Xia Weiguo laughs and says, "if I look down on such an excellent person, I'm not blind!"

"Since the director looks up to me so much, I'll have to take a trip reluctantly." Ma Minghui chuckled.

"Great, brother Ma! I'll wait for your words Unexpectedly, when Huofeng heard Ma Minghui's statement, she was even happier than Xia Weiguo.

Xia Weiguo was also embarrassed for a moment. At this time, Lin Tianjian suddenly said solemnly, "since you are all going, you must put on your bulletproof vest! Lao Xia, go and get some bulletproof vests for them. "

"It seems that secretary Lin knows how to care about people best." Ma Minghui gave Xia Weiguo another look with a smile.

Xia Weiguo did not argue, nodded and said, "secretary Lin is more comprehensive than I thought!"

Having said that, Xia Weiguo asked a policeman to bring some bulletproof vests. After he gave them to several people, he left one to put on his shoulder.

Ma Minghui was stunned and said, "Xia Ju, do you still want to lead the team yourself?"

"I can't sleep anyway. I'll go and have a look! Although I have poor eyesight at night, it's always OK to give you an assistant at the moment, isn't it? You'd better direct this operation! " Xia Weiguo really trusted Ma Minghui, so he gave him the command again.

Ma Minghui shook his head flatly, and then pulled off Xia Weiguo's body armor. "Since we are in charge, what are you going to do with us? You'd better sit in the Bureau and listen to the news honestly; In addition, Captain Nie's ability is also intolerable. You let him be the commander in chief this time, and I'll be a helper for him! "

"That's right. Lao Xia, you old bone, don't go out to join in the fun when it's so late! Let's wait here for the news from the boys Lin Tianjian also tried his best to prevent Xia Weiguo from participating in the operation again, so he was not allowed to take part. Xia Weiguo had no choice but to shake hands with these people and said devoutly, "please take this action! When you come back, I'll give you a celebration wine! "

"It's a deal!"

Ma Minghui grinned and turned to leave.


Lin Tianjian thought that Ma Minghui and Lei Jun had no weapons, so he suddenly stopped them and told Xia Weiguo, "Lao Xia, go and make two micro charges!"

"Chief - I use this!"

Ma Minghui took out Huofeng's type 92 pistol and raised it. Then he pointed to Lei Jun and said to Lin Tianjian, "just give me a little punch!"

In fact, there are quite a lot of guys in Lei Jun's private weapons warehouse, including submachine guns and sniper guns. However, he can't take them with him at any time. That's why Lin Tianjian sees his empty handed situation now.

"It seems that there are no snipers in the team! Xia Ju, just get me a Type 95 sniper rifle. Do you have it in the equipment room on your side? " Lei Jun put forward his own conditions directly.

Xia Weiguo suddenly nodded, "yes! By the way, fighting at night, I almost forgot to equip you with night vision devices. Come with me! I'll take you to the equipment store right away. "

"Director, I have a night vision device here. You can prepare it for brother Ma!" Huofeng patted her backpack and said that she wanted to save weapons and equipment for Xia Weiguo.

Xia Weiguo also lacks a set of equipment, so he is not happy.

Night, it's very deep.

Thin cold air over the city, as if shrouded in a layer of gossamer.

Xia Weiguo took Ma Minghui and Lei Jun downstairs, turned a few corners, and went to the equipment store. Here, the two young men were fully armed.

After packing up the equipment quickly, Ma Minghui drove himself and took Lei Jun and Huofeng to chase Nie Bing's motorcade.

The Shenjian team heard that they had found another suspect. They couldn't wait. After asking for instructions from Huofeng, Xuelang, Haitang and Dujuan immediately drove out of the hospital. All of a sudden, they were left with jindiao to take care of the sharp knife; If not the body bone is still very weak, sharp knife really want to pull out the blood vessel immediately, go out to fight with the teammates.

It seems that Jin Diao saw the intention of Jian Dao. After a lot of consolation, his heart gradually calmed down; In fact, as a member of the Shenjian special forces, jindiao also wants to join his comrades in arms in this battle. However, it is also a responsibility and task to take care of the injured comrades. Especially, this task was assigned by Huofeng, and he can only resolutely carry out it.

Tu Jianhui's hometown is in a small mountain village about five kilometers southwest of maoergou primeval forest. Because most people in the village have the surname Tu, the name of the village is Tu Jiaao. In the past, most people in this village used to hunt. However, in recent years, the state has issued a wildlife protection law, which does not allow villagers to hunt in the mountains, Young people in the village are gradually going out to work; At present, most of the people left in the village are the elderly and left behind children.

Tujiaao is not only close to maoergou primeval forest, but also not far from Liujia village, which is seven or eight kilometers away; Tu Jianhui and Liu Yidao went to the same rural primary school when they were young, so they became friends when they were very young. In addition, in recent years, they joined the mercenaries in ylk, so their relationship is not shallow; It is reasonable to say that the wages of mercenaries are very high. Tu Jianhui and Liu Yidao did earn a lot of money after three years of fighting there. However, on their way home, they met a group of extremist organizations with more than 20 people. Fortunately, they lost their money to protect their lives. Otherwise, they would go to see the Buddha.

It is for this reason that when they return to the East China Sea, they are ready to do a big business. However, in order to do business, there must be guys. Tu Jianhui began to think about finding some old hunters near the maoergou primeval forest and borrowing some hunting guns. However, he went into the mountain to find the hunters for two days and didn't even see any of them. However, they met the Shenjian special forces who were practicing in the mountains, The two brave guys found that they had quite a lot of weapons. At last, they had the idea of robbing weapons. So the night before, while most people were asleep, the two guys sneaked out of the woods and killed the two watchmen, Leng Bing and Leng Feng, and then took all their weapons and valuable things.

At about 11:40 p.m., Nie Bing's 11 member team took the lead in arriving at the tujia'ao settlement about 1000 meters away; In order to avoid frightening the snake, Nie Bing asked the drivers of the three cars to turn off the lights, put on the night vision and get ready to go.

Han Xiangdong was still in high spirits at first, but when he heard that Nie Bing was still waiting for Ma Minghui to arrive, this guy's lungs would explode, so he grumbled and said, "why is this Ma Minghui again? Why is he everywhere? What does he do and why does he participate in such an important action? What if he leaks the news? "

"His identity may be a little unusual! This is also the Secretary asked others to help us, we should be grateful to him! Xiang Dong, you seem to have a little problem with him. I hope you put the overall situation first and don't act with personal feelings! " Nie Bing sees Han Xiangdong full of complaints, and he persuades him seriously.

"Team Nie, don't worry. I'm not so small hearted. I'm just worried that he hasn't received any formal training. If he is in danger, he will be in trouble! Since you said that director Xia invited him to come, it shows that he has some skills, so I don't have to worry about him! " Han Xiangdong heard that Nie Bing was helping ma Minghui to speak, so the boy quickly changed his style and said a high sounding word to save face.

The other ten members of the criminal police obviously know Han Xiangdong's character, and it's not easy to tell.

At this time, Ma Minghui, with Lei Jun and Huofeng, came with the other three members of the Shenjian team.

After they got out of the car, they quickly got close to Nie Bing.

Nie Bing was about to speak to Ma Minghui when he said, "we are here to help you. You are the commander in chief."

"We're all under your command." Huo Feng followed her.

Nie Bing was overjoyed. He quickly folded his feet and saluted the crowd. Then he took out a map and spread it out on the spot. Then he took a mini flashlight to shoot the plane map on it. "According to the census book, there are still 30 households in the village, including eight on the East side of the village, ten on the west side of the village, and twelve in the middle; Tu Jianhui's home is in the middle. "

Nie Bing said as he moved the flashlight to a big red spot, indicating that it was Tu Jianhui's hometown; It turns out that when he was in the car just now, Captain Nie drew this plan according to the satellite map of current affairs and the home addresses of each family, and marked Tu Jianhui's hiding place at the same time. It has to be said that Captain Nie's homework was done at home, and all the people present were greatly admired.

"Although I didn't enter the village and didn't know the specific situation inside, I just investigated with night vision goggles and found that the houses in the village were basically fenced; Tu Jianhui's home is at No.15 middle street, and there must be a wall. So when we move, we should not only block the East and West exits of the village, but also arrange troops around the wall of their home, or we will be in vain! " Nie Bing said cautiously again.

"Captain Nie, you can directly assign tasks to us, and ensure the successful completion of the task!"

Huofeng can't wait to clap her chest. She let Liu Yidao run away more than two hours ago. She still has a breath in her heart. She has already thought of this evil breath

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