Fang Jing and ye Xiao have become friends!

This is beyond Ye Xiao's expectation, but it's also good. At least after becoming a best friend, Fang Jing won't want to be a boyfriend and girlfriend with Ye Xiao, and ye Xiao's pressure will be much less!

This is a strategy of Ye Xiao!

"That's settled!" Fang Jing's voice came from the phone, "since I'm my best friend, I have something to say!"

"This is OK!" Ye Xiao said!

"When will you accompany me on the trip?" Fang Jing asked directly!


Ye Xiao didn't expect that Fang Jing would be so direct. If he accompanied Fang Jing to travel, something would happen! Don't even think about it. If we travel together, we can't bear it!

"We'll talk about that later!" Ye Xiao changed the topic and said, "we'll have a good chat when we get to Yasukawa!"

"All right!" Fang Jing said here, suddenly "ouch"!

"What's the matter?" Ye Xiao asked!

"I knocked a cup on the ground. I'm eating!" Fang Jing added, "it's disgusting to eat with a group of old men. If you look at the squinting eyes of those old men, you will know that there is no good thing. Moreover, the eyes of these old men are similar to those of the old leaders in our stage. If you sometimes, I'll tell you something about our stage, and I'm sure it will open your eyes“

"Well, I'll certainly listen when I have time!" Ye Xiao said!

After ye Xiao and Fang Jing call, he put his cell phone next to him!

In fact, Fang Jing is not as pestering as ye Xiao imagined! Maybe it's Fang Jing's environment that makes her feel insecure and unable to find a man to trust and rely on. After ye Xiao has saved her life, Fang Jing has such a sense of trust and dependence on Ye Xiao in her heart. Therefore, Fang Jing tries her best to catch Ye Xiao!

She even put Ye Xiao and those ordinary men together, thinking that as long as she takes the initiative, ye Xiao will become her minister under the skirt. But after ye Xiao directly refuses Fang Jing, Fang Jing realizes that ye Xiao is special!

She changed her mind and wanted to be a good friend with Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao finished his bath and wiped the water on his body with a towel! Just as he was sitting in the room and just lit a cigarette, there was a knock on the door! Ye Xiao wore a pair of underwear and came to the door. When he opened the door, Zhang Lishan stood in front of the door!

Zhang Lishan has just taken a bath, and her whole body exudes the fragrance after bathing!

Her black hair was all over her shoulders, and it wasn't completely dry!

Because just had a bath, the skin is white and red!

"May I go in?" Zhang Lishan gives Ye Xiao a charming smile!

In fact, Zhang Lishan asked more. Even if Zhang Lishan didn't ask, ye Xiao would drag Zhang Lishan to the room!


Ye Xiao has reached out his hand and dragged Zhang Lishan into the room!


The door of the room was shut at once!

Ye Xiao holds Zhang Lishan up to his waist. Zhang Lishan's hands are around Ye Xiao's neck. Her lips are close to Ye Xiao's! At the moment, needless to say, their emotions have already been driven up!

Ye Xiao holds Zhang Lishan to the bed!


Ye Xiao throws Zhang Lishan on the bed, and ye Xiao also presses Zhang Lishan! Just when ye Xiao and Zhang Lishan were making out in bed, they heard a knock on the door!

Ye Xiao and Zhang Lishan stopped immediately!

"Who is it?" Zhang Lishan asked in a low voice!

Zhang Lishan is secretly looking for ye Xiao. In fact, she is afraid of being seen! You know, this business trip is not only for ye Xiao and Zhang Lishan, but also for Gu Feifei and two other male employees!

Ye Xiao certainly doesn't worry that the two male staff members will come. They won't come to Ye Xiao's room and knock on the door. Thinking about it, Gu Feifei is the only one who can knock on the door! Although Ye Xiao was not sure, he felt almost the same!

"I guess it's Gu Feifei!" Ye Xiao said in a low voice, "sister Lishan, don't talk. I'll go and have a look!"

"Good!" Zhang Lishan agreed!

In fact, Zhang Lishan is more uneasy than ye Xiao now. She and ye Xiao are always on the sly. Over the years, Zhang Lishan has always been alone, not too close to other men. However, after meeting Ye Xiao, Zhang Lishan can't help but have a close relationship with Ye Xiao. But in Zhang Lishan's heart, she is still worried about being gossiped!

Zhang Lishan has always been careful. Who could have thought that she would be blocked in the room tonight? If people saw her and ye Xiao like this, Zhang Lishan's reputation would be over!

Zhang Lishan's heart was very uneasy. She quickly arranged her clothes and hid in the bathroom!

"Who?" Ye Xiao went to the door and asked!

"It's me!" Gu Feifei's voice came from outside.

Ye Xiao opened the door of the room and saw Gu Feifei standing at the door! Ye Xiao is wearing a four sided inside, his upper body is still bare! As soon as Gu Feifei saw Ye Xiao, she quickly turned her face to one side and said, "why don't you even wear clothes?"

"I've just had a bath and I'm going to bed!" Ye Xiao said, "who would have thought you would knock on my door, Feifei? What are you doing? Would you like me to accompany you? "

As soon as ye Xiao's words came out, Gu Feifei's lips had already curled up. "You think too much. I think of some work matters that I want to discuss with you. Put on your clothes quickly, and I'll talk business with you!"

That Gu Feifei says here, already stretched out a hand, pushed leaf Xiao to inside the room, she also one step, walked into leaf Xiao's room!

Ye Xiao didn't expect Gu Feifei to come in!

Zhang Lishan is still hiding in the bathroom. If Gu Feifei sees her, it's too bad!

Ye Xiao stood in front of Gu Feifei and didn't move!

Gu Feifei just took the door of the room with her. Suddenly she saw Ye Xiao standing in front of her. Gu Feifei looked at Ye Xiao and said, "what are you doing? Put on your clothes quickly. It's so ugly. Do you really think you have a good figure? Still bare arms... Stop making trouble and get dressed quickly

Gu Feifei made it clear that he wanted to go to Ye Xiao's room, and he didn't mean to leave in a short time!

"Feifei, let's talk about work tomorrow!" Ye Xiao said, "I want to sleep today... Of course, if you want to sleep with me, I'm very welcome!"

"Well, you think too much!" When Gu Feifei heard Ye Xiao's words, her ruddy lips curled, "I was looking for vice president Zhang, but when I knocked on the door, vice president Zhang didn't open the door. I think she was asleep, so I had to discuss with you. It's a work matter, we can't delay... When I was in my room just now, I looked at our contract, I find that there are some things beneficial to our group. I think...! "

Gu Feifei said and walked into the room!

At this time, ye Xiao's eyes suddenly saw Zhang Lishan's slippers beside the bed at the door! Zhang Lishan came here wearing slippers. Just now, because she was too flustered, Zhang Lishan didn't wear her slippers. Instead, she wore a pair of disposable slippers of the hotel. As a result, Zhang Lishan's slippers were put beside the bed!

Ye Xiao did not expect such a big loophole!

If let Gu Feifei see, he and Zhang Lishan are really dead!

"Feifei...!" Ye Xiao called!

"What's the matter?" Gu Feifei was going to walk into the room. Hearing Ye Xiao's words, Gu Feifei stops. She turns to Ye Xiao and wants to know what ye Xiao is calling her for!

Just as Gu Feifei had just turned around, ye Xiao's hand had already stretched out. He put his arm around Gu Feifei's waist, followed closely, and immediately put Gu Feifei in his arms!

"What are you doing?" Gu Feifei is suddenly hugged by Ye Xiao for no reason. There is some confusion in her heart! If ye Xiao was not barehanded, Gu Feifei might not be so flustered, but now Gu Feifei's heart is "plop" and "plop" to jump!

Ye Xiao also didn't speak, suddenly hugged Gu Feifei, his lips had been pasted up, will Gu Feifei's lips tightly! Ye Xiao's big hand is also dishonestly stretched into Gu Feifei's clothes. Now ye Xiao is like a lecherous man. After seeing Gu Feifei, he can't bear the impulse in his heart!

Gu Feifei is startled by Ye Xiao. She didn't expect Ye Xiao to do it!

When ye Xiao's hand slipped into her clothes, Gu Feifei realized that this time ye Xiao was not joking, but coming for real!

Just when ye Xiao's hand touched her sensitive part, Gu Feifei's right hand had been subconsciously lifted up, facing Ye Xiao's face is a hard ear!


Gu Feifei slaps Ye Xiao in the face!

"You rascal, rascal, I don't want to see you again!" Gu Feifei suddenly yells, then pushes Ye Xiao away and runs out of Ye Xiao's room!

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