Life and death happened in an instant.

If Ye Xiao had been even a little bit slower, then Ye Xiao and the driver would have been blown to smithereens.

Even so, Ye Xiao and the school bus driver were swept up by the waves of air and landed on the ground.

"Bastard …" When Zhou Xinming saw that Ye Xiao was lying on the ground, she immediately pounced. Although Zhou Xinming scolded Ye Xiao as a bastard on the surface, in reality, she was truly worried for him in her heart.

Ye Xiao was Zhang Xueyao's fiancé. No matter what, if something were to happen to Ye Xiao here, Zhou Xinming truly wouldn't be able to explain herself to him.

She was the first to rush over!

Ye Xiao was lying on the ground motionlessly.

"Ye Xiao, speak for me." Zhou Xinming paused. She placed her hand below Ye Xiao's nose and actually did not feel his breath.

Zhou Xinming was already feeling anxious in her heart!

She was afraid that Ye Xiao was really done for, but Zhou Xinming did not think much about it, and suddenly lowered his head, her lips touching Ye Xiao's lips.

This was the most basic of first aid knowledge, artificial respiration.

Zhou Xinming had never done it before, and she was worried about Ye Xiao getting into trouble today.

She took a deep breath and let it out.

Although Zhou Xinming was a police officer, she had no experience in the field of artificial respiration, so she had never done it before. She learned more about how to subdue criminals than how to save them.

Zhou Xinming only saw the words on first aid, artificial respiration.

Without training in this aspect, Zhou Xinming's artificial respiration was no longer artificial respiration.

Zhou Xinming felt as if she was blowing on Ye Xiao's mouth. Her lips were touching Ye Xiao's, as she breathed in forcefully.

After blowing twice, Ye Xiao couldn't help but push Zhou Xinming away and say, "I say, Zhou Xinming, do you even know how to breathe?"

Zhou Xinming was overjoyed, "Are you alright?"

"I was fine from the start, I was just lying on the ground for a while. Who said I was busy?" Ye Xiao sat up, his eyes looking at Zhou Xinming's face, "Who would have thought that you can't even breathe artificially, do you want me to teach you?"

"You clearly didn't breathe just now …" "Bastard, you're taking advantage of me." Suddenly, Zhou Xinming completely understood that Ye Xiao was trying to take advantage of her. She was clearly fine a moment ago, but Ye Xiao just lied on the ground without moving.

When Zhou Xinming placed her hand under Ye Xiao's nose to check if she was breathing, Ye Xiao purposely held his breath. This way, Zhou Xinming thought that Ye Xiao was really not breathing, which was why she hurried to do the breathing exercise for Ye Xiao.

Who would have thought that Ye Xiao didn't have anything to do, and was only doing this on purpose?

Zhou Xinming was really fooled as her lips pressed against Ye Xiao's lips, trying to give him artificial breathing.

Zhou Xinming now completely understood that she had been tricked by you once again.

"You bastard, I won't forgive you this time." heaved a sigh of relief. Just now, she was very worried about Ye Xiao's safety, but now that she was sure that Ye Xiao was alright, Zhou Xinming was in the mood to fight with him!


Zhou Xinming's fist struck towards Ye Xiao's chest.

Zhou Xinming thought that Ye Xiao would dodge it, but it was outside of Zhou Xinming's expectations. When her fist struck over, Ye Xiao did not move at all. In the end, Zhou Xinming's fist landed on Ye Xiao's chest.

"Why aren't you dodging?" Zhou Xinming said angrily.

"Hey Zhou Xinming, didn't you see that I was flying over from that direction just now? Although I'm not dead, I'm not that good either, the bones in my body are all about to break apart, and you're still telling me to hide, where should I hide?"

When Ye Xiao said that, Zhou Xinming suddenly remembered that Ye Xiao was blown away by the shockwave from the explosion.

Zhou Xinming felt a bit of guilt in her heart. She really shouldn't have hit Ye Xiao just now.

But Zhou Xinming was not someone who was willing to admit her wrongs to her face. Although Zhou Xinming felt guilty in her heart, she insisted on the surface, "Aren't you very powerful? I can't even avoid that. "

"No matter how powerful I am, I am still a human." Ye Xiao muttered with dissatisfaction in his mouth, "Don't stay idle either, just watch me sit on the ground and quickly help me up."

"You …" Zhou Xinming originally wanted to be angry, but when she remembered that Ye Xiao had indeed saved those children inside the school bus, she decided to hold back his anger for the moment.

Zhou Xinming extended her hand, and supported Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao was actually quite straightforward. He reached out his right hand and placed it on Zhou Xinming's shoulder naturally.

When Zhou Xinming helped him up, Ye Xiao's other hand naturally rested on Zhou Xinming's waist and even pinched her waist.

"Are you courting death?" Zhou Xinming pinched Zhou Xinming's waist, she looked straight at Ye Xiao and shouted: "One more touch and I'll cripple you."

"I didn't do it on purpose. Xinming, you have to believe me." Ye Xiao said with a wronged expression.

"Hmph, believe you? I might as well believe that a dog speaks human language. "

Just as Zhou Xinming said that, she suddenly heard Ye Xiao say, "Let go of me."

"What are you doing?" Zhou Xinming asked.

"I'll let you go." Ye Xiao suddenly pushed Zhou Xinming away, and he immediately ran towards the crowd.

"You bastard, you lied to me again." When Zhou Xinming saw how Ye Xiao was running, she knew that she had been tricked by Ye Xiao once again. Ye Xiao was completely fine, the reason why she helped him up just now was definitely to take advantage of her.

Zhou Xinming thought about it again, and felt that something was amiss.

Logically speaking, if Ye Xiao truly wanted to take advantage of her, he shouldn't be letting her go so easily now. Why did Ye Xiao suddenly run over to her side?

Zhou Xinming was a police officer after all. In an instant, she had already felt that there was a problem there and ran over.

Ye Xiao ran very fast, there were a few people spectating.

When one of the young men wearing a hat saw Ye Xiao running towards him, he immediately turned and left with his head lowered.

Ye Xiao had already ran over, his right hand pointing at the young man as he shouted, "Don't move."

When Ye Xiao shouted out those words, the young man ran even faster.

Zhou Xinming had already ran over, hearing Ye Xiao's words, Zhou Xinming's eyes landed on the young man who was about to escape.

"Catch him! Don't let him get away!" Zhou Xinming shouted loudly.

When the policemen nearby heard Zhou Xinming's words, they ran over.

Their targets were all the fleeing young man.

Zhou Xinming parted the crowd and rushed out.

When she came out, the young man was already in the middle of the road, trying to cross it.

Of course, Zhou Xinming would not allow this young man to run away like that. She was a police officer, if a criminal suspect were to run away from her hands, it would be the greatest humiliation to her.

Furthermore, this person might very well be the mastermind behind this series of explosions. It was even more impossible for Zhou Xinming to let him escape so easily.

"You want to run? You're underestimating me too much." Seeing that the young man had ran to the middle of the road, Zhou Xinming suddenly took out her gun.


There was only the sound of a gunshot.

The young man let out a miserable shriek. The young man had been shot in the leg.

The young man was running in the middle of the road. He wanted to cross the middle of the road.

But just then, Zhou Xinming's gun fired.

It hit the young man in the thigh and the young man fell to the ground. At that moment, a car that was moving normally just happened to pass by the young man who was lying on the ground!

A burst of brakes sounded.

The owner of the car had braked just in time when he realized he was on top of someone, but it was too late. This car had already rolled over the young man's body, causing the young man to once again let out a miserable scream.

Zhou Xinming had never thought that things would turn out like this. She had only wanted to shoot and injure this young man so that she could catch him.

She rushed over as fast as she could.

The owner of the car had already got off. After seeing the young man under the wheel, the owner was dumbfounded, and hurriedly said, "This is really not my fault, he rushed here all of a sudden. You all saw it, he rushed here …"

This car owner was already scared silly, repeating the same thing over and over again.

Zhou Xinming did not care about the driver, she rushed over, looking at the young man, she knew that she could not save him.

"Did you do it?" Zhou Xinming squatted and asked.

The young man opened his mouth, and fresh blood flowed out. He could no longer speak. When he saw Zhou Xinming, the young man only pointed at him, but did not utter a single word.

"Is it you?" Zhou Xinming asked again.

The young man's eyes were closed. He was dead.

Zhou Xinming was still unable to ask, but the young man's phone was just beside him. Zhou Xinming extended her hand and picked up the young man's phone.

She looked at the young man's cell phone and was surprised to find that the young man's phone actually had photos, and they were all pictures of bombs.

Zhou Xinming had originally been disappointed, but now her eyes lit up. The pictures were all parts of a bomb, and finally a complete picture of the bomb.

When Zhou Xinming saw the photo, she looked at the dead young man again and said coldly, "Serves you right, you asked for it."

Based on this picture, Zhou Xinming was certain that this young man was the mastermind behind the explosion.

The contents of the phone were all bomb making processes. Obviously, this young man not only liked to make bombs, but he also liked to film all of these bombs.

This instead allowed Zhou Xinming to find evidence, and she was sure that the young man who had died was the mastermind.

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