyun's words, but ye Xiao pretended not to know! Ye Xiao is not so stupid. Even if he does well, he should pretend not to know! Only in the back of the hand is the most terrible!

Du Xiangyun's eyes looked at Ye Xiao. He took a puff of cigarette and hummed coldly, "my son has been attacked. Don't you know about it?"

"You mean Du Xiaoyi was beaten? It's a good thing. Who did it? I should go and thank him Ye Xiao leans forward to Du Xiangyun, with a smile on his lips. "Du Xiangyun, in fact, I also want to beat Du Xiaoyi. If it wasn't for my time, your son would be in the hospital now. You should be glad it wasn't for me!"

"My son is crazy!" Du Xiangyun said.

"Crazy? It's very interesting Ye Xiao took a puff of his cigarette and sprayed it directly on Du Xiangyun's face, "where is your son now? I'm going to see him

"No need!" Du Xiangyun leaned back and said, "you don't have to pretend to be a good man, ye Xiao. I came to see you just to tell you that I, Du Xiangyun, will definitely avenge my son this time. No matter who that person is, I will make him pay the price... If I find out that you really did it, you should be ready to let someone collect your body..."

Du Xiangyun finished this sentence, he stood up! His bodyguard came and helped Du Xiangyun! Du Xiangyun is still fractured. If it wasn't for Du Xiaoyi's accident this time, Du Xiangyun would definitely stay in the hospital and would not come out easily. But now the situation is different. Du Xiaoyi is crazy. Of course, Du Xiangyun will come out to preside over the overall situation!

This time he came to see ye Xiaomu, it was very clear that he wanted to see if ye Xiaomu had done it!

However, Du Xiangyun can't see any clues from ye Xiao. Ye Xiao behaves naturally. Although Ye Xiao is Du Xiangyun's first suspicious target, from ye Xiao's reaction, ye Xiao really doesn't seem to know what happened to Du Xiaoyi!

As soon as Du Xiangyun's words came out, ye Xiao laughed, "Du Xiangyun, I think you'd better care more about yourself. It seems that you have more enemies than me. If you don't do well, you will be killed when you go out of this door... I've seen a lot of such people. One second they are still arrogant, and the next they have become a corpse! Du Xiangyun, I hope to see you again... "

Of course, Du Xiangyun knew that ye Xiao was scolding him, but he just hummed coldly, ignored Ye Xiao, and walked out of Ye Xiao's office!

Just as Du Xiangyun went out, Gu Feifei pushed open the door and came in!

"What did he come to you for?" Gu Feifei asked!

"What else can I do? Of course, I'm asking for a crime!" Ye Xiao pinches out his cigarette in the ashtray. He stands up and walks up to Gu Feifei. He pats Gu Feifei with his hand. "This guy thinks that I abandoned his son, so he comes to me to settle accounts!"

"As a matter of fact?" Gu Feifei asked!

Ye Xiao put his lips to Gu Feifei's ear and said in a low voice, "in fact, I did it too!"


Ye Xiao's hand touched Gu Feifei's waist, "Feifei, your figure is more and more shapeless!"

"How does it compare with Zhang Xueyao?" Gu Feifei asked!

"Well, in addition to the chest is not as big as her, PP is not as warped as her, the others are not too bad!"

As soon as ye Xiao's words came out, Gu Feifei's feet had already been lifted up. It was on Ye Xiao's legs!

"Ouch, it hurts!" Ye Xiao said!

"You deserve it!" Gu Feifei gave a cold hum!

Ye Xiao suddenly hugged Gu Feifei, "Feifei, you have the ability to say it again!"

"You deserve it!" That Gu Feifei doesn't listen to Ye Xiao. She hears Ye Xiao's words and says "deserve it". As a result, as soon as Gu Feifei's words come out, ye Xiao's lips have been pasted up and she gives Gu Feifei a kiss on her ruddy lips! Gu Feifei had thought that ye Xiao would do this for a long time. When ye Xiao's lips came up, Gu Feifei naturally stretched out her hands and put her arms around Ye Xiao's neck, so her lips and ye Xiao's lips came together!

"Not bad!" After ye Xiao finished kissing Gu Feifei, his eyes looked at Gu Feifei and said, "it seems that you know my heart very well!"

"You are such a man, don't think I don't know, you just want to kiss me Gu Feifei said faintly, "you don't have to bother like this. As long as you say you want to kiss me, I won't refuse!"

"Are you confessing to me?" Ye Xiao said!

"You think too much, I didn't!" Gu Feifei said, "I just don't want you to get so upset!"


Ye Xiao's hand suddenly patted Gu Feifei's elastic back, "OK, I know. Next time I'll take it directly!"

"Well, there's a thief's heart but no thief's guts!" Gu Feifei is in go out of time, suddenly say this sentence!

"You... You are!" Gu Feifei was stunned at first, but he didn't react. However, ye Xiao soon understood the meaning of Gu Feifei's words, and he didn't admit it!

Ye Xiao didn't want to go to the factory. He always felt that it was too far away! However, since it was Zhang Xueyao who gave the order, ye Xiao had to obey unconditionally! When he finished eating in the afternoon, ye Xiao received a call from Fang Jing!

"I've been to your company. What about you?" Fang Jing asked!

"Just finished eating!" Ye Xiao said.

"Where are you, I'll find you!" Fang Jing feels that ye Xiao is really a man. She is very busy. She doesn't want to waste time with Ye Xiao here! If it wasn't for ye Xiao's help last time, Fang Jing would not be so polite to Ye Xiao!

"Are you coming to me?" Ye Xiao asked!

"Yes, don't be so wordy. I'm very busy!" Fang Jing said, "don't talk to me any more. I'll go to you now. First I'll do a simple interview, and then I'll go to the factory. I have to finish all these things this afternoon."

"Well, come to me!" Ye Xiao said.


"Toilet!" Ye Xiao said!

“……!” Fang Jing felt that ye Xiao was on purpose. She said angrily, "hurry up, you guy. I don't have time to play with you!"

"Then wait for me!" Ye Xiao said, "come to me in half an hour!"

"You go to the bathroom that long? You're not constipated, are you Fang Jing in front of Ye Xiao completely regardless of what image, she was angry!

"No!" Ye Xiao said faintly, "I'm going to take a nap and see you again!"

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