Fang Jiayi doesn't know the result of the competition between Ye Xiao and Long Wu. The purpose of calling Fang Yuwen is to ask about the result. Although Fang Jiayi pretends not to care about it, in fact, Fang Jiayi really wants to know the result!

She just can't show her feelings. In Fang Jiayi's heart, she is worried that something will happen to Ye Xiao! Although Fang Jiayi said before that ye Xiao is more powerful than long Wu, it's just in Fang Jiayi's heart. In fact, Long Wu's strength is unfathomable, and Fang Jiayi's heart has no bottom. She is afraid that ye Xiao will be killed by Long Wu!

According to Fang Jiayi's understanding of dragon five, dragon five may really kill this time. Maybe Ye Xiao will die! Just now, when Fang Yuwen mentioned that ye Xiao was knocked down by Longwu, her heart was already in a mess!

Last time, she did not stop Longwu from killing Du Zifeng, but this time, Fang Jiayi can no longer Watch ye Xiao die like this. She has to do something!

"Yuwen, I want..." Fang Jiayi just wanted Fang Yuwen to tell the Minister of the martial arts school to stop Ye Xiao and Long Wu from fighting for life and death. When Fang Yuwen's excited voice came over, "Ye Xiao is up again, and ye Xiao has beaten... Long Wu brother away!"

That Fang Yuwen although mouth said dragon five elder brother, but Fang Yuwen obviously more support Ye Xiao! In Fang Yuwen's heart, ye Xiao is much more important than Dragon five. She doesn't want anything to happen to Ye Xiao. As for that dragon five, Fang Yuwen hasn't worried about it from the beginning. Maybe in Fang Yuwen's heart, dragon five has always been very strong. Ye Xiao is not the opponent of dragon five at all!

Fang Jiayi originally wanted to stop long Wu and ye Xiao from competing again. When she heard Fang Yuwen's words, Fang Jiayi realized that she had really done a stupid thing just now. If Long Wu had already controlled the scene, she would stop the competition between Long Wu and ye Xiao, then long Wu would not give up. Ye Xiao was in real danger at that time!

She thought of what ye Xiao said to her before, men rely on strength, only Ye Xiao let dragon five fear, dragon five will let Ye Xiao go!

When Fang Jiayi thought of this, she changed her mind. It's a man to man relationship between Ye Xiao and Long Wu. If ye Xiao flinches at this time, Long Wu will only kill Ye Xiao. If ye Xiao wants to live, his only chance is to win Long Wu!

Although this seems very difficult, Fang Jiayi believes that ye Xiao has this ability. She has great confidence in Ye Xiao!

Fang Jiayi did not speak!

In the life and death fighting field of the martial arts school, ye Xiao and long are panting!

Long Wu just got up from the ground. He thought he could easily kill Ye Xiao, but after fighting Ye Xiao, Long Wu knew Ye Xiao was very difficult to deal with. He had knocked Ye Xiao down, but ye Xiao knocked him down!

"It's not easy!" Long Wu stood in front of Ye Xiao. There was blood on his face. It was the blood left by Ye Xiao's kick. Long Wu wiped the blood on his face with his hand. His eyes looked at Ye Xiao's face, and a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "Ye Xiao, you are the first man to fight with me for such a long time. It's very interesting, I'm more and more interested in you now! "

"Don't fart!" Ye Xiao heard the words of dragon five, and a disdainful smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. "Dragon five, you are farting when you say these words now. Don't waste your time. When we get to this stage, we have to decide whether to win or lose. Otherwise, we will be laughed to death!"

"That's right!" Hearing Ye Xiao's words, Long Wu spat and said, "it's to win or lose. I've already said that only one person can stand out from here. Of course, that person is definitely not you... Ye Xiao, this time, I will kill you..." Dragon five said here, he suddenly roared, the whole person jumped up, a kick to Ye Xiao!


The Dragon five with the wind, the whole person has arrived in front of Ye Xiao! Dragon five's foot is ferocious. If it is kicked on Ye Xiao, ye Xiao will be seriously injured. Ye Xiao has already prepared for it. When he sees that long five's foot has been kicked, ye Xiao spits. The spit is also mixed with blood. Just now, he and long five are fighting so hard that they are not immune from injury!

For ye Xiao, this injury is nothing! Dragon five is very strong, the stronger the opponent, the more excited Ye Xiao will be! Ye Xiao didn't feel so excited for a long time. This kind of exciting feeling can't be realized by other things!

Ye Xiao didn't feel so excited for a long time. This time, Long Wu made him feel like this again. Ye Xiao certainly didn't want to end like this. He saw that long Wu's foot had been kicked over, and ye Xiao's body flashed to the side. It had already flashed!

"Is that what you call skill?" Ye Xiao flashed this foot, he stood in the same place, looking at the Dragon five! That dragon five looked at Ye Xiao, "this is just the beginning... Ye Xiao, are you ready? Next, it's my real ability. The previous ones are just warm-up exercises...! " Dragon five said here, the momentum of the whole person all changed!

His speed is faster, much faster than just now!

Ye Xiao thought that dragon five had exhausted all his strength, but he didn't expect that dragon five had reservation and strength to accelerate, which surprised Ye Xiao! However, the Dragon five so let Ye Xiao more excited!

He didn't try his best. Ye Xiao also had a killing move!

Before, he and Longwu had reservations, but they didn't use killing moves. He just wanted to see what abilities Longwu had. Now he suddenly saw that Longwu was speeding up again. Ye Xiao felt that he had to use killing moves, and he couldn't be as relaxed as he had just been!

Dragon five is very fast, but ye Xiao just stands in the same place and doesn't move. His eyes follow the action of dragon five!

In Ye Xiao's eyes, dragon five is in control of everything!


Just after Long Wu came around Ye Xiao's body and suddenly gave him a fist, ye Xiao's fist had already stretched out and collided with Long Wu's fist. Ye Xiao and Long Wu were not ordinary people. When they collided with each other, they made a collision sound! Ye Xiao or long Wu, they both subconsciously put their fists back!

Dragon five didn't stop. After his fist was hit back by Ye Xiao's fist, dragon five's foot had swept over! Dragon five has many fighting methods, every time it's a killing move!

Ye Xiao is not simple, otherwise, ye Xiao could not have fought with Longwu for such a long time!

Both of them are ruthless characters. Long Wu's foot sweeps over, and ye Xiao jumps to the side and hides. Just in the moment of avoiding, ye Xiao's hand has already clenched his fist and hit him on the shoulder. That long Wu steps backward two steps!

Ye Xiao's foot has fallen to the ground. When he sees that long Wu has stepped back two steps, ye Xiao's feet suddenly attack him. Ye Xiao doesn't want to give long Wu any chance. Since he has hit Long Wu at once, ye Xiao will certainly take the opportunity to attack and strive to knock Long Wu to the ground at once!

Ye Xiao is two feet past again!

"Bang, bang"!

All kick on Dragon five!

At the moment, Long Wu suddenly lost his fighting power. He stood in the same place, as if he could not react. He was suddenly kicked by Ye Xiao, and Long Wu's body fell back!


Dragon five's body suddenly fell to the ground, he did not move!

Ye Xiao didn't expect that he would knock down Longwu. According to the previous situation, Longwu couldn't even hide his feet! Dragon five seems to have lost its fighting power in a moment. It doesn't mean to avoid Ye Xiao at all. It makes Ye Xiao kick two feet!

After ye Xiao kicked the Dragon five down, he took a step in front of the Dragon five. At the moment, the Dragon five was lying on the ground, motionless! As long as ye Xiao goes there and kicks the Dragon five hard, he can discard the Dragon five!

At this time, I heard Fang Yuwen shouting, "Ye Xiao, don't...!"

Fang Yuwen thought that the loser this time must be ye Xiao, but to her surprise, she saw Ye Xiao kick Long Wu to the ground! Although Fang Yuwen is very happy, she finally does not have to worry about ye Xiao's accident, but when she sees Ye Xiao walking in front of Longwu, Fang Yuwen worries about Longwu all of a sudden! In Fang Yuwen's heart, Longwu is her brother. Although Longwu is the adopted son of the Fang family, the people of the Fang family always regard Longwu as their own relative!

Fang Yuwen, of course, doesn't want to see dragon five abandoned by Ye Xiao. She has rushed to this side and yelled in a loud voice, "Ye Xiao, don't kill brother long five...!" When Fang Yuwen said this, her voice was shaking!

Fang Yuwen is not sure that ye Xiao will spare Longwu. Now the winner is Ye Xiao, not Longwu. Fang Yuwen does not deny that if Longwu wins, ye Xiao will die. But after all, ye Xiao wins. Fang Yuwen does not want to see ye Xiao kill Longwu!

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