The two pupil killer and the queen of Diablo took action on a dark and windy night. Their action was originally carefully planned. Although it was the first time to work together, because they were best friends, they matched very tacitly, and everything was very smooth at the beginning.


When he was about to kill the target, the terrible master appeared. Under the cover of the queen of darkness, the double pupil killer was able to retreat completely.

When the double pupil killer left the villas, he seemed to hear the cry of the Dark Queen: "look for... Chu Jiang to save me!"

Double pupil killer is a very strong woman. At first, she always wanted to save her best friend by herself, but she designed many schemes, which were rejected by herself one by one. The two top killers are not rivals of those two terror masters, let alone only herself at the moment.

At noon the next day, the double pupil killer finally realized the meaning of that sentence - in front of strength, any trick is pale.

So at last, she finally dialed Chu Jiang.

After dinner, when the double pupil killer dialed Chu Jiang's phone again, Chu Jiang had arrived at the pickle country and had dinner.

For a moment, the double pupil killer's heart flowed a warm current, and began to look at the dark queen with a new eye.

"Where can I see you?" Chu Jiang asked.

"In the... Bar." The double pupil killer thought a little and replied.

"Which bar?" Chu Jiang continued to ask.

"Tong Li bar."

"Why choose this bar?"

"Because this bar is mine."

"Oh, I didn't expect a killer to know how to invest. It's awesome!"

Chu Jiang smiled and boasted. Unfortunately, the double pupil killer has hung up the phone and can't hear Chu Jiang's praise

Chu Jiang didn't say hello to Luo Shuai and the black prison, and took Dugu Shuang to Tongli bar alone. Maybe the double pupil killer has something to do temporarily, maybe Chu Jiang's hotel is close to this bar. When Chu Jiang takes Dugu Shuang into the bar, he looks at the nearby seats, and there is no kimchi beauty to say hello to him at all.

Because the two pupil killer didn't mention the sign of their meeting, Chu Jiang concluded that she must have seen Chu Jiang's head on the queen of darkness's mobile phone.

If the double pupil killer is already waiting in the bar, she should take the initiative to say hello to Chu Jiang when they walk in. All killers, especially professional killers, have a specialty, that is, as long as you look at the photos, you can recognize someone at a glance.

Although it's only eight or nine o'clock at the moment, the nightlife of kimchi country has begun. The bar is full of excess hormones, flowing lights and waves without stinginess.

This wave is divided into front wave and back wave. It is forward convex... Backward warped, one wave after another, which makes people daydream unceasingly.

The only thing that is a little stereotyped is that women's faces are always the same, which is easy to produce aesthetic fatigue. No wonder in the past two years, more and more women from kimchi country came to SZ for cosmetic surgery. Beauty is one thing, personality is another.

"How about the name Tong Li?" Chu Jiang and Dugu Shuang found a seat, sat down slowly and asked.

"The eyes are beautiful, not only earthy, but also vulgar!" Dugu Shuang said faintly.

Originally, I took the plane all afternoon. After dinner, it should be the time for the two of them to live in the world, but Chu Jiang took her to the bar, and instead of taking her to drink and dance, he came to wait for a woman.

Therefore, the name of Tong Li is also earthy and vulgar in Dugu Shuang's eyes.

"All right." Chu Jiang shrugged and felt like he had hit the muzzle of a gun, so he ordered a few drinks and changed the subject. "They haven't known you're back yet. When are you going to contact them?"

They in the mouth of the Chu River refer to Miao Ruixiong, deputy director of the General Administration of police, Ming Tianhua, mayor of the capital city, and Shang Chengwu, general.

"No hurry." Dugu Shuang said faintly, "I don't want to get involved in the political storm as soon as I come back."


Chu Jiang almost scolded when he heard this. Who was crying for revenge at the beginning? Now, he has returned home smoothly, and he can't say it in a hurry. Brother Jiang realized for the first time that the emperor was not in a hurry and the eunuch was in a hurry.

In fact, the meaning of Dugu Shuang's expression is very obvious. She wants to live in a world of two people with Chu Jiang. In her opinion, before she gets involved in politics, this is a period, maybe the only time she can get along with Chu Jiang alone.

Dugu Shuang was a beautiful but sensitive woman. When Chu Jiang asked Dugu Shuang a question in the taxi, she had vaguely felt that Chu Jiang and tomorrow Hua might have reached a certain agreement.

Between countries, with national interests first, between people?

In any case, she has a pure and crazy love for Chu Jiang, and she wants to continue as far as possible, even if it is difficult to reach the end of time, one day counts as one day.

Yes, at the beginning, her wish was to be a woman in Chu River. She didn't care about eternity, but only about having it once.

"How much do you know about the first city now?" Chu Jiang saw that the double pupil killer had not appeared yet, and touched his glass with Dugu Shuang, and suddenly asked.

"Almost nothing." Dugu Shuang nodded a little confused.

Indeed, she has been in SZ for several years and has changed her name to Chi Shuang. She certainly doesn't know the political pattern of Shoushi. She only knows that her enemy is No. 1.

In other words, these years, she has been living in hatred.

"There will be someone later. She will be familiar with the pattern of the first market. You may as well listen carefully later." Chu Jiang took another sip of wine and said.

"I'm not interested in the pattern of the first city. I only care about the recent situation of the No. 1 person." Dugu Shuang said faintly that she didn't accept Chu Jiang's love at all.

Of course, Dugu Shuang didn't know, including Chu Jiang. The double pupil killer was actually the daughter of number one.

Chu Jiang only knows that the double pupil killer is a world-class killer and the best friend of the dark queen Black Pearl, that's all.

"I know, I won't come to pickle country just for me." Seeing Chu Jiang's silence, Dugu Shuang slowly said, "I also know that I am not qualified."

Suddenly, Dugu Shuang belittled himself a little.

"Sometimes, if you can accomplish more with one stone, why not?" Chu Jiang looked up and drank the wine in his hand, "this cup of Zhuyan blood is really well adjusted, but the color is a little thick."

Obviously, Chu Jiang doesn't want to continue the same topic with this vinegar jar.

"Who is the woman who will come later?" Dugu Shuang didn't mean to avoid the topic at all. She didn't care what kind of red blood or green vermilion!

"A world-class killer."

"What's the matter?"

"We will discuss together how to save a friend of mine."

"What friend?"

"It is also a top killer in the world."


Dugu Shuang narrowed his eyes again, as if Chu Jiang's real identity was about to come out.

"Two, can you change positions?" Suddenly, an untimely voice sounded around them. Although it was very polite, it had a feeling of disdain.

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