I have to say that Yi Xueyao asked this question very directly.

"Yes, what reward do you want?" Chu Jiang laughed.

"I'll go!"

Several beauties couldn't help rolling their eyes and mixing with Wang Jue. They were all skeptical. They didn't believe that Chu Jiang was queen ina's man even if they were killed.

At this time, the bus in front suddenly came to a sudden brake.

Because of inertia, everyone on the car rushed ahead.

"What's going on!" The Zesen brothers sitting in the car in front hit a cushion in front and asked the driver angrily.

Before the driver spoke, he saw a pickup truck parked in the middle of the road in front of the bus. Suddenly, twenty or thirty masked gunmen rushed down. In the distance, there were three cannons aimed at here. All three cannons were mounted on the bus.

These people rushed to the door of the bus and pointed guns at the bus driver.

"Open the door, open the door!"

The masked man at the door shouted loudly.

The driver hurriedly pressed the open door button, and the front door of the bus opened with a crash.

A total of five masked men rushed into the bus in turn, all with automatic rifles in their hands and something similar to bulletproof vests on their bodies.

There were ten bodyguards in the car, and sang mu, the captain, was also in it. But he glanced at the three cannons in the distance, but remained silent and watched the change. Because if there is any movement here, these outlaws will fire three cannons, and these two cars will surely fly and be hit.

Although the congenital warrior is powerful, he can't resist heavy weapons. Besides, kill the five masked men in the car, even if sang mu, even if Chu Jiang can escape here before three shells are fired here. But... As for others, aren't they all waiting to die.

Therefore, sang Mu didn't make a sound, sang Mu didn't make a sound, and other bodyguards naturally didn't dare to move.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

A masked man in front of him shot a few shots at the roof with a gun, as if he wanted to tell the people in the car that NIMA's gun was real.

The scene was quieter.

"If anyone dares to speak, kill him!" The masked man said coldly, looked at Zesen aside, grinned and said, "how are you, Mr. Viscount Zesen!"

"You... Who are you?" Viscount Zesen and Viscount Zelin looked at each other, and looked at the masked man with a pale face. It was unexpected that something had happened just after leaving the capital. It seemed that Lord Wang was going to take office in the fief. He could not take a plane, but a car. It was not an inspection, but a challenge.

An opportunity to challenge others is also an opportunity to challenge yourself.

"Let me introduce ourselves. We are from freedom and equality." The masked man said, "I heard that you two have made great achievements recently, so I want to meet you."

With that, the masked man suddenly turned around, pointed the gun head at the driver and fired a shot directly.


A blood light burst from the driver's head.

The driver died on the spot.


The Zesen brothers immediately screamed, but the other bodyguards still didn't make a sound, but these masked conferences were also confident and didn't fear these bodyguards at all.

"Bang bang!" The bullets were continuously distributed and hit the dead driver.

"If anyone doesn't listen to the command, the next shot will be on him. We have a situation here, and three cannons will be fired right away!" The masked man who shot said viciously.

Everyone, quiet again.

"Drive, Hank!" The man who shot said to the man behind him.


The man named hank pulled the dead driver out of the driver's seat, then sat in the driver's seat and restarted the car to move on.

"Well, now everything is back on track." The man who shot seemed to laugh, and then listened to him, "Don't be afraid, we are not bad people. We are just an organization dedicated to opposing the noble class. Now there are two respected noble gentlemen in our car, both of whom have made great contributions to the queen these days. It happens that our organization is in short of funds recently, so we just want to ask for money from the two respected noble gentlemen. We have no malice to others, but if If you don't cooperate with us well, we can only send you to the great God. "

Seven seat business car.

Similar things happened. The driver was shot in the head, and a masked man became the driver. Chu Jiang had the same idea as sang mu. Because the other party had three cannons, he temporarily chose to be silent.

"Well, now everything is back on track." The man who shot seemed to laugh, and then listened to him, "Don't be afraid, we are not bad people. We are just an organization dedicated to opposing the noble class. Now there are two respected noble gentlemen on the bus ahead. As it happens, our organization is short of funds recently, so we just want to ask for money from noble gentlemen. We don't mean any harm to you, including beautiful women. Of course, if you don't cooperate with us well, we can only give it away You have gone to see the great God. "

It seems that they don't know whether the man on the business car is Mr. Wang Jue, the man of Queen ina.

The car moved forward quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it came out of the high-speed, and then drove in a different direction, three cannons and other pickup trucks, closely followed the business car of Chu Jiang and the bus in front.

Chu Jiang carefully looked at the driver and the guy standing on the car. Their waists were bulging. From the bulging appearance, the waists of these five people should be hung with the same things as hands, and there was a box on the ground in the front of the car.

I don't know what's in the box.

Chu Jiang observed the beauties on the bus. All of them were calm. They all had inexplicable confidence in Chu Jiang. It seemed that they all guessed that Chu Jiang should be watching the change.

The car soon drove into a small road. There were patches of bushes on the roadside. The car drove very fast. The head kidnapper on the car kept calling the samba government for ransom, saying that they kidnapped two viscountees.

Judging from the tone of the call, this should be a robbery against the aristocracy.

The Zesen brothers turned pale. They knew the organization of freedom and equality. The name of the organization was hung with the word freedom and equality, but in fact, they did some things of kidnapping and extortion. Their favorite kidnappers were nobles, and they extorted a large amount of money from these nobles. If those nobles could not provide enough ransom they needed, they would definitely be torn up.

I don't know what happened to Mr. Wang Jue on the business car. If something happened, even if they died 10000 times, it would be difficult to atone for their sins!

Several cars finally drove to a deserted and uninhabited coast.

There is a very shabby wooden house on the coast. It seems that no one has lived in it for a long time.

"Get off!"

The head of the kidnapper shouted, grabbed Zesen's arm with one hand and Zelin's arm with the other, and dragged their brother to the car. Chu Jiang on the business car and they also got off the car under the escort of two masked men.

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