"Let's go. The conference will not open until tomorrow. Today, let's go to feel the atmosphere of the killer arena. It's also a place where dragons hide and tigers lie."

Chu Jiang said that and got into the carriage. Meteor and others sat on it curiously. For them, everything in the killer city is full of freshness.

The carriage moved slowly forward. The distance between the Zhiqiang killer hole and the headquarters building of the killer association was about five kilometers. On the road, you can see a lot of people walking back and forth, including Alaba people with hoods and rare people with long hair.

Although there are many pedestrians, the public security is very good. At least I didn't see a fight all the way. It's very difficult for killers. You know, killers are generally very strong tempered. This can be felt from the man who provoked Chu Jiang at the door just now.

The carriage stopped slowly at the entrance of the Zhiqiang challenge arena hole.

A killer hole is a hill. From a distance, it is a gate. After entering, it will be much wider.

"Bet quickly, bet quickly, the battle between ER te and wolf shadow will begin soon, there are only ten minutes left, bet quickly!" Someone in a blue uniform shouted over there with a big horn. From time to time, someone came up to him to bet.

"Er te and wolf shadow? Tell me, which one will win." Chu Jiang looked up at the screen, which was the posture of the two killers, as well as the text introduction.

In the face of Chu Jiang's problem, the dark queen shook her head slightly. Obviously, she didn't know much about the two killers. After all, she was two level six killers, and there was a lot of gap with her.

Under normal circumstances, in the arena, there are killers below level 8, so the challenge of level 7 killer just now to level 8 killer naturally made the front page. If it weren't for the killer Association, such a challenge would never have been seen.

Even level six versus level six killers are high-level in the challenge arena.

At this time, the double pupil killer said faintly: "they are all level 6 killers. Er te is good at strong attack, with high physical strength and strange wolf shadow routines. When encountering such people who are open and close, you can't take advantage of them. However, wolf shadow has a strong Kung Fu, which can instantly interrupt people's muscles and bones. If you say strength, two people can open five to five, but if you really fight, wolf shadow should be able to win."

"Brother, bet?" The staff holding the loudspeaker is white, but he speaks fluent Chinese.

After hearing the story of Shuangtong, Chu Jiang flashed a surprise in his eyes. He never thought that as a top killer, he knew the sixth level killer like the back of his hand. Immediately, he said to the staff without hesitation, "I'll buy wolf shadow for ten million dollars."

Now that the double pupil killer has spoken, if brother Jiang has too few words, it is to express a doubt about her words.

"Brother is a rich man!!" Chu Jiang's opening was 10 million dollars, so the staff directly changed the title, and Chu Jiang instantly became a big brother from a brother.

"Brother Chu, I want to buy it, too. I buy wolf shadow to win, but I only buy 1million... SZ coins." The meteor took a deep breath and said. When he was in the pickle country, he partnered with Chu Jiang to fight in the underground arena, but he made tens of millions of SZ coins. In the past, he could spend a lot of money. Now, with hazelnuts, he feels the importance of money even more.

"I buy wolf shadow to win, 1million SZ coins." Xiaobai said with a smile, he is as much as the meteor, which can be regarded as a face for the meteor.

"Then I'll buy it with Lao Luo. I'll buy wolf shadow. Our two brothers will partner in 3million Sz." The black prison said.

"It's better to have a small bet and enjoy yourself. Try it first." Chu Jiang smiled.

Chu Jiang looked at the dark queen and the double pupil killer. The two masked beauties looked at each other, and then said in unison, "let's buy 10 million dollars."

Chu Jiang immediately gave a thumbs up when he heard the words. The top killer is the top killer. His mouth is 10 million dollars. It seems that he bought 100 yuan a glance, which is not painful or itchy.

The others shrugged, saying that they were not the rivals of the two female killers.

Chu Jiang and his party directly placed a list of more than 30 million at the door, which made the staff dumbfounded directly, because most people bet hundreds of thousands. In front of them, they are millions or tens of millions, as if they were local tyrants from the oil country?

"Hello, bill." Chu Jiang said with a smile.

"Ah? Ah! OK!" The staff hurriedly issued the credentials to Chu Jiang, and then said, "if the bet is right, please go to the hall on the first floor to cash the prize."


Chu Jiang smiled and nodded. Just as he wanted to go, he heard a voice nearby.

"Oh, it's really a narrow road for enemies!!"

Chu Jiang stopped and turned to look at the speaker.

I saw the man of the Unicorn Killer group who had severely despised him outside the city before, a seventh level killer, looking at himself with a joking face.

"His grandmother's, it's really haunting!!" As soon as the black prison was about to come forward, Chu Jiang stopped the black prison.

"I thought you little killers should go to the talent market to find a little killer group that can hire you, but I didn't expect to have time to bet here. Tut Tut, I heard that you seem to be able to win?" The seven level killer asked jokingly.

"This gentleman, they are all under the shadow of the wolf, and they have pressed a lot of money!" The staff on the side hurriedly said.

"How much?" The seventh level killer asked in a low voice.

"Add up to more than 30 million dollars." The waiter replied.

"Hahaha, maybe it's your first time to come to the city of killers. This wolf shadow lost to ERT last year. Hahaha, stupid, we... Bet 50 million dollars on ERT to win." Seven level killer said, looking at the staff.

This guy used "we" when he opened his mouth to bet, and when he said the amount, he paused a little, as if he was supporting someone's command with a headset.

"Good, great!" The staff beamed and issued the ticket.

"Let's go." Chu Jiang completely ignored the seventh level killer and turned to walk towards the supreme killer hole.

"Boss, how can this rookie level ares killer group be so tolerant!!" Someone in the Unicorn Killer group asked.

"Hum, that's just because there are too few people now. There is no other way but to bear it. Follow up, and we must try their depth!" The seventh level killer followed Chu Jiang and others to the Zhiqiang killer hole with orders from his ears.

"Watch the game, please go to the right!!" A girl in a leather skirt stood at the door, pointing to a passage on the left.

"Thank you." Chu Jiang smiled and nodded, led people to the right channel, and soon came to the end.

At the end was a closed door. Chu Jiang opened the door, and a sound poured out along the crack of the door.

Everyone walked into the door.

"This is!!!" Meteor stared at everything in front of him. Inside the door, there was a huge place similar to a football field, surrounded by rows of seats, which could accommodate at least tens of thousands of people. At this time, these seats were basically full.

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