"Your girlfriend?" The leading man realized something and laughed, "I like your provocative eyes, but I'll have sex with your girlfriend in front of you in a moment, which may also be an alternative happiness. To tell you the truth, mine is a big catfish..."




Before the leader had finished speaking, a scream of startling sobbing ghosts and gods had already sounded!

After the crowd was stunned for a moment, they only saw the leading man covering his crotch, turning over and falling to the ground, with an expression of pain on his face, and his forehead was instantly covered with sweat, as if it were cold sweat, condensed but not flowing!

No one here can see how Chu Jiang shot, but it is obvious what kind of attack the leading man suffered.

Looking at the leading man clutching his crotch and screaming on the ground, all the men in the restaurant felt an unspeakable... Egg pain! This may also be an infection. Of course, women compatriots seem to have great pleasure.

Li Gan and his wife didn't expect Chu Jiang to say to do it at all. This is a tall man nearly one meter nine, and he fell to the ground with one foot!

Looking at the leading man on the ground, Chu Jiang said sarcastically, "do you want me to see your big catfish? Unfortunately, I tell you, whether your big catfish or small eels, they will die today."

After that, Chu Jiang's toes kicked the crotch of the leading man again!

The leading man was busy blocking his crotch with his palm, so Chu Jiang kicked his palm.


Another scream, the leading man instinctively loosened his crotch because his palm hurt!

Chu Jiang probably kicked his entire metacarpal bone open! The leading man of Wei felt unbearable pain and almost fainted!

However, his palm had just moved away from his crotch, but Chu Jiang's foot did not miss this opportunity and kicked his crotch like lightning again!

This time, it's even harder and sharper than before!

After the leading man screamed, his eyes darkened and he fainted directly!

Well, this "no matter what fish" has been properly slaughtered by Chu River. It is estimated that you will never look up again in the future.

"Asshole, asshole!"

Seeing this scene, the remaining gangsters were furious. They didn't expect that this damn young man dared to fight back!

In the past, diners were allowed to be slaughtered by them. If they didn't fight back, they wouldn't scold back, which also helped to increase the arrogance of gangsters. But what happened today? How dare diners hurt their boss!

In the eyes of the gangsters, Chu Jiang is just an ordinary diner, but he didn't expect this diner to dare to be a leader.

In fact, when these gangsters saw Peng Yuqin, they had already planned not to let these people go. Then the best beauty is rarely seen once in ten years. If they don't take the opportunity to win it, they will definitely regret it for half their lives.

What's more, the young man also injured their companions! These two together, they become more famous after graduation!

Several gangsters rushed towards the Chu River in a fierce manner!

The rest of the diners screamed in horror!

The iron door has fallen, and the small door is still open. When the diner sitting at the door saw that no one was blocking the door, he quickly took the opportunity to flee!

Chu Jiang still seemed to have a faint smile on his face. With one hand, he pulled the arm of the front gangster, and then lifted his knee. With a very vicious knee bump, he heavily pressed the other side's ribs!

"Click click" several times in a row, the sound of bone fracture sounded!

That sour voice makes people get goose bumps involuntarily!

After being hit by such a knee, the gangster bent down on the spot and became a half cooked shrimp. After Chu Jiang's knee was put down, his right fist was raised high and hit the other party's spine heavily!

I saw that the gangster's body of more than 200 kilograms immediately lost control and fell heavily on the ground! Roll your eyes and lose consciousness - completely become cooked shrimp!

Another tough guy rushed up.

Chu Jiang seemed to feel that hitting people like this was not very pleasant and affected the cleanness of his hands, so he conveniently picked up a wooden stool.

The third gangster waved his fist and saw that his fist was about to hit Chu Jiang's face. As a result, a wooden stool made a close contact on his head.

With a dull sound, the wooden stool was intact, and a large amount of cyan appeared on the gangster's head, and he immediately fell to the ground, silent.

"Why, do you still want to come?" Chu Jiang cleaned up the three guys in one breath and said to the remaining three.

At this moment, the rest of the gangsters seemed to have just woken up. Tonight, they met a super cruel man, who was not the opponent of the other party at all. They looked at each other and immediately left their injured companions and ran away.

Looking at these figures, Chu Jiang still couldn't see them, so he threw the wooden stool out again!

So Cui Huayu and Li Gan watched the stool fly over a distance of more than ten meters, and hit the back of the head of a gangster with great accuracy!

That guy didn't hum, directly fell to the ground, unaware of life and death!

The remaining two thugs don't care about their companions at all. They run faster than wild dogs, and those who rub against each other will disappear!

Some pedestrians were frightened and took a detour. By the way, they glanced at the restaurant. When they saw several thugs lying on the ground, they all changed color and hurried away.

They all know that in backward neighborhoods, these gangsters are the overlords. This small restaurant has caused such a big thing. It's estimated that you can't think of kindness.

Chu Jiang clapped his hands: "just this ability, also come out to mix!"

With that, he picked up those unconscious thugs on the ground, threw them all into the middle of the street, and fell head and blood.

"It's all right." Chu Jiang said to Peng Yuqin.

At this time, Li Gan and Cui Huayu were still in a strong shock, and some were speechless.

They have opened a small restaurant in this backward neighborhood for two years, and have always endured humiliation and been bullied. When have they seen someone dare to resist gangsters? And in such a fierce and violent way!

Peng Yuqin became accustomed to this situation. She smiled gently and said, "Huayu, it's okay."

Looking at the restaurant that had run out, Chu Jiang shook his head and sighed.

From a certain point of view, he saved these diners, but when the Chu River was under siege, none of these diners offered a helping hand and just ran for their lives.

Since ancient times, heroes have been sad. In other words, the gun hit the first bird. Whoever is willing to stand up for justice first must be the first one to suffer.

This is the sorrow of society and the misfortune of human nature. Chujiang has nothing to complain about this, not to mention that these diners are ordinary people, just a little sigh.

Moreover, Chu Jiang can almost guarantee that these fleeing diners will never return this meal to Huayu restaurant in the future.

After such a thing happened, Li Gan and Cui Huayu looked at each other, and then they came back from the shock, and their eyes filled with deep worry.

Chu Jiang was strong and even domineering just now, but after all, there was only one person. Those gangsters fled back. If they found help to revenge, would the result be too terrible? That's not what a small Huayu restaurant can afford!

At that time, it is conservatively estimated that the restaurant will be smashed from the inside out, and even if Li Gan is not killed, his arms and legs will certainly be broken. As for the result of Cui Huayu... He can figure it out with his toes!

Chu Jiang didn't seem to think of this at all, but said with a smile, "everyone has left, let's continue to eat."

With that, he actually sat at the table, took the lead in holding a few chopsticks, and ate with relish. It seemed that the previous fight had not affected his mood at all.

However, Chu Jiang can eat, and Cui Huayu and Li Gan have no appetite.

"Yuqin, get out of here with your boyfriend. Hurry up, it's too late." Cui Huayu hurriedly said.

Li Gan moves faster and is ready to close the small door of the store.

"Why?" Peng Yuqin asked.

"Because these gangsters have Gang backstage, it seems that the largest gang in Changshi belongs to Fengyun gang. It is said that Fengyun Gang is the largest gang in Jiangnan. In short, they will come back to revenge!" Cui Huayu's face was full of worry. "They are all people who must repay for their evil deeds. If we beat them like this, they will definitely come to the door again!"

Hearing Cui Huayu say "let's beat them like this" instead of "you beat them like this", Chu Jiang's mouth showed a smile. In his opinion, Cui Huayu is a friend worth making at this juncture.

Li Gan also said, "please leave here quickly. We'll close the store for the time being to avoid the limelight. Safety comes first."

It can be seen that this young man is also a very righteous person, not like those fleeing diners who only care about themselves.

In fact, Chu Jiang, who had no hope for the tolerant character of the diners, greatly increased his favor for Li Gan and his wife at this time.

He has really seen too many examples of helping others, but in the end he was bitten by those who were helped.

Chu Jiang knew that although Li Gan said to close the store for a few days and go out to avoid the limelight, when they came back, the store must have been smashed in a mess, and those gangsters with a strong sense of revenge would never let them go.

In the future, Li Gan and his wife may not be able to stay in these blocks, or even in Changshi.

From another perspective, if Chu Jiang doesn't sell today, Huayu restaurant will only suffer a small loss of hundreds or thousands of yuan. It can continue to operate tomorrow, so as not to fall into the situation that it can't even open the restaurant.

In this case, Li Gan and Cui Huayu didn't blame Chu Jiang for his recklessness, but persuaded them to leave quickly. They didn't mention their losses at all, and Chu Jiang had to treat them a little differently.

In that case, Chujiang must completely solve this matter and cannot let Peng Yuqin's friends suffer losses again.

"Don't worry, we won't go." Chu Jiang said.

"Oh, you don't know how lawless these gangsters are. They are all scum. Leave quickly. It's really unsafe for you and Yuqin to stay here!" Cui Huayu said impatiently.

Li Gan also said, "otherwise, I have a good friend in Changshi. The four of us will stay there for a few days to avoid the wind."

From their dialogue, Chu Jiang heard that the couple Cui Huayu didn't know the real identity of Peng Yuqin at all, because many people in Changshi were surnamed Peng. They didn't know that Peng Yuqin's Peng family was strong enough in Changshi to make the first family of Jiangnan rich families worry about their family.

However, after hearing this, Chu Jiang's score for Li Gan was higher: "brother Li, you're so interesting, I can't afford to be rude. Since I'm here today, I'll solve all things at once."

Everything solved? Disposable?

Li Gan and Cui Huayu were a little unconvinced and wanted to persuade, but Chu Jiang stopped their words.

I saw a text message from Chu Jiang, the content of which was: "Li Meimei, are you all in Changshi?"

The other side immediately replied, "just arrived."

Chu Jiang replied, "see you in the old street area in the south of Changshi!"

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