When Ji Xueyi said that she would give the woman money regularly, the woman's eyes lit up. Obviously, this is what the woman is most concerned about. She looked at Ji Xue and said, "have you found a job?"

"Forget to say, my friend is very rich!" Ji Xue pressed her chest against Ye Xiao's arm in front of her mother, deliberately making a very intimate appearance, and said, "my friend is the most famous boss in the road. In a word, there are a lot of shows and people with money. In the future, I will not lose money with my friends. In a word, don't disturb me...!"

When Ji Xue said this, ye Xiao looked at Ji Xue! Ji Xue just looked at Ye Xiao and blinked at him. Ye Xiao didn't say anything. His big hand stretched out and put Ji Xue's delicate body in his arms!

"That's good, that's the best!" When the woman heard Ji Xue's words, she said repeatedly, "I'm relieved...!"

Don't know why, ye Xiao hear this sentence, feel Ji Xue very pitiful! I don't know what to say when I meet such parents. Before, he just thought Ji Xue was a bad girl without parents' discipline. Now I know that there is such a thing hidden behind it!

Butcher Ji also came over. He had washed the blood stains on his face. Of course, his face was swollen because he was badly beaten by Ye Xiao. When he came over, the woman went over first and said something to butcher Ji, and butcher Ji's eyes lit up!

"Ji Xue, it's all a misunderstanding. Dad, I've drunk too much. I want you to be obedient!" Ji butcher and Ji Xue apologize in a hurry!

Ye Xiao's hand in front of butcher Ji, pinched behind Ji Xue, his eyes looked at Ji Xue, "Ji Xue, as long as you say one word, I will certainly scrap your father, I don't care if he is your father, I know no one can move my friend!"

Ji Xue deliberately put out her hands and put her arms around Ye Xiao's neck. She made a coquettish expression to Ye Xiao in front of butcher Ji. No matter her parents were in front of her, Ji Xue stretched out her ruddy lips!

Ye Xiao doesn't want to kiss Ji Xue, but Ji Xue's lips are in front of him. If ye Xiao refuses, Ji Xue's parents will see that ye Xiao and Ji Xue are not close! Since ye Xiao decides to help Ji Xue, he can help Ji Xue to the end. His big hand hugs Ji Xue's waist and makes Ji Xue stick to her. His lips stick to Ji Xue's lips. In front of Ji Xue's parents, ye Xiao and Ji Xue have a kiss!

Butcher Ji didn't expect it to be like this. When he saw Ji Xue and ye Xiao kissing in front of him, butcher Ji's lips slightly pursed. After a little hesitation, he looked at Ji Xue's mother!

Ye Xiao and Ji Xue's lips are separated. Ji Xue looks at her father and says, "Dad, I've just said that. In the future, you don't care about me. I want to move out!"

"Good, good!" When butcher Ji heard this, he quickly said, "Ji Xue, you can go home whenever you want. This is always your home..." Butcher Ji is very polite to Ji Xue now. He is really afraid of Ye Xiao. Just now, ye Xiao beat butcher Ji, but now he hears that ye Xiao is a boss who has something to do with him. He has no time to curry favor with butcher Ji. How can he still want to offend him!

"If that's the case, today's business will be over!" Ye Xiao see Ji snow also don't plan to pursue, he said, "I now take Ji snow to the hospital to see the injury!" Ye Xiao finished this sentence, also didn't want to talk with Ji butcher more meaning, embracing Ji Xue and Zhang Xiaoting went outside the market in the past! Ji Xue's parents follow Ye Xiao. They are careful and dare not offend Ye Xiao. They always send Ye Xiao and others to the car. Seeing ye Xiao driving away, butcher Ji is relieved!

"Ouch, it hurts..." He touched the wound on his face, bared his teeth, "Ji Xue really found a backer this time, I knew Ji Xue was smart, and she would definitely find a backer. Look, I'm not wrong. In the future, I see who dares to bully me...!" Butcher Ji became arrogant immediately. He seemed to forget that he was beaten by Ye Xiaobo just now!

Inside the car, Ji Xue is sitting in the passenger seat!

From the time she got on the bus, Ji Xue stopped talking!

When ye Xiao drove away from the market, Ji Xue suddenly cried, and the crystal tears rolled down from her eyes! Ye Xiao is driving. When he sees Ji Xue crying, he pulls the car to the side of the road!

"What's the matter?" Ye Xiao asked!

"Nothing!" Ji Xue shook her head. "I'm happy. I won't worry about my father beating me any more...!"

"Fool...!" When ye Xiao heard Ji Xue's words, he stretched out his hand, touched Ji Xue's head and said, "do you want to give up your mother in your heart?"

"I don't know... Anyway, I feel...!" Ji Xue said here, suddenly stretched out his hand, touched a tear, and took back the words to be said, "brother ye, I want to sing and drink... Go with me, I especially want to drink now!"

"I'm all hurt and I want to drink!" Ye Xiao stares at Ji Xue, "no way!"

"Brother ye, I'm very poor now. Would you like to sing and drink with me..." Ji Xue's watery eyes looked at Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao wanted to refuse directly, but he thought that Ji Xue was really pitiful. His words had reached his mouth and he took them back. He said, "go to the hospital to treat the wound first, and then we'll sing!"

"Good...!" Ji Xue cheered when she heard Ye Xiao's words. Her two hands suddenly stretched out, put their arms around Ye Xiao's neck, gave Ye Xiao a mouthful, and said, "I know elder brother Ye loves me most!"

"This girl...!" Ye Xiao started driving again. He looked at Zhang Xiaoting, "Xiaoting, I'll take you back first!"

"Xiaoting will sing with me too..." Ji Xue said, "Xiaoting is my best friend. I can't leave her!"

When Ji Xue said this, Zhang Xiaoting said with a smile, "well, I also want to go... To sing!" Obviously, Zhang Xiaoting also wants to sing with Ji Xue. Ye Xiao looks at Zhang Xiaoting and says, "then I have to say hello to Gao Jie. Otherwise, I guess she will suspect that I have damaged both of you girls...!"

Ye Xiao took Ji Xue to the hospital first, gave Ji Xue a simple treatment of the wound, and took some anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent wound infection! Just when Ji Xue is in the hospital to deal with the wound, ye Xiao calls Gao Jie and simply explains what happened here!

"Do you have a place to live over there?" Ye Xiao asked!

"I have a room here!" Gao Jie said, "teacher Wu, who lives with me, is going to move back. If she leaves, I have an empty room there!"

"Wu Qiandi?" Ye Xiao hears Gao Jie mention Wu Qiandi. He pauses slightly, remembers the agreement with Wu Qiandi, and says, "let Ji Xue live with you first, and let Ji Xue move out after I help him find a good house!"

"This is no trouble!" Gao Jie said, "in fact, I didn't know that Ji Xue's family was like this before. If I knew, I should pay more attention to Ji Xue. I hope I can take care of Ji Xue more. In fact, Ji Xue is a very smart child, not a bad girl!"

When ye Xiao sees that Ji Xue and Zhang Xiaoting have come to him, he says, "well, I'll take Ji Xue and Zhang Xiaoting to dinner first, and then I'll contact you after dinner!"

"Good!" Gao Jie agreed!

Ye Xiao put down the phone!

"Brother ye, who are you calling?" Ji Xue is now in a good mood. When she comes to Ye Xiao, she happily takes Ye Xiao's arm and says, "I just told Xiaoting that I want to recognize you as my brother. With a brother like you, I will never be afraid of being bullied again. Brother, you will protect me from being bullied!"

"I haven't agreed yet...!" Ye Xiao said!

"No matter, I'll be my brother, you have promised!" Ji Xue took Ye Xiao's arm and said, "brother, let's sing..."

"All right!" Ye Xiao said!

Ye Xiao has promised to take Ji Xue to sing before. Of course, he won't break his promise! The main reason is that Ji Xue is in a bad mood today. Ye Xiao wants to let Ji Xue relax! He drove a car, with Ji Xue and Zhang Xiaoting came to a nearby KTV door!

"Right here...!" Although Ye Xiao hasn't been here, he chose this KTV because it's big and looks good! Ye Xiao untied his seat belt and got out of the car!

"Xiaoting, it's not convenient for you to dress like this..." Ye Xiao looks at Zhang Xiaoting's clothes. Zhang Xiaoting is still wearing sportswear. He knows that she is a student. He is worried that if he takes Zhang Xiaoting in, others may suspect that he has abducted a girl student!

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