The next day's financial summit continued.

During the meeting, Chu Jiang still went his own way and slept on the table. Ye Qingcheng still smiled and bowed his head to take his notes.

Gu Yang is reading mobile phone information at the moment.

During the meeting, the mobile phone is silent, but it is still possible to check the mobile phone information and send messages.

"Gu Shao, just now there were three cooperative companies calling, claiming to strip away all the equity of our sunshine group."

The person who came to the information was, of course, Gu Yang's subordinate.

"Oh, how much damage will it cause?"

Gu Yang lightly replied with a message.

"This kind of stripping will not cause any loss in a short time, but will have an impact on subsequent development."

The subordinates may not expect Gu Yang to be so calm and feel a little surprised.

"It has an impact on the follow-up development, but for the three companies, do you think it has a big impact? Do you know what I am doing now? I am attending the national financial summit."

Gu Yang's words have been a little blaming. He reports to himself for a little thing, and he doesn't look at the airport. As chairman and President, if I have to deal with a little thing, wouldn't I be tired to death.

"Er, sorry, Gu Shao..."

The subordinates seemed to feel that Gu Yang didn't care at all, that he shouldn't worry about radish first, or that his report was not the right time, so they began to apologize.

Gu Yang will no longer return his information.

Indeed, sunshine group is the head of a wealthy family in Jiangnan, and the main listed company of Gu family. At that time, the initial capital injection was billions, and now the actual assets have doubled.

In addition to real estate, sunshine group also does venture capital projects, including other projects, which are profitable anyway.

Among them, there are no fewer than dozens of companies invested by sunshine group, and it is normal that there are occasional equity changes, but it is the first time that three companies have divestitures at the same time, fresh to fresh, but we have a big vision for the future, and we don't pay attention to it at all.

After playing with his mobile phone for a while, Gu Yang saw Chu Jiang sleeping not far in front of him. His heart moved, and he remembered the butterfly effect that Chu Jiang shouted yesterday. For a moment, he didn't know why, and a cold sweat came out behind his back.

Gu Yang sent a message again and asked, "which three companies are they?"

Subordinate: "Gu Shao, you have a meeting, I will deal with it."

Gu Yang's bad feeling became stronger and stronger: "which three are they?"

Subordinate: "Tianbao new energy, Jetta new energy, Tianlai new energy."

Gu Yang stood up quickly. He was no longer satisfied with the speed of sending messages. Regardless of other people's eyes, he hurried into the lounge next to the conference room and made a phone call.

"Arvin, are you sure these three new energy companies?" After entering the conference room, Gu Yang's tone was very heavy and his face became livid.

"Gu Shao, yes... And the prospects of these three companies are very good." Arvin murmured.

"Of course, I know that the prospects of these three companies are good. Is that bullshit? You bastard, why didn't you tell me such important news earlier?" Gu Yang cursed loudly. Anyway, he was alone in the lounge, and the sound insulation effect of the glass was very good. He was not worried that he would be heard by people in the conference room.

Arvin almost felt that he was being wronged to death. He immediately reported to Gu Yang after he knew the news. Gu Yang just said that such a small thing didn't need to be reported, but the next second he scolded him why he didn't report in time.

"Go and find out what happened to the three companies. Give me a detailed report within two hours!" Gu Yang continued to roar.

Facing Gu Yang's roar, ah Wen can only continue to be submissive.

Gu Yang poured himself a glass of cold boiled water and drank it all in one gulp. Only then did he feel a little calm.

At this time, the message came from his mobile phone again. Maybe his subordinates knew that he was participating in the financial summit and did not dare to call.

He glanced at it, and it was a project manager, a Chao, who sent it: "Gu Shao, ten houses sold by Four Seasons Garden commercial housing were sold at a low price."

Gu Yang looked drunk and immediately replied, "anyway, they have been sold out. They sell at a low price. It's none of our business!"

Maybe he was stimulated just now. When he opened his mouth, he was rude. The meaning was obvious. How can I report big farts to me? Don't you know that Ben Shao is holding a financial summit?

A Chao hesitated a little and sent a message: "but... Those ten suites are ridiculously cheap!"

Gu Yang's heart moved, and he dialed a Chao's phone again.

"A Chao, what happened to the four seasons garden?"

"Gu Shao, this is the case. The homeowners bought houses for about three million yuan, but 300000 sold them out for no reason!"


Gu Yang frowned, and 300000 of the houses he bought for three million yuan were sold. How can this be cheap? It's simply too cheap, and his wife is cheap!

As the saying goes, when things change, there must be demons. Gu Yang thought a lot.

"Gu Shao, several Suites in Jingfeng building have also been sold at a low price, and 300000 of the original six million houses have been sold. It's simply..." ah Chao at the other end of the phone seems to have received some news, and he can't help reporting.

"Ah!" Gu Yang's eyes touched the sleeping figure of Chu Jiang, and his mind flashed in addition to the so-called butterfly effect in the mouth of Chu Jiang, so he said harshly, "block the news, and never let this news out!"

"This..." a Chao was also stunned. He was not selling houses within the company. How to block such news.

"If you can't block it and have an adverse reaction, I'll fire you!" Gu Yang cursed again.

"Yes, yes, I will try my best!" A Chao is submissive over there.

Gu Yang Hung up the phone, poured himself a glass of cold boiled water, drank it in one gulp, and then calmly returned to his seat.

But he didn't want to have a meeting anymore. Sometimes he looked down at his mobile phone. It seemed that he was looking forward to and afraid of text messages.

But the message always came. This message came from a bin, the director of the company's public relations crisis department.

A bin: "Gu Shao, the headlines of several major websites are all news about our company, and... They are all negative. Look."

Gu Yang didn't return a bin's information, and immediately opened several major websites, especially financial websites.

"Sunshine group was inexplicably abandoned by three new energy companies at the same time!"

"Sunshine Group Four Seasons Garden, Jingfeng building and other commercial houses have been sold at an unprecedented low price!"

"According to insiders, sunshine group may fall into a catastrophe once in a century!"

Gu Yang's face changed greatly and he was about to collapse. In fact, he was abandoned by three new energy companies. For sunshine group, it was nothing at all, just making less money.

Many commercial houses have been sold at an unprecedented low price. For sunshine group, it's nothing. Anyway, it's already sold houses. It's their power to sell them as they want.

"NIMA's, where did insiders come from? Where did the group come from the catastrophe? And it also used the word 'once in a century'!" Gu Yang cursed secretly.

Suddenly, he suddenly found that many business elites around him looked at him intentionally or unintentionally, cold, as if full of ridicule.

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