Seeing that the landing site of the helicopter had been built, Wang Peng, who was very anxious, asked Ma Minghui, "brother Hui, can I go back to our Wangjiazhuang? I want to see what happened to my parents."

It rained heavily. Big beads of water floated down the boy's face and dripping down. It was hard to tell whether it was rain or tears.

"Huige, I also want to go home and have a look."

Wang Wanjin, a security guard, said that the boy was Wang Peng's cousin. Last time, it was he who cooperated with Ma Minghui to perform a play at the gate of Yipintianxia villa, and only then did he confuse old lady Cao.

"How far is it from Wangjiazhuang?" Ma Minghui stares at them with a heavy heart.

"It's not far. It's only two or three kilometers. It's only twenty minutes." Wang Peng said.

"See if you can get through on your cell phone." Ma Minghui added.

"No!" Wang Peng quickly felt out his mobile phone and dialed. A "beep" voice immediately came out of the receiver. Obviously, because of the strong earthquake, the nearby base station was destroyed, and the mobile phone could not receive the signal at all.

"I can't get mine." Wang Wanjin also said with a mobile phone.

Ma Minghui frowned slightly, quickly observed the surrounding terrain, and said decisively, "we will immediately set up a temporary rescue point near the hotel. In this way, no matter what situation you encounter in two hours, you must send someone back to report to us. Ouyang Qingfeng, you can go with them to see what you can do for us!"

"Thank you, Huige." As soon as Wang Peng nodded, he immediately turned around and ran towards his home.

"Wait for me!"

Wang Wanjin followed, Ouyang Qingfeng also to Ma Minghui cast a look for instructions, "then I went?"

"Go, you must be safe! If you want to save people, you must protect yourself first

After Ma Minghui gave a loud warning, he immediately waved to the three.

At this time, the helicopter that had been hovering in the sky also tried to land, and the remaining five people quickly dispersed nearby.

Although the middle-aged pilot in charge of the helicopter had many years of driving experience, he made a forced landing in such bad weather and landed on a landing site that might collapse at any time. At the moment, his heart was also anxious; Rao is so, see around that piece of desolate scene, he or bet his own life toward the landing site.

Time went by with the huge raindrops. Two minutes later, the helicopter began its first test landing. When the landing frame slowly approached the two meter square temporary landing point, everyone's heart was at the crux of the matter.

"Grandma's, don't stand it!"

Staring at the helicopter slowly landing, Ma Minghui is still praying in his heart.

"Five centimeters from the ground!" The co pilot stares at the video recorder and reports to the captain.

The captain's forehead was full of cold sweat, but he said calmly, "I'll count three and start landing - three, two, one!"

"Click, click, click!"

With the landing of the frame, a few pieces of bricks soon broke, and the helicopter began to tilt to the left.

The co pilot yelled, "Captain, the lower panel brick is broken. The body is leaning towards you. Forced landing is very dangerous!"

Outside the plane, people could not help but cover their eyes with their hands as the helicopter seemed to be about to fall into the ruins.

Even Ma Minghui, who has always been calm and self-confident, is beating violently in his heart at this time.

Don't have an accident, or you will return to Donghai. How can you explain to Nangong Wanfu!

Ma Minghui prayed in his heart again.

At this time, Nangong Lin, who was still sitting in the airport, was obviously scared out of her wits. Fortunately, this girl wanted to save face and didn't disturb the captain's thinking.

Just as the helicopter was about to fall to the left, the captain quickly pulled up the climbing bar, and the plane immediately flew up again.

Good NIMA, thrilling!

Everyone thought that the plane was going to fly to the sky again, but the captain ordered in a deep voice, "move the body forward three centimeters and make a forced landing again."

"Captain, we are playing with fire! The first lady is still on the plane

Hearing the order from the captain, the co pilot immediately protested with a straight face.

Nangong Lin behind did not speak.

The captain seemed to have guessed the girl's mind, and said in a deep voice, "try again, this time we can't, we'll go back!"

"Yes, one more time!"

At the critical moment, Nangong Lin's attitude strengthened the captain's determination and left the co pilot speechless.

"Click, click, click!"

The plane landed at the temporary point for the second time. Although there was a loud noise this time, fortunately, the bricks below did not break, and the plane as a whole was still in balance.

Half a minute has passed, one minute has passed, no abnormal situation has occurred!

After landing successfully, the captain slowly slowed down the rotation speed of the propeller.

It was only three minutes later that the captain put out the engine of the helicopter after it was confirmed that the helicopter was all right.

This is a real success! Not only the people outside cheered, but also the three people in the cabin.

"Let's set up tents first, and then carry relief supplies!"

Ma Minghui saw the engine room open slowly, so he gave the order decisively.

The other four boys heard this and ran to the direction of the engine room. When they saw Nangong Lin still standing inside, they were all a little surprised.

Lei Jun's eyes widened and asked, "Miss Nangong, how can you hide in the plane?"

"If I'm not inside, I'm afraid the supplies for your plane won't be delivered until tomorrow!"

Nangong Lin is actually proud. At the moment, she seems to have forgotten Ma Minghui's hatred of tying herself with a safety rope.

"If you come here, I hope you don't make trouble!"

Although Lei Jun was not interested in this young lady, he didn't hate her so much now. He left this sentence and went to move the tent.

Nangong Lin originally wanted to argue with that boy, but no one gave her a bird at all.

"Stinky bodyguard - you come here for me!"

Seeing that Ma Minghui was still standing outside the engine room blowing cold wind, Nangong Lin quickly hooked up with him.

"What for?"

Ma Minghui was still outside to observe the environment. He found that the dilapidated hotel was in the center of an open area in the town. There were no mountains or rivers around it. There was no need to worry about landslides or debris flows. So he finally decided to set up a rescue site nearby to accommodate the victims.

"You just tied Miss Ben, don't you apologize? Come here quickly

If it wasn't for the heavy rain outside, Nangong Lin would have run out and slapped Ma Minghui.

"Sorry, I tied you just now for your safety. I'm right. There's no need to apologize to you!"

Facing Nangong Lin's censure, Ma Minghui is not polite at all.

Nangong Lin is so angry that she grabs a bottle of mineral water and throws it at Ma Minghui.

Ma Minghui picked up the aisle and said, "don't be ridiculous, miss. I don't have time to take care of you now."

After that, the boy went to pile in the open space. If he wants to set up a waterproof tent, he must do it well first.

"Damn - asshole, go to hell!"

Seeing that Ma Minghui completely ignores his existence, Nangong Lin throws a bottle of mineral water at the boy's back.

Unfortunately, the strength is too light to use at all.

Xiao Wen, who has just passed Nangong Lin, whistles and laughs, "is it wrong, miss? You shouldn't be here. There's no fun here! If you see the strong wind outside, it will blow you down every minute. "

"Please move faster, or you will be in trouble when you encounter aftershocks. We are at the epicenter!" The middle-aged captain saw that Nangong Lin was very angry and immediately urged Xiao Wen to leave.

Xiao Wen makes fun of Nangong Lin, which can be regarded as a solution to the previous hatred.

Nangong Lin is angry and has no place to calm down. This girl is stunned and runs out of the engine room to rush towards Ma Minghui.

The other four guys who were still carrying the supplies were surprised to see that, but the captain could only pretend not to see it.

Although the rain outside the cabin is much less, the cold wind is still blowing.

Nangong Lin did not run a few steps to shiver, but a strong sense of face to support her ran to Ma Minghui behind.

"Smelly bodyguard, tell you to ignore me!" No matter Ma Minghui is sweating with a shovel, Nangong Lin rushes behind him, raises his foot and kicks him on the ass.

Fortunately, Ma Ming Hui's horse step is solid, otherwise he would fall to the ground with his foot.

"Miss, are you crazy?"

Lei Jun heard Nangong Lin's rage, then left his work and looked up at her.

Ma Minghui also quickly turned around and looked at Nangong Lin with the same look of fire; If eyes can kill people, this girl must be cut to pieces by him now!

"Why do you want to hit me? Come and fight

Seeing Ma Minghui's fierce eyes, Nangong Lin's careful liver flopped a few times, and her body stepped back two steps involuntarily.

Ma Minghui didn't speak, but suddenly took off his raincoat cover and said to Nangong Lin, "you are in nervous trouble. Stay away from me. I really don't have leisure to take care of your mood now."

"Stinky bodyguard, didn't you ignore me?"

Although Nangong Lin still has an angry look on her face, seeing Ma Minghui's intimate move, the girl's heart is still filled with a warm feeling.

"I have no time to talk to you! Junzi, tie her back to the cabin for me. "

For Nangong Lin's unreasonable, Ma Minghui is also helpless, forced to give Lei Jun an order.

Nangong Lin saw that Ma Minghui was serious again. She quickly flashed aside and said, "don't catch me. Can't I disturb you?"

"No! Lei Jun, what are you waiting for? Get her on the plane

Worried that the daughter had caught a cold, Ma Minghui gave a death order to Lei Jun.

Lei Jun shrugged and went to Nangong Lin with a playful smile and said, "young lady, be more conscious of yourself. I don't know how to be compassionate."

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