Under the moonlight, in the mountain road, a luxury car vibrated constantly, and there were occasional traffic on the road, but most people had turned a little blind to this kind of car shock, just glanced at it, and immediately continued to drive their car.

Murong Yi sat in the cab, turned his head and looked at the fierce battle in the back seat, his eyes shining with excitement.

Although Watanabe Festival has passed through Ninja Guangdun, it is no different from ordinary people at the moment, but after all, he practices martial arts all year round, and his physical quality is still good. Coupled with the effect of medicine, he is like a male leopard at the moment.

Chu Jiang and Luo Shuai also stood in the dark not far away, with a playful smile on their lips.

"Boss, why is Watanabe lucky?" Luo Shuai seemed a little envious, said.

"You son of a bitch, do you want to go up!" Chu Jiang raised his legs and kicked Luo Shuai's buttocks. He curled his lips and said, "it's also good luck. He just came down the mountain and met the tigress. I seriously suspect that after several deep battles, after his kidney is seriously overdrawn, he will not collapse and die, and will also lose his head overnight."

"So serious?" Luo Shuai patted his buttocks and wondered.

"Ninja dunguang has made him lose all his skills, and at the moment he is even weaker than ordinary people. Just now he drank three bottles of mineral water with ingredients, facing two strong women like wolves and tigers. If he was a little careless, he naturally killed himself." Chu Jiang said slowly, expressionless.

"Boss, shall we save him?" Luo Shuai couldn't stop thinking that the Watanabe Festival might be deadly. He had to know that Watanabe festival was their goal.

"It's okay. After all, his physical foundation is OK. He should not die. Let him go crazy once. This may be the last madness of his life." Chu Jiang glared at Luo Shuai, "your task is to stare at him. Normally, he will be thrown to the roadside after it is finished. How about you..."

Chu Jiang paused a little here, and then continued: "what about you, just call the mental hospital, close him, and see who he will contact in the future. Since the Shuikou group has been eyeing the underground world of SZ for nearly 20 years because of the agreement, I guess they should have laid a foreshadowing in every big city of SZ in the past 20 years..."

"Boss, I know how to do it. Where are you... Going?" Luo Shuai nodded a little, and then saw that Chu Jiang was leaving, and asked.

"You son of a bitch, dare to take care of your boss! As for me, a beautiful woman in the company is still waiting for me to sign." Chu Jiang stared at Luo Shuai.

"Boss, I don't care about you. I'm worried about you. Your kidney overdraft will turn gray overnight. I see you are so busy all day and all night. Beauties one by one... Oh, boss, don't kick me!"

"Don't kick you, do you know the boss hasn't fought for several nights!"

"Don't go, boss. I'm also worried about your injury. There are several colors hanging on your body. Tonight, you fight seven Japanese Sakura warriors, and then monopolize Watanabe Festival. Your energy is overdrawn... Boss, take care!"

Luo Shuai saw Chu Jiang head and left without looking back. Finally, he could only send a blessing.

Zhugeqiu has always wanted to have an office style signature with Chu Jiang, but he never made a mistake.

During the dinner, with the help of Chu Jiang, he was not only afraid of Hu Cheng's true face, but also had a great unexpected harvest. Zhugeqiu believed that soon, Hu Qinghua, Hu Cheng's father, would step down, and her father zhugeming's grievances ten years ago would certainly be wiped out!

It's no longer important whether she can resume her position. Zhugeqiu believes that it's the most important thing to let her father be innocent and live upright.

Two hours ago, she sent the hotel location and the concierge number to Chu Jiang, and washed it again and again. She had already washed herself white. Now she was lying in a comfortable bed, listening to beautiful songs, waiting for Chu Jiang's luck.

Although she had been waiting for two hours, zhugeqiu didn't complain at all, because she knew Chu Jiang was busy, but he promised to come and would come.

"Benedict Benedict."

When the knock on the door rang out, zhugeqiu turned over and got out of bed. At the moment before opening the door, she found that her face was hot and hot, and she felt like having an affair. No, to be exact, they were having an affair, just unmarried and unmarried.

"Ah, are you... Injured?" The door opened, and zhugeqiu found the blood on Chu Jiang's shirt.

"Just a little skin injury." Chu Jiang smiled and came in.

"Let's go to the hospital." Zhugeqiu said with concern.

"No, as long as I can sign with you once, I'll be all right." Chu Jiang conveniently closed the door. Facing the round curve and breathtaking snow-white, his eyes flashed with amazement, and he immediately had the impulse to fight hard.

For the boss of the God of war, a little skin injury does not prevent him from fighting, including fighting in bed.

"Go take a bath first." Zhuge Qiu was clever and took a pair of slippers.


"No, you must take a bath first. I've always had a slight obsession with cleanliness."

Zhugeqiu then dragged Chu Jiang's arm and dragged him into the bathroom.

In this process, some casual friction and extrusion will naturally occur, which makes Chu Jiang have the impulse of nosebleed.

No way, the beauty ordered to do it, so she went into the bathroom for a simple rinse, and put some medicine on her wound. Then she found that the white towel in the hotel was gone, and there was only a set of light red towels hanging there.

"Give me a towel." Chu Jiang opened the door and shouted.

"That light red towel is mine. I brought it from home." Zhugeqiu's voice rang out.


You have to bring your own towel when you live in a hotel?

Chu Jiang heard the speech and looked at the light red towel hanging on the wall. He couldn't help thinking of some pictures. NIMA, what's this called!

Maybe it's been a while since the war. Maybe it's really necessary to relax for the seven Japanese Sakura warriors and Watanabe Jieli after the war. Since entering the hotel, Chu Jiang's heart has always been surrounded by a charming atmosphere, which not only lingers, but also has an increasingly strong trend.

At this moment, the great God of war boss, a veteran of love, looking at a light red towel can also be imaginative, isn't it too disappointing.

Distracted Chu River, because the floor tiles were all water, so his feet slipped and couldn't help shouting, "Ouch!"

Next, there is

Clear and loud!

Chu Jiang's body fell hard on the ground, and his whole back was beaten red!

Although he has excellent skills, he is sometimes helpless in the face of the embarrassment of suddenly losing his focus.

At this moment, his heart seemed to have thousands of grass and mud horses roaring past!

Shit, it's all women's patent to fall in the bathroom. Why is it your turn today?

"Chu... Assistant, what's the matter with you?"

Zhugeqiu ran over and opened the door directly, his face full of worry.

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