Half an hour later, Chu Jiang walked into sikongluan's villa.

Chu Jiang once came to this villa. The last time he came, it was when Uncle sikongluan asked Dian Jun to prepare to cut the roots. Chu Jiang quietly came out of the police station and happened to save sikongluan.

Now, a month later, Chu Jiang once again came to the pickle country and once again walked into sikongluan's villa.

At the door of the villa stood two security guards of Sikong group, including a maid. When Chu Jiang came, they all recognized Chu Jiang, and their eyes showed respect.

The maid was also very knowledgeable. Seeing sikongluan bringing Chu Jiang back, she first served a rich dinner for Chu Jiang and them, and then found an excuse to go downstairs. Without Chu Jiang and them calling, the maid would definitely not come up again.

"Brother Chu, let's have a full meal first, then take a hot bath, and then carry on the wine tasting competition to the end?" Sikongluan said with a playful smile.

"As soon as you say, you are really hungry. Eat first." Chu Jiang grinned and took the lead in moving chopsticks.

So they talked and laughed and ate like a little couple.

Half an hour later, they were full. Sikongluan ran to take a bath first. When she came out, her hair was scattered over her shoulders and she was wearing a white cotton pajama. Maybe she was too tight, and her body tilted. A shoulder strap accidentally slipped onto her arm, revealing a little snow-white hillside.

Although this girl has just turned 20, she is developing very well.

"Brother Chu, it's your turn to take a bath." Sikongluan said softly, completely becoming the girl next door.

"I have no clothes." Chu Jiang shrugged and said.

"I've already prepared it for you and put it in the bathroom." A blush flashed across sikongluan's face.

Ready already?

It seems that this girl is already accurate. One day Chu Jiang will come back to take a bath here, and she... What else is she accurate?

"Oh -" Chu jiangrao smiled with interest, and then walked into the bathroom of sikongluan's boudoir without slippers.

After entering the bathroom, Chu Jiang found that sikongluan had filled the bathtub with hot water for Chu Jiang. No matter what woman, once she opened her heart, she would immediately be considerate, even magnificent and irresistible.

Chu Jiang lay in the hot water with the right temperature, and felt that his fatigue had dissipated a lot. As for the injury in the morning, it seemed that it had already disappeared. He looked at the men's shower gel and shampoo beside the bathtub, glanced at the men's pajamas on the hanger not far away, and his heart was warmer.

It has always been the practice of Chu Jiang not to waste any time. Even when taking a bath, he is seriously analyzing the current situation in Shoushi.

Today, Li Gaotang hasn't appeared, even Xu Shan hasn't appeared, as if it's a little abnormal. Are they waiting for something, or have Yi Jianmen not publicly supported Li Gaotang?

Tomorrow Hua, Shang Chengwu and Miao Ruixiong all said today that the X Party has a firm determination to deal with the Xi family or the Han family. Why do they have such firm support for themselves?

If it's just Dugu Shuang's lobbying, it seems unreasonable.

Don't forget, Dugu Shuang always believed that it was Park Yihao who murdered Dugu No. 2. If he dealt with Park Yihao, it wouldn't be surprising that they would give a firm support, but today he dealt with the Xi family, the Han family.

Can it be said that tomorrow Hua and his family also have unparalleled hatred for the Han family?

And... How can today's Park one be with tomorrow's Hua? This is the most headache. Chu Jiang was on the way to Xi's house. When his mobile phone kept talking with tomorrow Hua, he vaguely heard the dialogue between Park Yi and tomorrow Hua. However, due to the fighting along the way, he didn't pay attention to what they were talking about.

Perhaps it is precisely because he knows that Piao Yi is with tomorrow Hua. Chu Jiang's prank mentality is causing trouble. When talking with the double pupil killer today, he always deliberately blurs out a few vague words. For example, the night before yesterday - "SAT" for a night.

You should know that the originators of the confidant sect are tomorrow Hua and Chu Jiang, and as Piaoyi, it is impossible to know nothing about it, but how can she be with tomorrow Hua? Is it just for the sake of her eyes?

But one thing is certain, because park one is so concerned about the double pupil killer, this double pupil must be park one's daughter.

So... The protagonist of the wedding with Han Kui tomorrow afternoon is naturally this double pupil killer. Will she go as promised? Will the Han family cancel the wedding if they know that park Yihao's daughter is the killer?

Chu Jiang, lying in hot water, felt comfortable, but his mind flashed a lot of problems, and these problems seemed to have no solution.

After taking a bath, Chu Jiang felt relaxed and at ease. In addition, he slept for another threeorfour hours in the afternoon. At the moment, he had a feeling of full blood resurrection.

The men's clothes on the shelf are neat, and Chu Jiang can clearly smell the smell of detergent when he picks them up. It seems that this girl has already bought clothes for Chu Jiang, washed and dried them, and waited for Chu Jiang to come.

Although there was no substantive relationship between her and Chu Jiang, she bought Chu Jiang's clothes, washed and dried them, and waited for Chu Jiang's arrival. From this point of view, she seemed to have determined that one day she would become the woman of our brother Jiang.

Indeed, when a woman underestimates her mood, it is easiest to live in a man, not to mention Chu Jiang helping her again and again. It's strange that she doesn't take Chu Jiang as a harbor.

Suddenly the door of the bathroom opened, and sikongluan appeared at the door with a man's inside in his hand.

"I'll go!" Chu Jiang didn't expect this to happen, and hurriedly wanted to turn his face and push sikongluan out.

However, as soon as he turned around, he exposed what should not be exposed, which made Chu Jiang a little embarrassed, and simply pushed sikongluan out.

Sikongluan was nothing. He glanced at a place on the Chu River and smiled: "brother Chu, I just forgot your wife and rushed in. Is it disturbing you?"

Chu Jiang is a little sad and laughing. NIMA's, what's this called? This is a bathroom. How can a woman casually enter a man's bathroom!

When Chu Jiang took neinei, he even doubted that sikongluan deliberately forgot to put nei, so as to find an excuse to break in.

"Brother Chu, wear it slowly. The red wine has woken up. It's waiting for you to taste it in my bedroom." Sikongluan closed the door and left, leaving Chu Jiang with a daydream.

At the SZ wine tasting conference, Chu Jiang met sikongluan, a beauty of pickle country, for the first time. At that time, the two matched each other and won the first place together.

At that time, Sikong Luan praised that our brother Jiang was very powerful. Chu Jiang teased Sikong Luan and said that our SZ men were more powerful in other aspects. Do you want to have a taste. Sikong Luan was not shy at all. She smiled charming and said that time was tight. If she had a chance to meet next time, she would have a try.

Last time we met, Chu Jiang certainly didn't mention the ridicule last time because of the family accident of sikongluan. Moreover, after many contacts, Chu Jiang has regarded her as the little sister next door, and her heart is full of care.

This time, after giving her a gift, the girl actually said that she wanted to taste red wine in her bedroom. Did she want to fulfill her casual promise and taste the power of SZ men in other aspects?

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