Ye Xiao wants to call Ji Xue, but as soon as he says this, Gao Jie says, "I called Ji Xue, but Ji Xue's mobile phone is turned off..."

"So...!" Ye Xiao slightly pause, "well, I'll go to her house. I know where her house is. Now I'll go and have a look... Oh, is Zhang Xiaoting in?"

"What do you want from her?" Gao Jie asked!

"Zhang Xiaoting is Ji Xue's good friend. I'd better take her. She is familiar with Ji Xue!" Ye Xiao said, "didn't you ask Zhang Xiaoting?"

"She said she didn't know... But...!" Gao Jie said here, a little pause, she said, "I asked Zhang Xiaoting, I feel Zhang Xiaoting seems to have some hesitation, but she refused to tell me!"

"I know!" Ye Xiao said, "I'll wait for the school. You ask Zhang Xiaoting to wait for me at the school gate... I think there must be something else about this. It's just that Zhang Xiaoting can't say it..."

Ye Xiao put down the phone, he originally wanted to have a rest, but received a call from Gao Jie, ye Xiao can only find Ji Xue! In Ye Xiao's opinion, maybe there are some other things that Zhang Xiaoting knows, but it's not convenient to say. Maybe it's useless to tell Gao Jie about it, so Zhang Xiaoting chooses to be silent!

Zhang Xiaoting's temperament is weak. Although she is a very intimate girl, she is weak and timid. It has something to do with her family! Zhang Xiaoting has only one sick mother. It's not easy for her and her daughter to live, so they are careful about everything! No man's family is not good after all, encounter what thing, no man can come out with!

Ye Xiao drove to the school gate, Zhang Xiaoting has been standing at the gate waiting for ye Xiao! Zhang Xiaoting, wearing a sportswear, stands alone on the street. Her eyes are looking everywhere, looking for ye Xiao's car!

Ye Xiao's car stops at Zhang Xiaoting's side. At the beginning, Zhang Xiaoting is a little frightened. She thinks whose car is parked in front of her. She subconsciously steps back a few steps. When she sees Ye Xiao push the door open, a happy smile appears on Zhang Xiaoting's face, "brother...!"

"Get in the car...!" Ye Xiao waved!

Zhang Xiaoting got on the bus in a hurry!

Before she recognized Ye Xiao as her brother, ye Xiao was more pitiful and compassionate to Zhang Xiaoting! When Zhang Xiaoting proposed to recognize Ye Xiao as his brother, ye Xiao did not hesitate and agreed directly!

"Fasten your seat belt!" Ye Xiao's hand stretched out and pulled the seat belt beside Zhang Xiaoting to help her buckle her seat belt!

"Thank you, brother." Zhang Xiaoting showed a happy smile!

"What can I thank you for?" When ye Xiao heard Zhang Xiaoting say this, he stretched out his hand and scratched her delicate face. He felt that Zhang Xiaoting's skin was as delicate as a baby! Ye Xiao has no other idea, he shaved Zhang Xiaoting's face for a while, and then sat back to his seat, "Xiaoting, do you know about Ji Xue?"

"This...!" Zhang Xiaoting always had a smile on her face. When ye Xiao mentioned Ji Xue, Zhang Xiaoting's smile disappeared, her brow was tight, her lips bit slightly, and she said softly, "I called Ji Xue in the morning. Ji Xue and I were going to school together today, but Ji Xue just said she couldn't go to school in the morning. She didn't tell me too many reasons, That is to say, I don't want to read any more...! "

Zhang Xiaoting said here, she hesitated a little, suddenly raised her head, the dark eyes looked at Ye Xiao, and said, "brother, I'm afraid Ji Xue's parents won't let her read!"

"Why?" Ye Xiao asked!

"Her parents don't like Ji Xue's study. They always say that it's useless to study. They want Ji Xue to go out to work as soon as possible, and they also say that they want Ji Xue to get married as soon as possible. They just want to marry a rich man... I've heard...!" When Zhang Xiaoting said this, she hesitated a little. It seems that she hesitated to say the next thing!

"What else have you heard?" Ye Xiao asked!

"It's said that her parents let Ji Xue go to... Accompany wine... I heard that Ji Xue once said, but Ji Xue didn't tell me after that. I don't know if it's true. However, I think both parents love their children and should... Should not let Ji Xue do such things, brother, do you think?"

Zhang Xiaoting obviously doubts about this, she is not sure!

Ye Xiao understood why Zhang Xiaoting didn't tell Gao Jie about these reasons. Maybe in Zhang Xiaoting's heart, even if she told Gao Jie about it, as a teacher, Gao Jie couldn't change it!

As for her willingness to Tell ye Xiao, it is because she trusts Ye Xiao very much. She believes that ye Xiao has this ability to change Ji Xue's parents' thoughts!

"And such parents?" When ye Xiao hears Zhang Xiaoting's words, his brow is slightly wrinkled. Although he has heard Ji Xue mention before, Ji Xue's parents don't care about Ji Xue, because there is a boy in their home. As a girl, Ji Xue is ignored by the family! Because no one is in charge, Ji Xuecai mixes with some bad girls and gradually becomes like a little girl!

But ye Xiao didn't expect that Ji Xue's parents would be so excessive. If they were really like what Zhang Xiaoting said, Ji Xue's parents were too excessive. How could they let their daughter do that!

"Xiaoting, let's go to Ji Xue's home now!" Ye Xiao said!

"Good!" Zhang Xiaoting promised!

Ye Xiao starts to drive. He has been to Ji Xue's home before and knows where Ji Xue lives! However, the place where Ji Xue lives is hard to find. If not with Zhang Xiaoting, ye Xiao can't find Ji Xue's home for a while!

His car is parked downstairs of Ji Xue's home. Zhang Xiaoting holds a phone in her hand and calls Ji Xue again. As a result, Ji Xue's mobile phone is turned off, just like Gao Jie's phone, it is turned off!

"Ji Xue's phone is off!" Zhang Xiaoting said with some worry, "she didn't turn off the power before. If she didn't have the power, now she's fully charged. Brother, I feel Ji Xue is different from usual this time. I...!" Zhang Xiaoting didn't dare to say what she said. In fact, she was worried that Ji Xue was forced by her parents to do something she didn't want to do!

"Xiaoting, don't worry. Maybe things are not as bad as you think!" Ye Xiao's hand stretched out, patted Zhang Xiaoting on the shoulder, and said, "maybe Ji Xue just turned off the machine and didn't find it. This kind of thing is very common. I've had this kind of time before, and I didn't notice it turned off!"

"I hope so...!" Zhang Xiaoting said.

"Come on, go up and have a look!" Ye Xiao has untied his seat belt and pushed the door open!

Ji Xue's home lives on the third floor. It's an old residential building. There are no lights in the residential building. Although it's afternoon and there is no dark sky, the residential building is dark. The wall has fallen off and the red bricks are exposed! The handrails of the stairs are rusty, and the whole building hole is particularly dirty! Ye Xiao went into the building hole, his hand stretched out, holding Zhang Xiaoting's soft boneless hand!

Zhang Xiaoting especially likes the feeling of being held by Ye Xiao's big hand. When ye Xiao holds her small hand like this, a happy smile has already appeared on Zhang Xiaoting's face. She follows Ye Xiao and comes to the third floor in one breath!

"Ji Xue...!" Zhang Xiaoting knocked on Ji Xuejia's security door first, but no one answered!

Zhang Xiaoting looks at Ye Xiao and says, "Ji Xue doesn't seem to be at home, and I don't know where she can go... Maybe I can only ask her parents, but I...!"

Zhang Xiaoting this sentence has not finished, ye Xiao has already raised his foot, facing the security door is a foot in the past!


The security door was kicked open by Ye Xiao!

The security door was very old, and there was no anti lock. As a result, ye Xiao just stepped in and the security door opened at once! Ye Xiao looked at Zhang Xiaoting and said, "let's go and have a look first..."

"Brother, it's not good. After all..." Zhang Xiaoting didn't expect that ye Xiaohui would be so decisive. She suddenly raised her foot and kicked the security door open. She had something else to say. Zhang Xiaoting always felt that ye Xiao didn't kick Ji Xue's door open very well, but when she saw that ye Xiao had stepped into Ji Xue's home, Zhang Xiaoting took back what she wanted to say, followed Ye Xiao and walked in!

"Ji Xue?" When ye Xiao enters the house, he sees Ji Xue lying on the bed in the room with the door open beside him! Obviously, ye Xiao kicked the door open just now, which scared Ji Xue. Ji Xue immediately sat up. After seeing ye Xiao, Ji Xue suddenly jumped out of bed barefoot, ran to Ye Xiao and put her arms around Ye Xiao's neck!

"Brother ye, why did you come to my house...!" Ji Xue is obviously very happy. When she meets Ye Xiao, her legs are raised and put on Ye Xiao's body!

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