At the entrance of the valley, onehundred front explorers of Tianxia League continued to enter one after another. First, they stepped on the spot. Xia Houyong and Tian Wuji stood at the entrance of the valley, with 400 elite people standing behind them.

Under the moonlight, the night wind blew, and Tian Wuji felt cool on his body. He closed his eyes slightly, didn't look with his eyes, but detected it with his body, and then slowly said, "brother Xia Hou, I think this valley is even strange, and it's a good place to set a trap. Let's... Get out!"

After the news came, he was also in favor of coming to have a look. At most, the news was wrong and he went there in vain. But when he stood at the mouth of the valley at the moment, his sharp vigilance stood up, and he felt that there was something strange in the valley, but he couldn't say what it was, so he opened his mouth to persuade Xia Houyong to retreat.

"Lao Tian, you are too cautious. Our two masters, plus 500 elite, can't help me even if someone designs an ambush!" Xia Houyong laughed, overbearing.

Tian Wuji nodded slowly, then slightly frowned and said, "but... Why can we get the news, while other gangs don't get the news?"

"Since ancient times, those who are destined for the treasure have learned that maybe God will help us in the world alliance. Besides, it is also possible for someone to get there first in such a big valley." Xia Houyong is cool and frank.

"But I always think tonight is a... Trap." Tian Wuji still believes in his intuition.

"Trap? Canglang Gang, Fengyun Gang? They want to fight with us. They can fight in the urban area of Haishi at night. Why come here in a big circle? I think Canglang and Zheng Zhongtian won't be so boring." Xia Houyong squinted and said that he also had his own judgment.

Indeed, the gangs fighting for territory on the road are all carried out in the city, in the form of smashing the field.

"If it is... What about Chu River?" Excluding the Canglang gang and the Fengyun Gang, Tian Wuji thought of Chu ye in Haishi again.

"Chu River?" Xia Houyong also frowned. After all, Chu Jiang escaped from the mortal situation last night, and he has listed Chu Jiang as his first opponent.

Last night, he and Tian Wuji joined hands to deal with Chu Jiang. It is normal for Chu Jiang to retaliate against them tonight, but

"It's just that there are only 12000 people in the Haishi three gang alliance. Apart from the spectators, the number of people that can be freed up is at most hundreds. Hundreds of them, and hundreds of us. Although Chu Jiang's skill is powerful, it's not the other people who lead the team this time, but the two of us. Even if Chu Jiang is inside, why should he be afraid!" Xia Houyong once again denied Tian Wuji's idea.

"If Chu Jiang occupied a favorable position in advance and wanted to fight an ambush?" Tian Wuji said again.

"Well, i... call him directly... And ask the information clerk to locate him." Xia Hou hesitated and thought.

Although this idea is not novel enough, it is the most practical and effective.

High technology is good!

Seeing that Tian Wuji didn't object, Xia Houyong first told the information clerk specially hired by Tianxia League, and then dialed Chu Jiang's number.

"Brother Chu, hello." Xia Houyong laughed, as if calling his friends who had been away for many years.

"Oh, Xiahou alliance leader? Do you want to try my skill again tonight?" In the villa, Miao Qian had just left, and when brother Jiang was surprised that the witch also had a mobile phone, his mobile phone rang. After connecting, he heard Xia Houyong's cordial greetings.

It takes about two minutes to locate, so Xia Houyong must find a topic. Originally, he was unable to find a topic. At this moment, Chu Jiang took the initiative to talk about last night, which hit Xia Houyong's heart.

"Brother Chu, I was a little presumptuous last night, but you have to believe that I really just wanted to try your skill. After that, I always felt a little sorry, so I hesitated and called again, hoping brother Chu wouldn't be surprised. By the way, the leader of infinite gang brought a man in black with a mask this afternoon, and hurt the players of all our factions continuously. Did leader Li report to you?" Xia Houyong seemed sincere.

"Chen Jiaba, the leader of infinite Gang? A man in black with a mask?" Chu Jiang frowned gently, "today I've been busy with accompanying beautiful women and making money, and I haven't seen Li Qiushui yet."

"Yes, yes, I heard that Chu brothers beat the richest man in Haishi in front of SJ of Haishi municipal Party committee, mayor, deputy mayor, director and deputy director of Haishi at noon on the first day of the new pearl. Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, it was exciting to hear it. Chu brothers won honor for our people." Xia Houyong said excitedly that what he said at the moment was indeed true.

"Xia Hou, the leader of the alliance, flattered me. Just pretend to force me. Just say it directly. I'll accompany you with anything you want to do tonight, such as drinking and fighting!" Chu Jiang simply said.

"By the way, I also heard that brother Chu also extorted a lot of money from the eight rich families this time. How much, can you tell?" Xia Houyong did not directly answer Chu Jiang's question, but continued to ask.

"It's just a few hundred million. I said Xiahou alliance leader, don't use words indiscriminately. In broad daylight, how can you extort money? These money are all for their filial piety to me, saying that they are giving me a big health care fee. In fact, there are so many beautiful women around this handsome boy, why do you need a big health care fee, big their heads!" Chu Jiang said faintly, "of course, this amount is much more than the ransom of Tianxia League, so Xiahou league leader, I really gave you a discount at that time."

Chu Jiang was also able to pull. As soon as he pulled it, it came to the moment of the opening ceremony of the battle for the dragon and tiger list, and it was the moment when the world alliance was beaten in the face on the spot. Xia Houyong turned black.

Nima's, I knew I wouldn't make this call. I'm really embarrassed.

"Brother Chu, I have something to go out for a while. I'll buy you a drink later." Finally, Xia Houyong saw that two minutes had arrived, casually said a word, and hung up the phone.

Then, the specially hired messenger came to the message: the person you are talking to is in a villa in downtown Haishi.

Xia Houyong and Tian Wuji showed a comfortable smile after reading the information, but... In Xia Houyong's view, the price is very high, as if they were beaten in the face by Chu Jiang again.

Chu Jiang, after hanging up, looked at the call time, no more, no less, exactly two minutes, so he showed a smile.

After talking for two minutes and gossiping again, brother Jiang can also think of Xia Houyong's purpose with his ass.

At this time, his phone rang again.

"Sister Qiushui, are you... Awake?"

"After receiving the news from Xintang, the leader of the world alliance led 500 elites to a valley in the northwest suburb of Haishi. I don't know what to do?"

"Maybe go to enjoy the moon collectively."

"Reward your sister!"


This side of the valley.

"Report to the alliance leader, there is nothing special in the valley."

"Report to the alliance leader that a cave was found in the valley, which can only be passed by one person. I groped into it for a while, feeling endless, so I retreated."

"Report to the alliance leader, there is a small waterfall in the valley..."

Hundreds of former explorers came back one after another to report the situation. Some didn't find anything, and some found all kinds of caves and running water.

In fact, every valley has caves and flowing water, but in the eyes of treasure hunters, every cave often has a mystery. Just like lottery players, the original numbers are still those numbers, but in their eyes, every number may represent winning, winning!

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