Zhou Xinming answered the phone, "Property? Got my mail? "Okay, I'll go downstairs now!"

Zhou Xinming put down the phone, looked at Ye Xiao, and said, "I'm going downstairs to get the mail."

"Go get it now?"

"Yeah." Zhou Xinming said, "The property owner said that I do not have anyone on my side, and can only send them over at night."

"It's really a good property in China." Ye Xiao drank the beer in one gulp. When Zhou Xinming stood up, Ye Xiao patted his body, "Go early and come back early. I still need to drink with you."

"Got it." Zhou Xinming said.

Of course she could not wear this set of clothes. This clothes was worn when she was at home, if Zhou Xinming wanted to take out the mail from downstairs, she could only change!

She walked to the door, wearing a pair of trousers and the same oversized T-shirt.

"Drink less, you can't go back." Zhou Xinming said.

"If I don't want to go back, I'll sleep at your place. You have a place here anyway, two rooms for one room. Give me one room and that will be enough."

"You wish." After Zhou Xinming finished, he pointed to the phone on the table, "Give me my phone."

"Oh!" Ye Xiao agreed as he took Zhou Xinming's phone and gave it to him.

Zhou Xinming left the room. She did not wait for the stairs. Zhou Xinming lived on the fourth floor. Just as she walked to the third floor, her phone rang.

Zhou Xinming saw that the phone call was from Wang Yang. She held the phone in her hand and continued to walk down the stairs.

"What is it?" Zhou Xinming asked.

"Sister Zhou, I've investigated some matters. I'll first report it to you." Wang Yang said.

"Oh!" Zhou Xinming said.

"We found out that the young man's cousin is no longer working!" Wang Yang said, "According to the information we sent over to assist with the investigation, the local police station did not find that person. Furthermore, according to the owner of the restaurant, that person stopped working at the hotel half a year ago, and has not been found yet."

"Oh!" Zhou Xinming replied, "What's that man's name?"

"Zhao Gang!" Wang Yang said.

"Send me his photo later. I need to pick up a express." Zhou Xinming said, "If there's anything else, let's go to Criminal Police Unit tomorrow before we speak of it."

"Alright, Sister Zhou." Wang Yang promised.

Zhou Xinming put down her phone. She had already went downstairs, and saw a young man standing at the entrance of the building. The man wore a baseball cap and held onto a box that was tightly wrapped up in his hands as he stood there waiting for Zhou Xinming.

"This express is for me?" Zhou Xinming asked.

"Yes." The young man looked at Zhou Xinming, "This is your express gift."

"Do you need my signature?"

"No need." The young man said.

Zhou Xinming took the express delivery, and just as she was about to take it, Zhou Xinming's phone rang, and a message came in. Zhou Xinming had Wang Yang send a picture of the young man called Zhao Gang over.

Zhou Xinming took her phone to check, and sure enough, the message was sent by Wang Yang.

Zhou Xinming pressed accept!

The photo was displayed on Zhou Xinming's phone.

Zhou Xinming looked at the photo and frowned. She looked at the young man in front of her. At this moment, the young man had already turned around and was about to leave.

"Halt." Zhou Xinming suddenly shouted.

The young man ignored him and continued to walk forward. At this moment, the young man's pace quickened.

"I told you to stop, did you hear me?" Seeing that the young man had no intention to stop, Zhou Xinming shouted once again.

With this shout, not only did the young man not stop, he even sped up.

In that moment, Zhou Xinming suddenly felt that something was amiss.

Her eyes glanced at the package in her hands, and she placed it beside her ear. Just from hearing it, Zhou Xinming secretly exclaimed in his heart, "Not good!" She heard a ticking sound from inside.

Although Zhou Xinming did not know what was that sound, but her job instinct made Zhou Xinming immediately throw the box in her hands out forcefully at the first possible moment.


Just as Zhou Xinming was about to throw the box out, the box suddenly exploded.

It was night, and the sound of the explosion was deafening.

Zhou Xinming was shaken by the sound of the explosion. Although she had covered her ears and rolled on the ground the moment she was thrown out, the huge explosion still hit her.

However, Zhou Xinming wasn't really injured.

So dangerous!

If not for the fact that Zhou Xinming had thrown the bomb out when she had heard the noise from the bomb, she would have been blown to smithereens. It was actually a bomb, and almost took Zhou Xinming's life.

At this moment, the young man was already running towards the entrance of the district.

"Zhao Gang, you actually delivered yourself to my doorstep, I absolutely cannot let you escape!" Zhou Xinming saw the photo that Wang Yang sent over just now, and on it was the young man who was said to be part of the property.

This man was Zhao Gang.

Zhou Xinming immediately understood what was going on. Seeing Zhao Gang running away, she also stood up and chased after him. She absolutely could not let Zhao Gang escape from her sight.

In one breath, Zhou Xinming chased them out of the district, and ran into an alley beside it.

Zhou Xinming did not even think about it, and immediately gave chase.

The alley was dark and devoid of lights. Zhou Xinming didn't have a gun with her right now, so she didn't think that Zhao Gang would personally come to visit her. She only thought that it was an ordinary package, so she wore casual clothes and went downstairs.

"Bastard, I will absolutely not let you run away." Zhou Xinming shouted.

She chased him into the alley!

The alley was dark and silent.

Zhou Xinming carefully walked forward. When she reached a corner, Zhou Xinming stopped moving, she had to be extremely careful, it was very likely that Zhao Gang was hiding somewhere in the alley and was plotting against her.

Zhou Xinming took a few more steps forward, when suddenly, she heard a voice from behind him.

Zhou Xinming had already guessed that it was Zhao Gang who attacked her from behind and she subconsciously dodged to the side. Although Zhou Xinming reacted fast enough, she was still unable to dodge Zhao Gang's flying kick!


Zhou Xinming was kicked away and smashed into the ground.

Zhao Gang revealed himself and walked towards Zhou Xinming.

"I'll put a bomb on your body. When that happens, you'll explode with a bang …" Zhao Gang walked in front of Zhou Xinming with a cruel smile on his face.

"It really is you. You are the mastermind." Zhou Xinming stood up from the ground and she took a step back, maintaining a distance from him.

"Yes, it's me." "Zhou Xinming, I have always been paying attention to you. You are very beautiful, and the most ideal person for me to do so. That's why, in order to attract your attention, I have created all these things so that you can appear and pay attention to my abilities … However, you killed my younger cousin. That brat refused to listen to me, and I had already told him to not go to the scene, but he refused to listen to me … "

After these words were out of her mouth, Zhou Xinming once again thought back to what Ye Xiao had just said. Ye Xiao had already felt that something was amiss and had always suspected that the real mastermind was not that dead young man.

But Zhou Xinming did not think so. Zhou Xinming insisted that the young man who was already dead was the mastermind behind this matter. From the looks of it, what Ye Xiao said was correct, that young man was not the real mastermind, but the Zhao Gang in front of him.

"You can't escape." Zhou Xinming said coldly.

"In fact, I'm not trying to escape. Why should I?" Zhao Gang laughed as he walked towards Zhou Xinming, "How should I put it, I have always admired you … More accurately, I am infatuated with you. This time, I do not want to run, I want you to be with me forever. "

"Stop dreaming, I'm going to arrest you now."

"Arrest me? Haha, do you have that ability? Zhou Xinming, I understand you too well. I know clearly what kind of ability you have, you are not my match at all! " Zhao Gang slowly walked to Zhou Xinming's side, his pace extremely slow!

In his eyes, Zhou Xinming was not in any danger.

He could control Zhou Xinming.

Zhou Xinming took a deep breath, and clenched her right fist. The current Zhou Xinming did not carry a spear, she could only fight with him barehanded. As for the outcome, Zhou Xinming could not say.

"Damn it, if only Ye Xiao was here." Zhou Xinming didn't know why, but at that moment, she suddenly thought of Ye Xiao. Although she refused to admit it, but in her heart, she knew that Ye Xiao was strong, stronger than her.

But Ye Xiao was not here, she could not rely on him.

Zhou Xinming could only rely on herself now, "I will arrest you, I can't possibly be with you."

"I will kill you. In that case, no one will be able to take you away. You will only be with me forever." Zhao Gang's face revealed a sinister smile!


Zhao Gang suddenly threw a punch.

Zhou Xinming also raised her fist and struck over, but before her fist could land on Zhao Gang, Zhao Gang's fist had already struck him.

Zhou Xinming felt a sharp pain in her shoulder, and she was forced to retreat a few steps.

Zhao Gang was very strong. In just that moment, he felt that she might not be a match for Zhao Gang.

"What's wrong, you're not coming anymore?" When Zhao Gang saw that Zhou Xinming did not immediately rush over, he sneered, "You're overestimating yourself. You should look at who I am.

As Zhao Gang spoke, he clenched his fists and was about to attack Zhou Xinming again, but at this moment, he suddenly heard Ye Xiao's cold laughter from behind him, "What's a man's competition with a girl? Come, I'm very free right now, so I'll spar with you for a bit …"

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