"Huige, you -- you want me to use these grenades to blow up people?"

Looking at the three "grenades", Xiao Wen is a little frightened. Although he has been to Hutou gang for several years and has done a lot of arson, he has never done anything about killing people, and at most he has only cut people.

"You think too much. These three black ones are smoke bombs."

Ma Minghui grinned, and everyone felt relieved.

Xiao Wen sighed and said with a smile, "I'm not afraid now! But is that a bomb in your hand? "

"No, I'm a incendiary bomb! Remember, put the smoke bomb and drive away the people on the dance floor. Then go to the bar and smash the wine cabinet. If someone resists, just say hello to them! "

"Well, then we're out!"

After listening to Ma Minghui's explanation, Xiao Wen was relieved and boldly took the two younger brothers away.

Ma Minghui summoned the remaining six people to his side and made up six numbers. He said, "after I drop the incendiary bomb into this room, No.1, you will raise your voice and shout out in the corridor outside," fire is on, someone is going to put out the fire. "On no.23456, you are responsible for knocking on the door of the private room. When the guests run out, you will smash the things in the private room, Ten minutes. Run downstairs on time. Do you remember all of them? "


Six people all nod to return a way.

"Pay attention, don't hurt innocent people. If someone dares to make trouble when you smash things, you can also greet them. Now I'll check my watch. We'll move on time at 22:13, 15, and evacuate in 25 minutes! "


After six people answered, they immediately found out the time of the cell phone.

Time is ticking away, fleeting.

Lei Jun and Zheng Chao follow the line of the monitoring probe and quickly touch the monitoring room of the club.

Two people will guard the monitoring of the boy after stun, Zheng Chao directly smashed the host, Lei Jun skillfully took out the memory for 100 g hard disk. As a result, the monitoring probes outside have become a decoration. What these dozen people did tonight is not clear. Even if the police want to make trouble, I'm afraid it's hard to find it.

Looking at the time, it took only four minutes to get out of room 24 and remove the monitoring hard disk!

Lei Jun excitedly reported the news to Ma Minghui on his mobile phone.

After waiting for a minute, Ma Minghui said "action" to the six people around him. Then he quickly walked out of the No. 24 private room, pulled the fuse of the incendiary bomb in his hand, and "boom" a fire spread from the sofa of the private room.

The number one boy quickly yelled in the corridor, "there's a fire. Somebody help

"There's a fire next door. Run

The other five guys immediately clapped the doors of the other private rooms.

In the corridor, some club waiters were walking around. When they heard that room 24 was on fire, they immediately came to check the details.

When these guys saw the fire inside, they quickly picked up the walkie talkie and informed the manager on duty. Some wake-up waiters ran to the fire passage to find the fire extinguisher.

On the dance floor.

When Xiao Wen and his two younger brothers saw that the time agreed by Ma Minghui had come, they immediately pulled up the lead of the smoke bomb.

Suddenly, puffs of smoke spread in the crowd.

Xiao Wen took the opportunity to shout, "fire, run!"

"Ah --"

"It's really on fire. Run

Seeing the smoke and hearing the cry, some panicked women ran downstairs.

Driven by these people, the rest of the young men and women also stopped the commotion and ran downstairs like a swarm.

The music over the dance floor soon stopped.

The bartender and the cashier at the bar thought there was a fire when they saw the smoke in the dance floor. They ran downstairs with their lives.

Xiao Wen took the opportunity to rush to the wine cabinet with his two younger brothers, quickly pulled out the knife hidden in his back, and slashed the precious red wine.

"Wow --"

A burst of broken glass sound, a strong smell of wine also floated out.

Three people didn't use three minutes to smash the famous wine in a wine cabinet.

"Come on, let's report the good news to Huige!"

Seeing his outstanding achievements, Xiao Wen took a few photos with his mobile phone, and then he took two younger brothers to the door of No. 24 private room.

After hearing the call in the corridor, some male waiters wanted to put out the fire with a fire extinguisher. As a result, they were stirred up by the people in the hall outside, and they rushed downstairs. A few brave men found that there was something wrong. They hid in the dark and observed the situation for a while. Then they realized that someone was making trouble, so they took out their mobile phones and called Hou Yong one after another.

At this time, Hou Yong is sitting in the van exhausted, ready to go home to take a hot bath, and then have a beautiful sleep with a chick; As a result, one after another, he called him here, and then he knew that something had happened to his field!

"Damn, it must be Ma Minghui's son of a bitch! I thought he had run out of the East China Sea. I didn't expect that he would come to me so soon to get revenge! Brothers, hold back those troublemakers. I'll bring people to support you right away! "

After the first reaction, Zheng Chao called the younger brothers and ordered them to die. Then he reported the situation to Jin Laojiu. The old tortoise heard that Ma Minghui had gone to Hou Yong's place to make trouble, and quickly ordered Gao Hu to bring people to support him.

Ma Minghui stood outside the No. 24 private room, smoking leisurely, while gloating at the development of the fire inside.

At this time, Zheng Chao, Lei Jun and Xiao Wen also finished their work and returned to him.

Ma Minghui looked at the time on his mobile phone, and there was still six minutes before 10:25, so he waved his hand and said, "brothers, take out your guys and smash them hard for me. Let's evacuate in six minutes!"


After listening to the command, the crowd immediately went to work.

A security guard who was not afraid of anything saw people making trouble and hurriedly pulled out his baton to beat a tiger head boy who smashed the shop. Before he beat the boy down, he was knocked down by Zheng Chao and Xiao Wen. The security guard who was still staying upstairs saw that each other was extremely fierce. He was obviously prepared to avoid unnecessary blood and sacrifice, Regardless of Hou Yong's orders, these guys ran downstairs one after another.

When a group of young men saw that there was no obstacle upstairs, they did something even worse.

The private rooms on the second floor, the hall, the hallway, the places where everything can be smashed and cut, were soon patronized by these wolves.

All of a sudden, the crackling sound of sparks, the clattering sound of broken glass, and the cracking sound of tables and chairs.

The only manager on duty, who was still on the second floor, was watching the scene under a table. He was bleeding and crying in his heart: "it's over, it's all over! That monkey is going to skin me! I'd better go ahead with thirty-six plans!

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