"There is really a ghost..." looking at the faint cave on the cliff, Chu Jiang whispered quietly. Immediately, his face changed slightly, the soles of his feet made a mistake, and his body retreated sharply, shouting: "what are you... Doing?"

When the Chu River retreated rapidly, a handful of pink dust suddenly sprayed and quickly wrapped the retreating Chu River's body inside.

A breeze blew, and the powder was blown away, but on the ground, Chu River was left in a coma.

Looking at the comatose Chu River, Phoebe gently patted the dust left on her palms. Bei Chi bit her red lips and sighed faintly, "they all said to let you go, but you didn't listen. Are you suffering now?"

Shaking her head, Phoebe slowly walked to Chu Jiang in a coma, then squatted down, took out a rope from her arms, grabbed Chu Jiang's palm, and wanted to tie it.

Just as Phoebe was about to tie up Chu Jiang, the accident suddenly rose.

Chu Jiang, who should have fallen into a coma, suddenly opened his eyes and twisted his palms. He immediately grabbed Phoebe's hands while he was unprepared.

"I didn't expect that you, a herb picker, should have made these things. If I hadn't noticed the signs in advance and held my breath, I'm afraid I would have almost let you give Yin!"

She was shocked by the sudden accident, but Phoebe reacted very quickly. After the palm was made, her toes took a gust of wind, and she kicked at Chu Jiang's crotch fiercely. If you are really kicked, you may lose your children and grandchildren.

Seeing that the medicine woman was quite cruel, Chu Jiang sneered, and his right foot was suddenly kicked out. Finally, the heavy little feet of Phoebe collided with each other. Suddenly, the soft face was full of pain.

Chujiang didn't stop when he hit successfully. His left foot was like a ribbon, wrapping Phoebe's feet. Then the two people fell down straightly, and Chujiang just pressed Phoebe tightly under him.

The feeling of Wen Yu coming from below made Chu Jiang's heart tremble slightly, and he shouted loudly in the dark. He lowered his head, looked at the pretty flushed Phoebe, turned his mouth, and squirmed his body like a hooligan. Suddenly, their bodies fit more perfectly.

"Let go of me!" The man's breath from above made Phoebe a little dizzy and gritted her teeth angrily.

"Let go. You can answer me a question first. Why attack me?"

"It's just that you don't like it!" Her ruddy mouth was slightly cocked, and Phoebe sneered.

"I'll go. Can you believe I've strengthened you here?" Slightly lowered his head, almost able to feel each other's breathing, Chu Jiang said with a smile.

"If you are sure to deal with more than ten of my heavily armed companions nearby, you can try!" Phoebe snorted.

"My chest is not strong enough and my butt is not cocky enough. I'm not very interested." Chujiang smiled jokingly, his face slowly coldly, "what's in the cave under the cliff?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Her pretty face changed slightly, and Phoebe frowned, "let go of me quickly, or I'll shout. My more than ten companions are not far away. If they find you doing this to me, they must shoot you on the spot."

"There are four of my companions not far away, all of whom are soldiers." Chu Jiang smiled meaningfully and said deliberately.

"Without a gun in his hand, the soldier king is like a toothless tiger. Can he be the opponent of my more than ten heavily armed companions? Besides, it seems that there are three teams participating in the competition at the other end of the mountain, and they have joined hands. I overheard their speech, which seems to be specifically aimed at your SZ team. If they know you are here, they will kill you immediately."

"Oh --" Chu Jiang narrowed his eyes and smiled. He didn't expect the teams of three countries to unite so soon. It seems that it is a long planned action by the high-level officials of these three countries. Phoebe doesn't look like a liar. "What country is it?"

"It seems to be Vietnam, Japan and the United States." Phoebe hesitated, but she never shouted.

"Shout, if you want more and more people to know the following secrets, then shout loudly." Chu Jiang took a panoramic view of Phoebe's expression, and said the opposite, making Phoebe quickly stop shouting.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Phoebe took a deep breath and said angrily.

"What's down there? If you don't want to tell the truth, I don't mind tying you up and hiding somewhere, and then I'll go down and inspect myself."

"You..." hearing the words, a flash of panic flashed across Phoebe's cheek. She was about the same age as Chu Jiang, but she was much worse than Chu Jiang compared with shrewdness and concentration.

"It is said that there is a monster named he ape in the Samaria jungle, which is also interested in human women..." Chu Jiang lowered his head and touched Phoebe's delicate earlobe with his lips, whispering.

"You bastard!" Her pretty face was slightly white, and Phoebe was obviously scared. She had also heard the name of this monster with extremely bad reputation.

"Put me up and I'll tell you what's down there!" In Chu Jiang's repeated threats, the Phoebe finally couldn't support it and had to reluctantly surrender.

With a smile, Chu Jiang propped up and pulled Phoebe up, but for the sake of the past, he still grabbed each other's wrists, regardless of others' expressions of shame and anger.

They walked towards the cliff and looked at the strange cliff at the same time. After a while, Phoebe's red lips slightly opened, and some reluctantly whispered, "there is something I accidentally found in a herb picking. After the strange wood, there is an undiscovered cave."

"Inside the cave, it may be left by a congenital master, but I haven't entered it, so I'm not very clear about the inside, but from some traces, the congenital master who left the cave should be very strong."

"Inborn master, do you also know the word inborn master?"

Chu Jiang frowned and stared at Phoebe with increasing interest.

"All the medicine collectors in Samba are practitioners of ancient martial arts. From small to large, we most admire innate masters. Can't you tell us that we don't know innate masters?" Phoebe curled her lips.

"Then how do you know that this cave is left by the innate master?" Chu Jiang asked.

"It's just speculation, because I heard from my master that many, many years ago, a congenital master fell in a cave in this jungle. When we came in to collect medicine, we paid special attention to the cave on the cliff every time." Phoebe said faintly.

"By the way, isn't samaya jungle called the land of death? Wild animals and even monsters are everywhere. How dare you... Come in at will?" Speaking of this, Chu Jiang couldn't help asking curiously.

"Because ordinary beasts are not our opponents. As for monsters, we can... I'll go. Why should I tell you this!" Half way through, Phoebe stared at Chu Jiang and couldn't stop talking.

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