Ye Xiao brought Fang Jing to the roadside barbecue!

This is what Fang Jing didn't expect! She thought Ye Xiao would take her to some high-end restaurant. After all, many of the men who invited her to dinner did so. They invited her to all kinds of high-end restaurants, but she didn't expect Ye Xiao to bring her to the roadside barbecue!

"How's it going, isn't it?" Ye Xiao and Fang Jing sit at a table. Ye Xiao takes a big bunch of kebabs in his hand and takes a bite. As he eats, he says, "I've been here before. It's delicious. It's much better to eat here than in the restaurant outside. Fang Jing, you don't have to thank me for bringing you to eat such delicious food...!"

"I don't have it. Don't dream!" Fang Jing heard Ye Xiao's words, her lips slightly pouted, "I don't know what to say about you. Do you want to have barbecue when you come out with other women? I don't know what Zhang Xueyao likes about you. She is your fiancee. I think it's impossible now. Ye Xiao, are you bragging? "

"It seems that you suspect me of boasting! But if you think about it, I'm afraid few people will believe that I'm Zhang Xueyao's fiance. In fact, I'll tell you a secret...! " When ye Xiao said this, he held out his hand and asked Fang Jing to extend his head. Fang Jing paused a little, but he still extended his head and asked, "what are you going to say?"

"I want to tell you the secret about me and Zhang Xueyao!" Ye Xiao's lips whispered in Fang Jing's ear, "in fact, Zhang Xueyao and I have been engaged since childhood. You don't really think Zhang Xueyao can take a fancy to me. In fact, when Xueyao started, she hated me very much, but now it's different. I'm a formal male friend of Xueyao!"

When ye Xiao said this, Fang Jing's eyes blinked and laughed, "I know you boast. I don't believe Zhang Xueyao will like you!"

"Believe it or not!" Ye Xiao said lightly, "Fang Jing, don't you find that, in fact, do you also like me? I'm still very attractive and will be liked by many women! "

"Bah, bah, bah!" Fang Jing heard Ye Xiao's words and vomited three times in a row. Her watery eyes looked at Ye Xiao and said, "can you be more shameless? I said, I don't like you, I just accompany you out to have a meal, you save my face today, I didn't say I like you, I said, a man like you is not my type! "

"Really?" Ye Xiao asked!

"Of course it's true. What am I going to do to cheat you?"

As soon as Fang Jing's words came out, ye Xiao began to laugh, "OK, I'll believe what you say, just as you don't like me... Come on, let's drink!" Ye Xiao, as he spoke, had brought over the beer bottle, poured the beer on the glass in front of Fang Jing, and said, "drink!"

Fang Jing reaches out her hand and holds the glass. However, she doesn't drink immediately. Instead, she holds the glass. Her dark eyes look at Ye Xiao's face. "Don't you plan to take me to open a room after I get drunk?"

When Fang Jing said this, ye Xiao had already laughed!

"What are you laughing at?" Fang Jing saw Ye Xiao smile, her eyes looked at Ye Xiao's face, and said, "am I wrong? Don't you men think so? "

"I don't think so!" Ye Xiao took the glass and drank the beer. He wiped his lips and looked at Fang Jing. "I still want to go home to sleep. I'm so sleepy. This evening, Xueyao didn't come back. If Xueyao is at home, I dare not go back late!"


When ye Xiao said this, Fang Jing laughed!

"Fang Jing, what are you laughing at?" Ye Xiao saw Fang Jing laughing. He looked at Fang Jing's face and said, "is my words so funny?"

"It's funny!" Fang Jing nodded with a smile. "I always thought that you had never been afraid of anything. Now I know that you are henpecked... Oh, I should say that you are afraid of women?"

"Scared? It can only be said that I'm too lazy to bother with Xueyao, for fear that she will have a tantrum with me! " Ye Xiao said faintly, "so, I don't care about her!"

"Hum, right and wrong!" When Fang Jing heard Ye Xiao's words, she sneered, "you are too lazy to care. You are afraid of Zhang Xueyao. However, if you think about it, how can you let go of a woman like Zhang Xueyao? Ye Xiao, I'm right. I believe you must be obedient to Zhang Xueyao. You don't dare to make Zhang Xueyao angry at all!"

"Fang Jing, don't use this kind of provocation. It's useless!" When ye Xiao heard Fang Jing's words, he already laughed, "this kind of provocation is useless to me!"

"Don't talk nonsense, who's using provocation!" Fang Jing's ruddy lips turned slightly and said faintly, "I just said a fact. Ye Xiao, you don't want to deny it!"

"There's no denying it!" Ye Xiao said, "I am not such a person!"

"Well, I don't care if you are!" Fang Jing said and stood up. Her eyes looked at Ye Xiao!

"What for?" Ye Xiao saw Fang Jing looking at him, and he asked strangely!

"I want to know where the bathroom is?" Fang Jing asked!

"Toilet?" When ye Xiao heard Fang Jing's words, he said faintly, "there are toilets all around here. What else do you need to find? Just find a corner and go to the toilet!"

"I'm... I'm not going to do it!" Fang Jing's face is red. She's a TV anchor. How can she go to the toilet outside? "If I'm seen, what can I do? I never do..."

"You've been out there today!" Fang Jing's words have not finished, ye Xiao suddenly said this sentence!

Fang Jing originally wanted to say that she had never done such a thing before, but it turned out to be a good thing. Ye Xiao suddenly said this sentence, and Fang Jing thought about going to the development zone today when she went to the toilet outside!

Fang Jing's face turned red with shame. Her dark eyes looked at Ye Xiao and said coldly, "I don't care about you, you bastard...!" With these words, Fang Jing got up and left!

Ye Xiao just said that casually. He didn't mean to tease Fang Jing. Seeing that Fang Jing was a little angry, ye Xiao stood up, stretched out his hand, grasped Fang Jing's little hand, and said, "Fang Jing, don't be angry. I just said that casually. I'll take you to the toilet when I leave!"

"No!" Fang Jing shook Ye Xiao's hand hard!

"Where do you go if you don't go to the bathroom?" Ye Xiao asked!

"I...!" Fang Jinggang just just because angry, just put Ye Xiao's hand away, she didn't think much, now hear ye Xiao this words, Fang Jingcai think, she still don't know where to have toilet! You can't really find a place to go to the toilet in the corner. She took a look at Ye Xiao and said coldly, "forget it, I won't bother you this time. Help me find the toilet quickly!"

"Go, follow me!"

Ye Xiao takes Fang Jing to the side, where there is a public toilet. Ye Xiao points to the public toilet and says, "go in, I'll wait for you here!"

"You are not allowed to peep!" Fang Jing just said it, but after she said it, Fang Jing realized that she shouldn't have said it and said, "I mean, you have to wait for me outside. Don't go away!"

"I see. Don't worry!" Ye Xiao said!

That Fang Jing went into the public toilet, ye Xiao stood at the door of the public toilet, he lit a cigarette! When ye Xiao finished lighting his cigarette and looked ahead, he saw a man quickly dodging in front of him!

"What's the matter?" Ye Xiao is a Zheng, he thought he was wrong, as if to see a man flash from his front, as if worried about being seen by Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao has a cigarette in his mouth. He takes two steps towards the front. Ye Xiao stops again! Fang Jing is still in the public toilet, but he promised that Fang Jing would wait at the door of the public toilet, and ye Xiao didn't go any more!

Fang Jing quickly came out of the public toilet. When she saw that ye Xiao was facing the door of the public toilet and looking forward, Fang Jing went to the back of Ye Xiao. Her right hand stretched out and secretly patted Ye Xiao on the shoulder. She said, "what are you looking at?"

"Nothing to see!" Ye Xiao turned around and said faintly, "it's boring to wait for you, so I'll look around. Are you finished?"

Fang Jing didn't say a word, just white leaf Xiao one eye, then step away!

Ye Xiao smiles. He also knows that he shouldn't ask this question! He also quickly walked two steps, just when ye Xiao just walked to Fang Jing's side, Fang Jing's phone rang!

Fang Jing took out her mobile phone and saw that it was a strange phone number. Fang Jing paused a little and answered the phone!


"Fang Jing, you let me down so much!" A husky voice of a man came from the phone!

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