Ye Xiao didn't expect to meet the man here. When he was on the phone with Zhang Lishan in the airport hall, it was the man who knocked Ye Xiao's mobile phone off the ground without even a word of apology.

If Gu Feifei had not called Ye Xiao, ye Xiao would not have let it go!

He had forgotten about it, but he didn't expect to meet him on the same plane again!

According to Gu Feifei, this man and woman are not husband and wife, but they are very close. When they were walking in the airport hall just now, they were hugging each other. They looked like husband and wife!

Now it seems that this pair of men and women are going out to have an affair!

But ye Xiao didn't expect that this man and woman would be so high-profile. They didn't get first-class tickets, but they had to change first-class tickets!

If it was outside, ye Xiao would have taught the man a lesson. He wanted the man to know how to apologize! But because this is on the plane, even if ye Xiao is dissatisfied with this man, he can't get angry!

You know, fight on the plane, the consequences are very serious!

Ye Xiao didn't say a word. The man and woman had already gone to the first class cabin. They saw that there was still an empty seat behind Ye Xiao. There was no one to sit at the moment!

"You see, I said there were free seats here!" The middle-aged man pointed to the vacant seat and said, "do you really think I didn't know you didn't have a seat on the plane? I tell you, I fly a lot, and I know what you airlines do! "

With these words, he had already taken the woman's hand and sat down in the back seat with her!

The two stewardess got a headache from this man and woman. They couldn't stop the middle-aged man, so they had to say, "if you don't leave again, we'll call the police!"

"Call the police? Shout casually, I'm afraid of the police? " When the man heard what the stewardess said, his eyes widened. "I tell you, if I take money to buy tickets, who dares to catch me? If anyone dares to move me, I'll make him go...!"

This man's voice is arrogant enough!

Ye Xiao was sitting in front of the man. He didn't want to talk to the man, but when he heard the man's words, his brow was already wrinkled! This man is too arrogant. Ye Xiao was angry before, but now this man dares to speak so loudly!

"Man, this is not your noisy place. You should leave quickly." Ye Xiao stood up and said to the man!

"Man? Who's your brother! " When the man heard Ye Xiao's words, his eyes widened and he said with a strong attitude, "there's no business for you here. Don't mind your own business. Get out of the way!"

When ye Xiaoyi heard this, he couldn't help it any more!

When he came to the man, his right hand suddenly stretched out and clasped the guy's neck! He lifted the man from his seat like an eagle carrying a chicken. "Just now you dropped my mobile phone on the ground at the airport. I haven't settled with you yet. Now you dare to do this with me. You don't see what you are, but you dare to be wild with me. Just say one more word and see if I don't break your neck..."

Now ye Xiao looks very scary!

In particular, his eyes were looking directly at the middle-aged man in front of him. The man's neck was tightly held by Ye Xiao, almost out of breath! The middle-aged woman next to him wanted to help him, but she didn't dare to move when she saw Ye Xiao's frightening eyes! Just now, she was fierce to the two stewardess because they looked like bullies. The male stewardess didn't come over, only two female stewardess. The middle-aged woman became fierce!

But now she saw Ye Xiao's ferocious appearance, and she didn't dare to come forward for a long time!

As for the two stewardess, although they saw Ye Xiao lift the man from his seat, they didn't want to stop him. In fact, they were eager for ye Xiao to beat the man!

Although they are stewardesses, they can't be angry with this guest, but they are very angry in their hearts! So when they see ye Xiao carrying the middle-aged man, they feel very happy!

"Let me go...!" The man felt suffocated and his eyes were almost rolling!

"Did you hear what I just said?" Ye Xiao didn't mean to let go. His right hand still held the man's throat and said coldly, "don't you remember that you touched my mobile phone?"

"No... no...!" This middle-aged man originally wanted to say that he didn't remember, but now he can't breathe, so he can't say anything! Ye Xiao just released his hand, "plop", this man's foot stepped on the ground!

"Now I'll give you a choice. Be honest and apologize to me, and then go away!" Ye Xiao's eyes coldly looked at the man, "otherwise, I will let you into the hospital!"

This middle-aged man used to be very arrogant, but after he learned Ye Xiao's power, he was no longer as arrogant as he was just now! He almost choked just now!

"Sorry...!" Middle aged men are reluctant to say this!

"Come on, get out of here, don't come here!" Ye Xiao's eyes glared at the middle-aged man. He hummed coldly, "what are you doing? Get out of here!"

Ye Xiao's words were very effective. When the middle-aged man and woman heard Ye Xiao say this, they immediately went to the back of the plane! The two stewardesses were relieved. In fact, if ye Xiaozhen and the middle-aged man fight on the plane, they need to report. At that time, the police from the airport police station will come on the plane!

In this way, the flight will be delayed!

If they can, they don't want too many things!

Now it's best to solve the problem. The middle-aged men and women have left! Ye Xiao sat back in his seat. Gu Feifei gave Ye Xiao a thumbs up and said, "well done!"

Two staff members of the quality inspection department also applauded Ye Xiao!

However, Zhang Lishan didn't say a word, she just gave Ye Xiao a smile! However, this smile, has shown her mind! She also agreed with Ye Xiao's way of doing it. Just like the two men and women just now, they should learn a lesson!

After waiting for about half an hour, the plane finally took off!

It takes two hours to fly from Zhonghai city to ninghan City, that is, it will arrive at ninghan city at about eight o'clock in the evening! At that time, they will directly stay in ninghan Hotel, which has been settled for a long time, stay in ninghan city for one day, and then go to Anchuan!

This is what ye Xiao and others planned!

How long it will take to stay in Yaskawa depends on the outcome of the negotiation. The other party's claim is 50 million yuan, but the most compensation for Zhongtian Group is 5 million yuan. There is still some gap. Of course, according to the contract, Zhongtian Group will need to pay 3 million yuan, but it involves the product, The reason for the other party's claim for compensation is that Zhongtian Group has affected their production, so it has to compensate 50 million!

It's going to be a tough negotiation!

When the plane flew for about an hour, suddenly there was some shaking!

The plane reported that there was some airflow, so don't worry. Now, let the passengers fasten their seat belts!

"Isn't this shaking a little big?" Gu Feifei felt that the shaking this time was different from the airflow she had met before. She always felt that the shaking this time was a little big!

"I don't think it's normal air flow!" When ye Xiao heard Gu Feifei's words, he looked at the stewardess next to him, and saw that the stewardess was fixing himself on the seat, and her face looked a little pale!

"It looks like there's a lot of air this time!" Ye Xiao said, "from the reaction of the stewardess, we should have encountered a big airflow...!"

Just when ye Xiao said this, the plane suddenly jumped up and then fell down again! Just like a ship in the sea, encountered waves, with the waves up and down shaking! At the moment, the plane is like a small boat swaying in the big waves. The things in the plane are flying everywhere in the plane!

The scream came out of the passenger's mouth!

"Help, I don't want to die...!" Gu Feifei's whole body was flying up. If she didn't have a seat belt, she would have been flying to the top of the cabin!

Gu Feifei is shaking back and forth!

She had never met such a thing before. Now Gu Feifei's face is pale, and the whole person feels that she is going to collapse. "Ye Xiao, help me, I don't want to die... I still have a lot of things to do..."

Gu Feifei's voice was very loud, she cried out!

"Keep calm!" Compared with Gu Feifei, ye Xiao is particularly calm. At the moment, ye Xiao tightly holds Zhang Lishan beside him. In this way, Zhang Lishan won't shake up and down!

Because ye Xiao is extremely calm, Zhang Lishan's expression at the moment is not like Gu Feifei's collapse! In fact, it's not that Zhang Lishan is not afraid. She also has a lovely daughter. Of course, Zhang Lishan is also scared to death. It's just that Zhang Lishan's expression on Ye Xiao is very calm, which makes Zhang Lishan feel at ease.

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