"50 days is equivalent to 5 days, and 100 years is equivalent to 10 years?" Chu Jiang was shocked again when he heard the words. He can accept that the world has different planes. Well, he can even accept that everyone in this plane is a congenital warrior, but... He really can't accept the concept of time.

In other words, the fairest thing in the world is time. Whether you are a beggar or a millionaire, you only have 24 hours a day, but... There are different planes, and time even begins to be unfair!

"What kind of bird plane is this?" Chu Jiang couldn't help roast.

"What plane is this?" You Hong smiled. Of course, she understood Chu Jiang's mood very well. "Well, if I want to define this plane, I'll define it. To put it simply, this is a plane with time as the general equivalent."

"What?" Chu Jiang was confused again. Generally speaking, gold and silver are the equivalent. Paper money is a kind of mandatory number, which has no special value in itself. He has not heard that a world can take time as the general equivalent.

"When a person of this position comes out of life, a unified time will appear on his left wrist, that is, 20 years. That is to say, if he doesn't earn time before the age of 20, he will die naturally at the age of 20. In your position, working, doing business and other means, you earn money; in this position, working, doing business and other means, you earn time."

"What? Well... If there are billionaires, can't they live to be billionaires?"

"It can be said in theory, but... It may not appear in reality, because you won't die when you have time, but... There is a way to make you die."


"That's right! The world of this plane is more carnivorous than that of yours, and respect strength. You don't have enough strength, you are an ant, who can trample you to death, and won't get any mercy. Besides, in fact, it's not easy to earn some time in this plane, and it's not easy for ordinary people to live beyond 100 years old. As for those who have a thousand years of time, they belong to the strong in this plane, as for that Those who have been in this position for ten thousand years are all strong men at the peak. Where are billionaires! "

"Master beauty, can I... Have a look at your left wrist?"

Chu Jiang approached you Hong, smiled and asked.

You Hong didn't hide, and immediately stretched out her left wrist. Chu Jiang looked at it and stared at it, because the three digits displayed inside, and the unit behind was year. In other words, if you Hong lives safely in it, she can live for hundreds of years.

If one lives for hundreds of years, he will become an old monster!

At this time, Chu Jiang once again had a strong curiosity about you Hong's age, but... He didn't ask again, because his beautiful master once said that age is a woman's privacy, don't ask if you shouldn't ask.

"Well, it seems that you can't accept it for the moment. Some things are still... Slow down." You Hong looked at Chu Jiang's thrilling appearance, narrowed her eyes, smiled faintly, and said.

"It's okay. Although I'm shocked, I can still accept it. Master beauty, you can say whatever you plan to say, and it's best to say it at one time." Chu Jiang shrugged, touched his nose and said.

"Well, first of all, I want to correct a concept. To be exact, that plane must be a congenital martial artist to enter this plane, but people born in this plane cannot be born a congenital martial artist. But as long as they practice, in general, after three to five years, all people can become ordinary congenital martial artists. As for the level, it is necessary to open personal cultivation talents. Generally, ten years, they will be promoted to one yuan It shouldn't be difficult. As for some perverts, it is also possible to advance to the one yuan level every year. "

"Then... What's the highest yuan for congenital martial arts?"

Speaking of this, Chu Jiang asked curiously again.

"Nine yuan innate martial arts is the highest, but from a certain point of view, beyond the nine yuan innate, is the real beginning of a certain practice. Well, not to mention those distant things. Today I want to tell you about your life experience." You Hong's face became a little dignified when she said this.

"Life experience?" Chu Jiang stared. "Isn't my mother Qi and my father Chu?"

"That's right." You Hong nodded.

"My mother didn't die in a car accident when I was 16 years old. My selfish father soon died of depression. In the eyes of some people, it was martyrdom, wasn't it?" When Chu Jiang talked about his mother, a trace of tenderness and missing flashed in his eyes. When he talked about his father, his tone was much colder.

That year, when he was sixteen years old, his mother left, and he had only one father left, but... From a certain point of view, his father really abandoned him, making him an orphan of the world. Perhaps all the time, his heart, his father's approach is not very cold.

"Yes, your mother died in a car accident, but is it an ordinary car accident? I suggest you go back to that person and investigate. As for your father, it's not martyrdom, but murder. I have checked his body, and when he died, his internal organs were broken, which is a cruel means!" You Hong said here, her eyes were slightly red, and the light of hatred appeared in the depths of her eyes.

"What?" Chu Jiang's eyes narrowed and his fists clenched, because you Hong's statement shocked him too much. If it was said by others, he might choose not to believe it, but he knew in his heart that his beautiful master would not cheat, "master, why do you... Think you haven't told me?"

"Because your strength is not enough, you can't even reach it from birth. Telling you this will only increase your troubles." You Hong sighed.

"Your... Mean, the person who killed my father is this person?" Chu Jiang understood at a glance and couldn't wait to ask.

"Although our strength will be reduced by half when we reach that level, that is to say, I am a six yuan congenital in this level, and a three yuan congenital in that level. But with your father's strength at that time, few people in that world can kill your father, and then..." you Hong said here, pausing slightly, as if thinking whether to continue talking.

"Master, what more?" Chu Jiang stared at his scarlet eyes and always thought that he seemed to have a little opinion on his father, but when he learned that his father was killed, his feelings suddenly changed dramatically, and his father and enemy were at odds!

"Well, since I want to tell you completely, after all, you have entered the congenital, after all, you have been able to come to this position, after all, you are no longer a naive teenager." You Hong hesitated a little and took a deep breath. "In this position, there is a kind of person who is most respected and can be warmly welcomed wherever he goes; there is a kind of person who is most hated and will almost become the target of public criticism wherever he goes. The former is called the cultivator of time, and the latter is called the predator of time."

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