Ding Xiaohui and Cao Zhi usually have no tactical evasion training. In the face of the bullets fired by Han Xiangdong, they didn't have time to react too much and fell into the grass by the side of the road.

Han Xiangdong looks around and finds that Donghai university is not far from the right side of the road. There are several students staring at him at the school gate dozens of meters away. If he runs into Donghai University, he may soon fall into the trap of the police; Not far ahead is the entrance of the provincial capital expressway, and behind is the direction of the urban area, which is not the best place to escape; Take a look at your left side and cross the track. Although it's an open field, you can run past the gathering place of Lizhuang residents. If you run north, you can enter the primeval forest of maoergou. At that time, if the police want to chase you, it will be even more difficult!

Thinking about this, Han Xiangdong squats down to find Zhang Yi's handcuff key

Ma Minghui heard several gunshots in succession. He had already expected that something big would happen, so he told Lei Jun around him, "junzi, you take the plane and wait for me in the car first. I'll go and have a look."

"Brother, you'd better not go!" Ma Xiaoyu, who has not left the two, looks at Ma Minghui anxiously, and holds his arm in one hand to prevent him from leaving.

"Don't worry, I still have a guy in my hand. No one can hurt your brother. Are you going to school? Go back to school quickly!"

Ma Minghui deliberately took out the pistol, took it to Ma Xiaoyu, raised it in front of him, then turned around and left.

Ma Xiaoyu Leng is unable to pull, and finally had to cry helplessly, "brother, you must pay attention to safety!"

"I see!"

Ma Minghui waved his hand and walked forward without looking back.

Lei Jun heard the sound of the gun and was very close to them. He urged Ma Xiaoyu to leave here by car.

Han Xiangdong fumbled on Zhang Yi for a while, and finally found the key to the handcuffs and a black wallet in his trouser pocket, with more than 1000 yuan of cash in it; So after the boy opened the handcuffs with the key, he even put more than 1000 yuan in cash on himself.

Just when Han Xiangdong got up and wanted to turn around for a run-up, and then stood up and flew over the two meter wide rail isolation belt, Zhang Yi, who was dying but could still die, suddenly stretched out his hands and hugged the boy's right foot. At the same time, he laboriously cried, "no, don't run!"

"Damn, you're not dead yet!"

Impatient Han Xiangdong can't think about it. He mentions the June 4th Incident and shoots Zhang Yi twice in the back.

Although Zhang Yi's hands still hold Han Xiangdong's right leg, his head slowly droops.

"Bah!" Han Xiangdong spits and bends down to break Zhang Yi's hands.

Gu Bei and Liu Bing, who are on patrol near Xueyuan Road, hear the gunshot not far away and expect something bad to happen; So Captain Gu, who was sitting in the co pilot's seat, drank Liu Bing and sounded the alarm while picking up the car walkie talkie to report the danger nearby to the command center.

After Liu Bing sounded the alarm, suddenly a beautiful tail flick, driving the old Jetta police quickly toward the sound of the gun to chase.

After breaking Zhang Yi's hands, Han Xiangdong gets up again and is ready to sprint. Suddenly, he thinks that the bullets in the gun are almost gone. So the boy searches Zhang Yi for a while. Finally, he takes out two bullet clips at his back waist and puts them into his trouser pocket. Then he gets up, runs quickly and flies to the track.

"Don't run

Although Ding Xiaohui was shot in the stomach, the bullet didn't hurt her. Soon, the stubborn woman woke up from the pain; When she saw Han Xiangdong running fast and jumping in the direction of Li Zhuang, she tried her best to struggle to get up and continue to catch up. However, her legs failed to work. Finally, she could only watch Han Xiangdong escape from under her own eyes, and she could only utter this exclamation.


Just as Han Xiangdong jumped over the rail barrier and landed on the land of Lizhuang, Liu Bing also drove a Jetta to the place of the accident.

When Ding Xiaohui heard the alarm, her desperate face finally showed some happy light. When she saw Liu Bing and Gu Bei jump out of the car, she quickly raised her right hand, pointed to Han Xiangdong's escape direction and cried, "quick, catch Han Xiangdong - he killed someone!"

"Xiaobing, you call to save people and ask for reinforcements as soon as possible. I'll go after him!"

Gu Bei finds Han Xiangdong's figure from a distance, but he finds that the guy is wearing a police uniform. He thought that the police were chasing the suspect, so although the revolver was in his hand, he did not dare to shoot; Now Ding Xiaohui, who has fallen to the ground, said that Han Xiangdong shot and killed people, so he did not hesitate to catch up.

"Damn, thanks to being a policeman for so many years, are you worthy of the national emblem on your head?"

Gu Bei naturally knew Han Xiangdong. When he saw the two corpses lying in the grass, his heart could not help but blood surging. After a scold, he quickly stepped up to run up to cross the two meter wide railway barrier.

Although captain Gu is old, he is not inferior to young people in running. Liu Bing only sees a dark shadow passing in front of him, and Gu Bei jumps to the open field opposite him.

"Can you hold on?"

He quickly took out his mobile phone and called 120. At the same time, he reported the situation to the command center through his walkie talkie. After that, Liu Bing asked Ding Xiaohui next to him; At the moment, what she thinks most is that she must catch the scum in police uniform, so that the dead can die.

"Yes - come on, go after him!"

Ding Xiaohui understood her anxiety from Liu Bing's eyes, so she tried to raise her right hand, indicating that she didn't care about herself.

After hearing this, Liu Bing quickly nodded, got up, ran and leaped. He also finished the hurdle with a beautiful movement and landed safely on the land of Li Zhuang.

Looking for the sound of gunfire, Ma Minghui quickly ran to the place where the incident happened. After about 300 meters, he ran to the entrance of the residential area. Just then, a black figure suddenly ran from the open area on one side of the residential area and hit Ma Minghui.

Stunned, they both stepped back two steps at the same time.

"Han Xiangdong!"

"Ma Minghui!"

When they saw each other's face, they made a sound almost at the same time. Just as Han Xiangdong made a sound, the bullet of the 64 pistol in his hand roared out.


A bullet rubbed Ma Minghuo's ear and hit the wall behind him.

that was close!

If you don't react quickly, your whole head may be taken off by the bullet.

Hearing the familiar gunfire, Ma Minghui also reflected it at this time. The man who shot just now was this asshole. He must have killed someone! He must not be allowed to slip under his nose.

So after a quick Dodge, Ma Minghui also pulled out the back of the type 92 pistol.

Han Xiangdong saw that all of a sudden, a shot didn't hit Ma Minghui's vital point. He had already expected that the boy's skill was not under him, so he didn't dare to fight at all. While Ma Minghui dodged bullets, he quickly ran to a nearby alley.

Lizhuang has a population of more than ten thousand, so there are many residential buildings and many alleys leading to each family; After entering these crisscross alleys, Han Xiangdong ran very happily like a fish in the sea.

Ma Minghui looks at Han Xiangdong's figure and raises his gun to shoot. Suddenly, a shout comes from behind, "don't move, raise your hands!"

"Damn, does this boy have any friends?"

Ma Minghui said a word "grass" in his mouth, followed by one to roll on the spot, and then turned the muzzle of the gun to solve his worries. But when he pulled the trigger, he found that the man holding the gun was Gu Bei of the patrol special police team. Obviously, the old man also heard the gunfire to pursue Han Xiangdong. What's hateful is that he even pointed the gun at himself.

"Ah! It's you -- "

Gu Bei also saw Ma Minghui's face at this time and quickly lowered the muzzle.


The 92 pistol in Ma Minghui's hand made a piercing sound, and the bullets roared out. Fortunately, the boy reflected it in time. When he pulled the trigger, he put the muzzle of the pistol away quickly, otherwise captain Gu would be absolutely shot and fall to the ground.

"What the hell are you pointing a gun at me for?"

"I thought you were his accomplice!" The bullet rubbed his scalp, and Gu Bei's forehead was in a cold sweat.

Ma Minghui said, "Damn it, have you ever seen two guys shooting each other with guns?"

After that, the boy turned around and chased.

At this time, Liu Bing also chased Gu Bei with a gun and looked at Ma Minghui's back. The girl wondered, "Captain, the man in front is so familiar."

"It's our old acquaintance Ma Minghui! Why are you here? Hurry back! "

Gu Beishen was afraid of Liu Bing's mistake and told Lin Tianjian, so he yelled and immediately ran after him with his gun.

Although the alleys run in all directions, Ma Minghui still sniffs Han Xiangdong's trace with his nose as sensitive as a dog. Seeing that the boy is going to flash by, Ma Minghui shoots quickly.

"Bang bang" two shots were released, but the bullet failed again, "Dangdang" two shots shot to the wall on one side of the alley, debris splashed.

"Damn, you're still haunted!"

After Han Xiangdong dodged the two bullets, with the advantage of turning around in the corner, he also raised his 64 shot to Ma Minghui; At this time, Ma Minghui had walls more than ten meters high on both sides, and there was no obstacle behind him. Facing the bullets shot by Han Xiangdong, he could only dodge left and right, with the help of his fast body shape to avoid the bullets.

If you want a grenade, it will be great! Throw it directly to Han Xiangdong. It will definitely make him less rampant.

"Grass, you flash very fast!"

When the gun rang, Han Xiangdong lowered his body and secretly looked into the alley where Ma Minghui was. When he found that Ma Minghui was still hiding bullets, he simply stood out from the corner, "bang bang bang" and fired three more shots, in an attempt to overwhelm him with absolute firepower, so as to gain enough time for his escape; However, he seems to have forgotten that the maximum cartridge capacity of the 64 is no more than seven rounds. When Han Xiangdong hit the head of his gun so hot that he was ready to turn Ma Minghui into a beehive, he heard the empty sound of the firing pin

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