Han Qingxi is worthy of being the helmsman of the Han family. He is an old fox who has been fighting for a long time. In a word, he immediately reversed his disadvantage and even saved the image of his grandson Han Kui.

In his words, Han Kui was arrogant and domineering, and his words were unscrupulous, because he was trapped by love. No one had been trapped by love, so after listening to Han Qingxi's words, the kimchi people seemed to forgive Han Kui to a certain extent.

Just for the park family and the Han family, from a certain point of view, the park family is indeed a little unjustified. When proposing a marriage, you didn't refuse, but you refused at this time. This... Obviously is to dismantle the platform of the Han family, and obviously is to deliberately smash the arena of the Han family.

From the perspective of Han Qingxi, it is the park family that caused all these bad consequences. The park family should be responsible for this matter!

To put it bluntly, the Han family didn't want to deal with Chu Jiang by themselves in the webcast, but wanted to use the hand of the park family to deal with Chu Jiang.

You know, the number one person in the pickle country is still from the park family. If the park family makes efforts, it has full energy to deal with Chu Jiang. Besides, the woman held by Chu Jiang is still the daughter of Park number one.

Being said by Han Qingxi, Park No. 1 was a little speechless. Although she had good eloquence and good adaptability, in her opinion, the park family was a little unjustified after all. If she simply defended herself or the park family, it might be the opposite under the national webcast.

"Mr. Han, it was I who promised at the beginning, and now it is I who repent. It has nothing to do with the park family." Zheng Yueran raised her eyebrows slightly and said loudly.

"Oh?" Han Qingxi frowned slightly, as if Zheng Yueran's words were a little unexpected.

"Master Han, Han Kui has chased me for two years. I don't care at all. It's not that he's not excellent, but that I have no feelings for him." Zheng Yueran took the lead directly, "and why did I agree when you came to my home to propose marriage some time ago? Because the reason is very simple, because you always plan strategies, have a long-term vision, and know how to choose a suitable time."

What is the right time?

It's not that the confidant gate has just happened. There are demonstrations against Park No. 1 in all parts of kimchi country.

Although Zheng Yueran didn't say it, audiences all over the country can guess the meaning of Zheng Yueran's words with their hips.

Han proposed marriage at this appropriate time. It seemed that there was no coercion and inducement, but it was the coercion and inducement of red fruit!


The hearts of the people of kimchi country jumped again. It seemed that the innocent was not Han Kui, nor the Han family, but the park family, especially Zheng Yueran.

"Originally, I wanted to admit my fate, but these two days I met Jiang. It was he who taught me what is tacit understanding, trust, and... Enchantment." Zheng Yueran said emotionally, "so, I changed my mind temporarily, and I don't want to marry your Han Kui. Mingshi Z is right, is it wrong to pursue happiness?"

Zheng Yueran was originally a top-notch beauty. At the moment, when she was emotional, she was even more charming, making people feel a sense of care.

"No one can force such a beautiful woman to do what she doesn't want, nor can the Han family!"

"If you make such a beautiful woman unhappy, it's simply outrageous. You have to fight five thunders every day!"

"True love is invincible. We support you, Yueran beauty!"


Instantly, the pop-up screen on the webcast was full of words supporting Zheng Yueran, and it seemed that the people of the whole pickle country were provoked.

People are indeed the most intelligent creatures, but they are also the most emotional creatures. They can't stand being provoked, especially by beautiful women.

Yes, is it wrong to pursue happiness?

you 're right!

Is it wrong for her to change her mind temporarily?

you 're right!

There is nothing wrong with such a beautiful woman.

Besides, she was originally coerced and lured by the Han family to agree to the engagement.

It's not only right to change your mind temporarily, but also a kind of great wisdom and courage. Being able to withstand such great pressure and follow your feelings, isn't this the true love we... Dream of?

Han Qingxi glanced at his mobile phone secretly, and his heart was secretly surprised. He just seemed to say a word, which saved the image of Han Kui and even the Han family. In fact, this sentence is the crystallization of his decades of life experience - sizing up the situation, hitting the point, and making full use of the weakness of human nature.

So this sentence was said after Han Qingxi pondered for a long time and weighed the pros and cons for a long time. If nothing unexpected, it can completely restore the weakness of the Han family.

Under normal circumstances, there will be a good play, a scene in which the park family makes efforts towards Chu Jiang and Zheng Yueran.

But... Unexpectedly, Zheng Yueran said two words and broke the war situation that Han Qingxi had just pulled back!

"Master Park, you... Don't want to say anything?" Han Qingxi suddenly pointed the finger at PU Zhizhang. After all, Pu Zhizhang was a soldier with a frank character. Just now, he has always been optimistic about Han Kui and supported the marriage between the park family and the Han family.

Pu Zhizhang is a famous old general in the pickle country. Although he has retired, his prestige is still there. If Pu Zhizhang insists on not letting Zheng Yueran go or Chu Jiang go, or many senior generals in several major military regions can move.

Han Qingxi can't do anything, so young people have young people's lives. Let's not interfere?

Who just said, "if you don't marry, you will leave the park family forever!" And also said so decisive, magnificent, straight into the sky.

But it's only a short time since the old man said, we can't interfere too much. It's more chameleon than chameleon.

In an instant, Han Qingxi was in trouble. He was secretly thinking, what makes the park family turn over faster than turning over the book? Is it the webcast, the influence of Chu Jiang, or the firmness of Zheng Yueran?

In short, when Pu Yihao was silent, when Pu Zhizhang played Tai Chi, Han Qingxi completely smelled the change of the Pu family.

"Haha - well, you are all good looking!" Han Qingxi looked up and laughed, "that's good. In fact, our Han family has just received a message that they are struggling. Let's withdraw from marriage. It seems to offend the park family. Don't withdraw from marriage. I have to worry about the safety of my grandson Han Kui in the future."

Han Qingxi stopped here as if he had sold out. In fact, he was waiting for the response of the park family.

What are the plans of the park family? In fact, Han Qingxi thought a little and saw that the park family seemed to want to give up Park No. 1 and launch Zheng Yueran. If... If Zheng Yueran's real identity was exposed, could Zheng Yueran still be built and launched?

Park Yihao and park Zhizhang changed their faces when they heard the speech.

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